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Published byArline Byrd Modified over 8 years ago
AGENDA FOR THE DAY 1200 – 1245Registration 1300 – 1315Welcome Reports on June 2012 papers Reports on Modules T1 and T2 Reports on Modules T3 and T4 Reports on Modules T5 and T6 1450 – 1500Issues re new 2012 specification 1500 – 1530 Plenary and questions
In October the Minister for Education, John O’Dowd MLA, commissioned CCEA to carry out a review to ensure that GCSE and GCE qualifications are capable of “testing and rewarding the learning and attainment of pupils at the end of compulsory schooling and at the end of 6th form.” The review process begins today with the publication of an online survey seeking views from across the community on these important qualifications. The review will look at the benefits of retaining the current system, options for improving it, and the possibility of replacing it. CCEA will be gathering feedback from across the Northern Ireland community, taking evidence and advice from key stakeholders, and looking at best practice in other exam systems. In particular we will be looking to ensure school leaders play a significant part in the process. THE WAY FORWARD
CCEA Website
Mathematics microsite
GCE Mathematics page
Examiner/student support Events Topic Tracker Past Papers/mark schemes/tips on web GCSE Mathematics Support Centre support Teacher’s Guide
Scheme of Assessment GCSE Mathematics 2010 Specification Unit Test Target GradesCompletion Test Available grades Higher Tier T4 A* A B T6 A* A B C D (E) T3 BCDBCD Foundation Tier T2 CDECDE T5 CDEFGCDEFG T1 EFGEFG weighting 45% 55%
All papers have 100 marks T1 - T4 papers address 3 grades each T5 and T6 – papers split in 2 parts but nevertheless address 5 grades each Papers are also balanced across Number/Algebra/SS & M/Data Handling CCEA Specification
T1 - T4 all calculator T5 and T6 – papers split in 2 parts; hence 27.5% non-calculator overall T5 requires only knowledge of T1 and not T2; no T2 material on T5 T6 requires only knowledge of T3 and not T4; no T4 material on T6 CCEA Specification
Scheme of Assessment Assessment ComponentsPercentage Assessment Weighting Foundation Tier Test T1 or Test T245% Completion Test T5 two papers 55% Higher Tier Test T3 or Test T445% Completion Test T6 two papers 55%
Unit T1, T2, T3, T4 Completion Test T5 Completion Test T6 AWARD Max UMS 180153220400 Grade A*162 – 180198 – 220 360 – 400 A144 – 161176 – 197320 – 359 B126 – 143154 – 175280 – 319 C108 – 125132 – 153 240 – 279 D90 – 107110 – 131 200 – 239 E72 – 8988 – 109 160 – 199 F54 – 7166 – 87(66 – 87)120 – 159 G36 – 5344 – 65(44 – 65)80 – 119 U0 – 350 – 43 0 – 79 Uniform Marks
Scheme of Assessment For a full award, candidates must complete two tests: a unit test and a completion test: Foundation Tier candidates would normally enter for T1 or T2 and T5 Higher Tier candidates would normally enter for T3 or T4 and T6
T3 MAX = 83 T5 MAX = 75 Uniform marks T3 = 143 T5 = 153 Total = 296 CCEA Specification Grade B = 280 But - any combination of T1 to T4 along with T5 or T6 is possible
Grade boundaries Summer 2012 T4 A* 74, A 56, B 36 T3 B 63, C 43, D 28 T2 C 57, D 38, E 19 T1 E 62, F 42, G 22
Grade boundaries T5 and T6 for June 2012 (raw marks or percentages) T6 A* 77, A 61, B 45, C 30, D 15 T5 C 63, D 51, E 40, F 29, G 18
The 40% rule The Completion Test (T5 or T6) should normally be taken at the end of the course as terminal assessment and contributes to the candidate’s final grade Candidates must take at least 40% of the assessment in the same series they enter for certification of the qualification
Terminal and Resit Rules JCQ circular sent to schools in Jan 2010 Students must take at least 40% of the assessment in the final examination series when they certificate. This means that at the time they cash-in, they must sit at least one unit of either T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 or T6.
Terminal and Resit Rules The 40% terminal assessment means that there is limited flexibility in the way that students can progress throughout the course. Students may only resit a unit once.
Terminal and Resit Rules The better result for the two attempts at a unit counts, as long as the 40% terminal requirement is satisfied. The final grade will include the assessment unit result which satisfies the terminal requirement. This means that the results for the unit that satisfies the terminal requirement will count (i.e will be used to calculate the grade) even if there is a better score for an earlier attempt at this unit.
Candidates should know that their work is being marked online and for that reason they should be made familiar with the general layout of the paper before sitting the exam and in particular the fact that all working out should be done inside the boxed area that has been set aside for scanning. Candidates should also make sure that results on tracing paper are transferred to the body of the question/answer booklet. On line Marking
You should remind candidates taking these examinations that: they must answer the questions in the spaces provided, they should not write outside the box, around each page, on blank pages or tracing paper. they must not use gel pens of any colour to complete their question papers. Invigilator’s Diary
GCSE MATHEMATICS Module T1 General Advice for Teachers Summer 2012
Unit T1 Stress the importance of and encourage pupils to: Bring the correct equipment (calculator, ruler, protractor etc) Show your method especially on QWC questions – use words where suitable
Unit T1 The following topics were well done: Pictograms (Q1) Shapes from nets (Q2) Largest number, rounding, decimal (Q3) Bar chart, frequency table (Q4) Plotting coordinates (Q10) Angles (Q7b, Q15, Q24) Real-life problems (Q5 social arithmetic and Q7a metric units)
Unit T1 Also Sequences (Q6) Stem and leaf (easier part Q17) Compass bearings (Q19) The following topics were well done by the better equipped candidates Midpoint, measuring distance & angle (Q9, 19) Drawing a triangle (Q23)
Unit T1 The following topics were well done by the stronger candidates Choosing types of numbers (Q8) Number problem, negatives (Q12) Calculation of mean, median (Q11) Profit and loss (Q21 QWC)
Unit T1 The following topics caused problems Area of kite on grid, units, volume (Q13) 5% of 4 metres (Q14a) Algebra (Q16) Subtracting fractions (Q22a) Drawing a pie chart (Q22b)
Unit T1 and…. Other types of QWC questions Describing from bar chart or pie chart and giving a possible reason for the results Deciding whether an answer to a question is right or wrong and explaining why Describing a different way of finding an answer to a question Using clear mathematical processes
GCSE MATHEMATICS Module T2 General Advice for Teachers Summer 2012
Stress the importance of and encourage pupils to: Bring the correct equipment (calculator, ruler, protractor etc) Show your method Look out for an answer space which needs units to be supplied Unit T2
Topics which were generally well done Pie Chart (Q1b) Triangle, kite (Q2) Number work (Q3) Money, QWC (Q4, 8 & 10) Graph (Q5) Stem and Leaf (Q6) Unit T2
Topics which were generally well done Sequences & Equations (Q7) Ratio (Q12) Prime Factors (Q14) Percentages (Q15) Scatter Graph (Q18)
Unit T2 The students had some problems with the following Fractions (Q1a) Bearings (Q9) Algebra - setting up equation (Q11) Circle, Units, Area (Q13 & 19c)
Unit T2 The students had some problems with the following Mid-point (Q19a) Interior angles of Polygon (Q19b) Sequences - nth term (Q16) Converse of Pythagoras’ Theorem (Q17)
Unit T2 The students had some problems with the following Frequency Polygon (Q20) Flow Chart (Q21) Trial & Improvement (Q22)
GCSE MATHEMATICS Module T3 General Advice for Teachers Summer 2012
High calibre at upper end of spectrum – producing work at T4 level. Completion of paper from start to finish. Method being clearly shown – allowing part marks to be awarded even when final solution incorrect. Online Marking – boxed area, orientation, within question space allocated etc. Identification and requirement for QWC questions. T3 General Comments
Recognising requirement for units (Q5c) Trial & Improvement (Q14) Trigonometry (Q18) T3 Areas of improvement
T3 Areas for development Recurring decimals/exact fractions (Q2c and Q3ai) Recognition of term ‘estimate’ in context of mean from a grouped frequency table (Q12a). Use of coordinates and straight line geometry (Q6, Q18a, Q19b) – considerably weak. QWC – requirement to explain clearly mathematical thinking (Q4 and Q16) [Slides for Q16]. Linking all information given in question or linking parts of questions (Q5b, Q9c, Q11b, Q19b) [Slide for Q5b]
Discriminator Questions Q3b – Formation of equation (involving £ and p). Q5b – Conversion of squared units. Q6 – Linear graph in form ax + by = c Q11 – Reverse thinking of Pythagoras Theorem. Q16 – QWC requirement. Q19b – Equation of a line given two points (cpt, gd, eqn)
Q5b - exemplar
QWC – Q16 – exemplar 1
QWC – Q16 – exemplar 2
QWC – Q16 – exemplar 3
GCSE MATHEMATICS Module T4 General Advice for Teachers Summer 2012
1.Cumulative Frequency/Box Plots 2.Lowest Common Multiple 3.Trigonometry in cone 4.Simultaneous Equations 5.Factorising T4 Summer 2012 TOPICS ANSWERED WELL
6.Equation of line and perpendicular 7.Solving linear equations 8.Cosine Rule and ½ ab sin C 9.Expanding brackets and solving quadratics by formula T4 Summer 2012 TOPICS ANSWERED WELL
1.QWC questions q1 and q7 2.Length of a line in coordinate geometry 3.Angles in a circle 4.Bearing question 8 5.Inverse proportion TOPICS NOT ANSWERED WELL T4 Summer 2012
6.Complex factorising/fractional equations 7.Variable width histogram 8.3D trigonometry 9.Indices showing all working T4 Summer 2012 TOPICS NOT ANSWERED WELL
The Right command Look at the command word and determine which skills are to be assessed in the question Identify/name ShowRearrange Work out CalculateWrite down Solve FactoriseSimplify Describe Expand Hence Explain Compare Analyse Estimate Evaluate Convert Prove Find Express Plot
GCSE MATHEMATICS T5 JUNE 2012 General Advice for Teachers For the T5 Papers References to Modules T51 and T52 from Summer 2012
GENERAL ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES SITTING THE T5 PAPERS Candidates should be familiar with the two papers per module format and that the first paper will be non-calculator with the calculator paper following immediately after. Schools will usually organise a short break between the two papers. Candidates should know that each paper is one hour long and that the questions are graded from G to C, with the easier questions at the beginning and the higher graded questions at the end. Candidates should be encouraged to attempt all questions, with any correct work leading to an incorrect solution being awarded part marks.
Where the question says ‘show your working’, no marks will be rewarded without this being done. Where it says ‘estimate’, no marks are given where a straight calculation is done and an estimation technique is not employed. Where it says ‘explain’, no marks will be given unless a correct mathematical explanation is given either, using well written English or proper mathematical notation. GENERAL ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES SITTING THE T5 PAPERS
Candidates will be assessed for the ‘quality of their written communication’ and questions testing this will be labelled as QWC questions. Candidates should be aware that all measure type questions require units in the answer space and where they are absent they need to be put in – there is usually a mark available for this. GENERAL ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES SITTING THE T5 PAPERS
Where a question asks for an appropriate degree of accuracy, pupils need to observe the ‘number of significant figures’ used for data in the question and ensure that their answer is not more ‘significant’. Candidates need to be accurate in all of their calculation work and should be prepared to check it as they go along. They should always ask themselves a final question - “does my answer look sensible?” GENERAL ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES SITTING THE T5 PAPERS
All graph and construction work needs to be completed carefully as later parts to the question may depend on initial accuracy. Conversion graphs must have a conversion line drawn before any readings can be taken. Candidates should always bring the correct equipment needed for every test and use it appropriately when required. GENERAL ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES SITTING THE T5 PAPERS
Candidates should know that their work is being marked online and for that reason they should be made familiar with the general layout of the paper before sitting the exam and in particular the fact that all working out should be done inside the boxed area that has been set aside for scanning. Candidates should also make sure that they turn through every page to complete the paper. GENERAL ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES SITTING THE T5 PAPERS
Module T5 Paper 1 The following topics were well done: Q1.Lines of symmetry and reflection of a shape Q2 Probability – selecting the correct word Q4 Probability – selecting the correct decimal Q6(a) Order of rotation – Lines of symmetry Q7(b) ‘Bodmas’ calculations Q9(a) and (b) Probability calculations Q10(a) Share in a given ratio Q13(a) Probability problem
The candidates had most problems with the following Q3 (d) Estimation Q5(b) Find the value of W
The students had most problems with the following Q6(b)(ii) Complete the shape Q 7(a) Estimate
The candidates had most problems with the following Q8(a) (i) Enlarge the shape Q10(b) Write down the value
The candidates had most problems with the following Q11 InequalityQ12 Reciprocal
Module T5 Paper 2 The following topics were well done: Q1 Naming shapes Q2(a) Reading a scale Q6 Triangles with symmetry Q7(a) Probability- arrange in order Q10(a) Fill in the correct symbols Q12 Adapt a recipe Q13(b) ‘Could be odd or even’
The candidates had most problems with the following Q2(b) Oil in the tank Q3(a) Hiring scaffolding
The candidates had most problems with the following Q7(b) Probability of black Q8 Correct rounding
The candidates had most problems with the following Q13(a) Make ‘ y ’ the subject Q14 Transformations
The candidates had most problems with the following Q15 Solve the inequality Q16 Indices
GCSE MATHEMATICS Module T6 General Advice for Teachers References to T61 and T62 Summer 2012
GCSE Mathematics T61 Summer 2012
NUMBER Q2 – OK Q7 – The word ‘reciprocal’ not always familiar to candidates Q11 – OK Q12 – The term ‘rationalise the denominator’ was not understood by some candidates Q15 – OK
ALGEBRA Q6 – OK Q9 – OK apart from part (f) which most candidates found very challenging Q10 – Rearranging a formula often challenges algebraic manipulation skills Q14 – Very poorly attempted – some confusion regarding meaning of QWC
GEOMETRY Q3 – OK Q4 – OK Q8 – Evidence of candidates’ lack of practice in ‘ruler and compasses’ constructions Q13 – Some problems identifying the appropriate formula to use, often confusing area and volume.
PROBABILITY Q1 – OK but some counting problems Q5 – Part (a) was OK but some problems in part (b) regarding sampling without replacement.
T6 Paper 2 The following topics were well done: Ratio & Proportion (Q1) Changing Subject (Q2a) Could be Even or Odd (Q2b) Probability (Q3)
T6 Paper 2 The following topics were well done: Speed, Distance, Time (Q4) Transformations (Q6) Indices (Q7a)
T6 Paper 2 The students had some problems with the following Inequalities (Q7b) Harder Probability (Q5,10 & 12) Cylindrical Surface Area (Q8)
T6 Paper 2 The students had some problems with the following Dimensions (Q9) Expanding Indices (Q11) Area of Sector (Q13)
– Joe McGurk – Telephone9026 1443 – Email – Nuala Braniff (Specification Support Officer) Telephone 9026 1200 Ext 2292 Email Contacts at CCEA
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