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RENKEI:UGI Takashi Sasaki. Project history The RENKEI project led by Prof. Ken Miura of NII is funded by MEXT during JFY2008-2011 The goal of the project.

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Presentation on theme: "RENKEI:UGI Takashi Sasaki. Project history The RENKEI project led by Prof. Ken Miura of NII is funded by MEXT during JFY2008-2011 The goal of the project."— Presentation transcript:

1 RENKEI:UGI Takashi Sasaki

2 Project history The RENKEI project led by Prof. Ken Miura of NII is funded by MEXT during JFY2008-2011 The goal of the project was developing middleware for enabling e-Science KEK is a part of RENKEI and worked for developing a middle layer to absorb the differences among middleware including GRID, Cloud, batch queuing system and etc for application developers

3 Achievements Joined the SAGA working group – Developed the adaptors for the C++ implementation UGI has been developed as the python library – Web interface can be implemented easily by Django Applications are implemented using UGI – Particle therapy simulation and ILC

4 Mon- itor SAGA SD SAGA Job RNS ServerGlobus Gfarm GsiFTP LFC NAREGI gLite Universal Grid User Interface (Python) “SAGA” Layer “UGI” Layer Application iRODS/SRB LSF/PBS/Torque Cloud Python API Command Line Interface Web Interface Architecture of UGI 2010/10/274OGF30 RNS Client SAGA File

5 SAGA: A Simple API for Grid Applications 13 June, 2011RENKEI Sympo.20115 SD

6 SAGA adaptors from KEK 6 2012

7 SAGA stable adaptors

8 Experimental SAGA adaptors

9 UGI Job Handling UGI job handling provides common mechanism to control job submission for different middleware. Each job submission script is written in the SAGA API. SAGA (C++) Adaptors developed by KEK – NAREGI, PBS-Pro, Torque Additional Interface Developed: – gLite-WMS–job ( gLite-CREAM-job adaptor is under development for SAGA C++ ) – Bulk job submission for NAREGI and gLite (Python wrapper for client commands) UGI Commands and API :Example ugi-job-submit ugi.job.submit(tasks) Steps to submit jobs – Create task object: ugi.job.task() Set path to the task script file: written with SAGA Select site to be run Select run mode: multiple sub./bulk sub. Set no. of jobs to be submitted to the site – Make a collection of task: tasks – Submit these tasks by ugi.job.submit(tasks) task is defined as a collection of jobs for a specific site. class task (); script site mode njobs 2010/10/279OGF30

10 Globus gLite NAREGI Task-1( task script written with SAGA) Task-3 Task-2 Job-1 ~job-100 Job-101 ~job-200 Job-201 ~job-300 XML-RPC client for ugi-file-tansfer-copy, …. ugi-mon-job-update, … Application UGI SAGA/Adaptors XML-RPC server Job monitor DB (job script) 2010/10/2710OGF30

11 UGI File Handling For seamless file management and access, SAGA file adaptors are used, and RNS (OGF Resource Namespace Service) is used for middleware independent file catalog. Broad range of file system middleware should be supported in the UGI for practical needs, such as gsiftp, LFC/SRM, Gfarm, iRODS, as well as UNIX local file system. SAGA Adaptors of Gfarm and iRODS are developed by KEK. Functionalities out side of SAGA are implemented by Python wrapper of client commands. Commands and API Example: ugi-file-ls command path options(-l,…) ugi-file-ls /kek/ilc/mc-2008 : catalog path in RNS gsi : files in gsiftp server lfn.//lfc-hostname/grid/... :files in gLite file://localhost/home/user01/data01/ :local file - - - - - - 2010/10/2711 OGF30

12 File catalog with RNS File Catalog is implemented using the RNS – RNS namespace is used for logical file catalog and keeps a file URL in the EPR – RNS accepts user-defined metadata for each file in the XML format. It is useful for data file search. – A local RNS catalog is possible to be adapted to the central RNS catalog seamlessly in a single tree structure,which is useful for not only load sharing but also for flexible catalog management. central/1ocal-1/…/local-2/kek/exp0101 OGF3012 Central RNS server local-1 local-2 local-3 2010/10/27

13 RNS-client LFCj-client Implementation of File Catalog OGF3013 RNS-server RNS-client LFCj-client SAGA gLite/SE NAREGI /gfarm iRODS/SRB Local UNIX work nodes RNS File Catalog User Work Bench UGI DB (JavaDB) User application Grid Middleware API commands 2010/10/27 XML-RPC

14 UGI Monitoring Monitoring might cover various monitoring of jobs, resources as well as application status based on a lightweight database. Current implementation is for job monitoring only. The job monitoring is possible to include not only job status but also job management information, input parameters of each job, input/output file information by key-value pairs. Each running job can update monitor database by XML-RPC server/client mechanism between UGI/SAGA host and each compute node. UGI/SAGA host Grid Database(sqlite3) 2010/10/2714OGF30 Compute nodes

15 UGI Commands and API Job ugi-job-submitugi.job.submit() ugi-job-cancelugi.job.cancel() File ugi-file-register ugi.file.register() ugi-file-unregisterugi.file.unregister() ugi-file-transfer-copyugi.file.transfer_copy() ugi-file-transfer-register ugi.file.transfer_register() ugi-file-replicateugi.file.replicate() ugi-file-removeugi.file.remoce() Monitor ugi-mon-job-update ugi.mon.job_update() ugi-mon-job-status ugi.mon.job_status() ugi-mon-job-searchugi.mon.job_search() ugi-mon-job-setstatusugi.mon.job_setstatus() ugi-mon-job-delete ugi.mon.job_delete() ugi-mon-job-inituig.mon.job_init() 2010/10/2715OGF30

16 Testbed KISTI IT-Hiroshima NC-Toyama NIFS NII TITECH KEK LSU(USA) GRID: NAREGI KEK,NII, TITECH,KISTI, 富山高専、核融合研 広島工大、 GRID: gLite KEK 、広島工大 GRID: Globus KEK,LSU(XSEDE) Local: LSF KEK

17 Web interface

18 Human cell

19 The development efforts for GRID funded by MEXT is ending in the end of March – NAREGI 6 years – eScience 3.5 years MEXT never funded for GRID operations not as like EU

20 HPCI High Performance Computing Infrastructure Riken AICS where “K” sits hosts the project They will begin from the scratch

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