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General Motors Company Health & Safety Audit Performance Standards Joint Site Leadership & Champion Awareness Training UAW-GM Safety System Policy UAW-GM.

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Presentation on theme: "General Motors Company Health & Safety Audit Performance Standards Joint Site Leadership & Champion Awareness Training UAW-GM Safety System Policy UAW-GM."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Motors Company Health & Safety Audit Performance Standards Joint Site Leadership & Champion Awareness Training UAW-GM Safety System Policy UAW-GM Safety System Standards Audit Performance Standards Audit Technical Standards Guidance Documents (non-mandatory) Site Documents (SOPs, Standardized Work, local policies, etc.)

2 GM H&S Audit Performance Standard Training Roadmap for today’s discussion 1.UAW-GM Safety System Recap 2.Purpose of H&S Audit Performance Standards (APS) 3.Audit Performance Standard’s Structure & Documents 4.Audit Technical Standards & Guidance Documents 5.Audit Performance Standard Champions - Roles & Responsibilities 6.Self-Assessment Process 7.Systemic Failures - How to Identify Systemic Failures 8.Gap Closure Plans 9.UAW-GM Health & Safety Storyboard – Priority 1  Milestones one (1) through six (6) 10.Site Implementation Resources Note: If the audience has not received the UAW-GM Safety System training prior to this training, click here to review the UAW-GM Safety System – Site Leadership here

3 1. UAW-GM Safety System Recap UAW-GM Safety System is the engine that runs our H&S performance, ensuring compliance to regulations and conformance to GM Standards as part of our fatality prevention strategy. Provides the Plan, Do, Check, Adjust (PDCA) method UAW-GM Safety System Standards are the core H&S requirements: GR – General Requirements 1.0 – Policy & Organization 2.0 – Planning 3.0 – Implementation & Operation 4.0 – Checking & Corrective Action 5.0 – Joint Leadership Review Provide a systematic approach that ties everything together in order to sustain improved performance year on year.

4 2. Purpose of H&S Audit Performance Standards H&S Audit Performance Standards are part of the UAW-GM Safety System, and provide the technical requirements for specific common Safety or Industrial Hygiene hazards at a site. Provides a systematic approach to continuously adjust requirements to manage these hazards: –Hazard identification and risk assessment (Plan) –Implementation (Do) –Checking (Check) –Corrective action (Adjust) processes. It enable sites to reduce H&S risk to people, equipment, and processes as part of our fatality prevention strategy. H&S Audit Performance Standards Implementation Jointly agreed upon documents UAW-GM Modules the vision of Doc. No. 7, 14, 105, 117, 122, 139 Attachment A of the UAW-GM National Agreement Major Letters GM Global Environment al, Hygiene & Safety Policy (EHS- 01) UAW-GM Health and Safety Implementation Guidelines

5 3. Audit Performance Standard Structure Each Audit Performance Standard is designed to help sites implement a series of processes in order to identify, evaluate, and control H&S Hazards and Risks, using the Plan, Do, Check, Adjust philosophy. Each Audit Performance Standard is developed to provide the minimum requirements to minimize risk at our sites (e.g. confined spaces, fall hazard control, or chemical exposures). Audit Performance Standards were developed using existing GM documents (e.g. GMS Health & Safety, UAW-GM Audit Modules, etc.), and more prescriptive requirements were added to raise the bar.

6 3. Performance Standard Structure Purpose & Scope Planning –Regulatory Compliance –Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Implementation –Documented Program –Roles & Responsibilities –Implementation Requirements –Training –Documentation –Change Management Checking & Corrective Action –Planned Inspections / SOT –Program Evaluation Fall Hazard Control Hazardou s Materials Confine d Spaces PLAN DO CHECK ACT FEEDBACK LOOP SAME STRUCTURE ADJUST PLAN

7 3. Performance Standard Documents Note: 20 Audit Performance Standards are being launched in 2015. Additional Audit Performance Standards are under development to be launched in 2016. H&S APS 3.4-090 Workplace Transportation H&S APS 3.4-100 Fire & Explosion Prevention H&S APS 3.4-110 Risk Activities H&S APS 3.4-120 Walking and Working surfaces H&S APS 3.4-130 Laboratory Safety H&S APS 3.4-150 Chemical Exposure Assessment H&S APS 3.4-160 Hazardous Material Control H&S APS 3.4-170 Physical Agents assessment and control H&S APS 3.4-180 Personal Protective Equipment H&S APS 1.2-010 S&H Leader Competency & Qualifications H&S APS 3.5-010 Change Management H&S APS 3.6-010 Contractor Safety H&S APS 3.4-010 Confined Spaces H&S APS 3.4-020 Machine Guarding H&S APS 3.4-030 Energy Control H&S APS 3.4-040 Fall Hazard Control H&S APS 3.4-050 Electrical Safety H&S APS 3.4-060 Mobile Equipment & Pedestrian Safety H&S APS 3.4-070 Lifting and Rigging Operations H&S APS 3.4-080 Die Handling

8 3. H&S Audit Performance Standard Examples Mobile Equipment & Pedestrian Safety: Performance Standard Example Plan:Regulatory Requirements Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Do:Implementation Requirements PIV Committee Orange Crush Zones Awareness & Engineering Design Training & Retraining Check:Planned Inspections / SOT Act:Program Evaluation H&S Improvement Plans Joint Leadership Review Confined Spaces: Performance Standard Example Plan:Regulatory Requirements Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Do:Implementation Requirements Entry Requirements Warning Signs Atmospheric Testing Training Check:Planned Inspections / SOT Act:Program Evaluation H&S Improvement Plans Joint Leadership Review

9 4. Technical Standards GM H&S Audit Technical Standards provide additional requirements for specific areas or topics of a performance standard. Example: Audit Performance Standard Physical Agent Assessment and Control Audit Technical Standards Noise Control & Hearing Conservation Biological Control of Water Systems Blood borne Pathogens Laser Safety Heat Stress Management Hot Oven Entry Procedures Ionizing & Non-Ionizing Radiation Note: H&S Audit Technical Standards are being developed in 2015, and will launch in 2016.

10 4. Guidance Documents Guidance documents are not mandatory, and provide support information to facilitate the implementation of the requirements included in the standards. They provide the “how”, including examples and good practices. Guidance documents may include procedures templates, risk assessment tools, training material, posters, signs, check-list, pictures, etc. Guidance Documents can be found for each standard on the UAW-GM Joint Activities System (JAS) Site: Click HereClick Here

11 4. How does it all tie together? UAW-GM Safety System Fall Hazard Control – Audit Performance Standard Guidance Documents 4.4: Planned Inspections 4.4.1: Planned Inspection Program Requirements Each site must have a documented Planned Inspection program which must include:  A process to evaluate which planned inspections must be conducted, based on items identified on the site’s Task, Equipment, or H&S Risks Inventories. 4.4: Planned Inspections 4.4.1: Planned Inspection Program Requirements Each site must have a documented Planned Inspection program which must include:  A process to evaluate which planned inspections must be conducted, based on items identified on the site’s Task, Equipment, or H&S Risks Inventories. 5.0 Checking and Corrective Action Requirements 5.1 Planned Inspection The site must have a planned inspection program as outlined in section 4.4.1 of element 4.0 of the UAW-GM Safety System. As part of this planned inspection program, sites must evaluate the following minimum fall hazard related items:  Fall Hazard Equipment Inspection (e.g. PFAS, PFAS attachments, anchorage points, etc.)  Fall Hazard Tasks identified in section 4.1.2 of this standard must be part of the site’s SOT program as outlined in section 4.4.2 of element 4.0 of the UAW-GM Safety System. 5.0 Checking and Corrective Action Requirements 5.1 Planned Inspection The site must have a planned inspection program as outlined in section 4.4.1 of element 4.0 of the UAW-GM Safety System. As part of this planned inspection program, sites must evaluate the following minimum fall hazard related items:  Fall Hazard Equipment Inspection (e.g. PFAS, PFAS attachments, anchorage points, etc.)  Fall Hazard Tasks identified in section 4.1.2 of this standard must be part of the site’s SOT program as outlined in section 4.4.2 of element 4.0 of the UAW-GM Safety System. GUIDANCE FOR SITE IMPLEMENTATION (non-mandatory) Document includes: Guidance for site implementation Planned Inspection Program Example Planned Inspection Inventory Template GUIDANCE FOR SITE IMPLEMENTATION (non-mandatory) Document includes: Guidance for site implementation Planned Inspection Program Example Planned Inspection Inventory Template UAW-GM SS 4.0 – Document CLICK HERE FOR LINK UAW-GM SS 4.0 – Document CLICK HERE FOR LINK H&S APS 3.4-040 – Standard CLICK HERE FOR LINK H&S APS 3.4-040 – Standard CLICK HERE FOR LINK H&S GD 4.4 – Planned Inspections CLICK HERE FOR LINK H&S GD 4.4 – Planned Inspections CLICK HERE FOR LINK

12 5. Global Manufacturing System (GMS) All GMS H&S Core Requirements are included in the UAW-GM Safety System The Global S&IH and GMS Organizations are working together to develop a new set of core H&S Requirements to be included into GMS. The current plan is to merge the UAW-GM Safety System into GMS in 2016. Important: If a site conducts the UAW-GM Safety System and Audit Performance Standard Self-Assessments then this covers the requirement to conduct the GMS H&S Self-Assessment. You do not need to complete both.

13 5. H&S Assessment & Audit Process Site Self Assessments Purpose: Annual site process designed to identify system failures and drive continuous improvement Timing: 2014+ Who: Sites How: Using Self Assessment Tool based off the standards Three (3) layers of Control UAW-GM H&S Audit Purpose: Yearly process designed to identify system failures, teach and coach sites on standard requirements, & identify improvements for processes Timing: 2014+ Who: UAW-GM Joint Audit Team How: Using Audit Performance Standards/UAW-GM Audit Modules. GM Audit Services Purpose: 3 years audit designed to act as a 3rd line of defense for corporate governance Timing: 2014+ Who: GMAS Team How: Global S&IH is working with GMAS to develop a year by year audit guide that focuses on regulatory compliance, Global S&IH Priorities, and Global Call to Actions. This audit guide will give the site specific expectations during each of our implementation years.

14 Review and understand the requirements outlined in the your assigned standard(s) Understand your site’s local regulatory requirements for your assigned standard(s) by reaching out to the champion of section 2.1.1 regulatory compliance of the UAW-GM Safety System Incorporate both regulatory and Audit performance standard requirements into site specific documented program for your standard(s) Monitor implementation effectiveness through the planned inspection and self- assessment(s) and program evaluation processes. Be open and honest about process gaps or system failures … It is the only way to drive performance. Review and update documents and records as necessary. 6. Audit Performance Standard Champions – Roles & Responsibilities

15 Purpose: Annual process to identify system failures and close gaps with H&S APS requirements in order to drive continuous improvement. Each champion must use the H&S APS Self-Assessment Tool to complete the assessment. As part of the assessment, physical inspections and review of process documentation will be critical. The assessor must identify two types of findings: –Major Findings = System failures or and entire section of a standard not implemented –Minor Findings = Individual requirements identified not implemented Findings are good! Every finding is an opportunity to fix a problem before someone gets hurt! Findings are used to develop a Gap Closure Plan and to identify system failures. 7. H&S APS Self-Assessment Process

16 7. H&S Self-Assessment – Tool

17 1. 1.System failures usually affect multiple risk areas and can be identified by comparing the results of all SS and APS self-assessments. 2. 2.A systemic failure is considered a major finding, and is a gap in a process at the site that affects multiple risk areas. Incidents are often the result of many things going wrong in the system... The following are common safety processes that may be identified as system failures: a)Regulatory Compliance b)Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment c)Training d)Change Management e)Planned Inspections f)Program Evaluations, etc. 3.Organizational, line side management, cultural, and latent conditions/individual acts are also holes in our system. 8. System Failures “Swiss Cheese” Model

18 8. System Failures “Swiss Cheese” Example Organizational Factors: Not enough resources to close out ME and Pedestrian Safety counter measures Line Management factors: Group leaders are not providing workers with Pedestrian Safety talks or training Safety Process factors: Site’s Planned Inspection process does not include Mobile Equipment and Pedestrian Safety Tasks or Equip. DEATH! Mobile Equipment & Pedestrian Safety: The Program Evaluation Process enables sites to perform self-assessments, read related incident investigations, look at planned inspection findings, review training effectiveness, and conduct worker surveys to identify “holes” in our system. These “holes” are considered system failures, and we must adjust our plans or processes to eliminate these failures before someone gets hurt. Latent conditions: Blind Corners exist at the site Equipment Design hazards Individual acts: No Monitoring or training program for “walking and talking” so workers use mobile devices while walking. Cultural factors: Workers walk through the site without thinking about “What can Kill Me” when walking along side mobile equipment.

19 A gap closure plan is a prioritized list of counter measures to findings of a self-assessment. The site must include major findings (System Failures) as the top priority and minor findings as the secondary priority to address identified gaps on the plan. A gap closure plan may take anywhere from six (6) months to a few years to fully implement the requirements, depending on the site operations, size, resources, and complexity. All requirements must be implemented by 2017. Gap closure plans must be included in the BPD process, and tracked to closure at the Plant Safety Review Board. 9. Gap Closure Plans

20 10. UAW-GM Health & Safety Storyboard BPD Level Zero Priority 1 Note: The icon to the right is the original e-mail communication for the 2015 UAW-GM Health & Safety Storyboard. Priority 1: Conduct UAW-GM Safety System and Audit Performance Standards (20) Self-Assessments, and develop 2015/2016 gap closure plan. MilestoneDue Date 1. Conduct Audit Performance Standard training to Plant Safety Review Board. 1.1 Site Joint Senior Leaders & H&S Leaders provides training Note: addresses the Audit Performance Standards flow, sections and structure. Also highlight key new technical requirements for each of the standards. It will not be a training for final users. Q2 2. Identify Champion (Owner) for each Audit Performance Standard. 2.1 Site Joint Senior Leaders to assign Champion Q2 3. Conduct Audit Performance Standard training to each Champion. 3.1 H&S Leaders to provide training Note: includes training content in 1.1 above and the use of the audit performance standard and guidance documents. Q2 4. Conduct Audit Performance Standard self-assessments (Champions). 4.1 Audit Performance Standards for Sentinel Event Hazard Categories 4.2 Remaining Audit Performance Standards 4.1 Q3 4.2 Q4 5. Conduct Safety System Standard self-assessment (Champions). 5.1 Annual self-assessment similar to 2014 Q4 6. Review and approve 2015/2016 gap closure plan (Site Joint Senior Leaders). 6.1 Gap closure actions tracked to closure on Level I BPD Q4

21 Milestone #1 – Conduct APS Training Milestone #1Due Date 1. Conduct Audit Performance Standard training to Plant Safety Review Board. 1.1 Site Joint Senior Leaders & H&S Leaders provides training Note: addresses the Audit Performance Standards flow, sections and structure. Also highlight key new technical requirements for each of the standards. It will not be a training for final users. Q2 Additional Guidance: 1.Make sure the site joint leadership and audit performance standard champions have already received the training from the UAW-GM Safety System. Training is located here: Click HereClick Here

22 Milestone #2 & #3 – APS Champions Milestone #2Due Date 2. Identify Champion (Owner) for each Audit Performance Standard. 2.1 Site Joint Senior Leaders to assign Champion Q2 Additional Guidance: 1.The Plant Manager & UAW Shop Chairman must assign Audit Performance Standard Champions 2.Try to select champions who is most knowledgeable or passionate about the subject, and select multiple people at the site in order to engage the whole site. Milestone #3Due Date 3. Conduct Audit Performance Standard training to each Champion. 3.1 H&S Leaders to provide training Note: includes training content in 1.1 above and the use of the audit performance standard and guidance documents. Q2 Additional Guidance: 1.Once the champions are identified, provide the champions with the standards, guidance documents, and self-assessment tool. Then schedule either a group or one- on-one training session with the champions to cover this training material.

23 Milestone #4 – Conduct PS Self-Assessments H&S APS 3.4-020 Machine Guarding H&S APS 3.4-110 Risk Activities H&S APS 3.4-120 Walking and Working surfaces H&S APS 3.4-130 Laboratory Safety H&S APS 3.4-150 Chemical Exposure Assessment H&S APS 3.4-160 Hazardous Material Control H&S APS 3.4-170 Physical Agents assessment and control H&S APS 3.4-180 Personal Protective Equipment H&S APS 1.2-010 SIH Leader Competency & Qualifications H&S APS 3.5-010 Change Management H&S APS 3.4-010 Confined Spaces H&S APS 3.4-030 Hazardous Energy Control H&S APS 3.4-040 Fall Hazard Control H&S APS 3.4-050 Electrical Safety H&S APS 3.4-060 Mobile Equipment & Pedestrian Safety H&S APS 3.4-070 Lifting & Rigging Operations H&S APS 3.4-080 Die Handling H&S APS 3.4-090 Workplace Transportation H&S APS 3.4-100 Fire & Explosion Prevention H&S APS 3.6.010 Contractor Safety Sentinel Event Category – Performance StandardsRemaining – Performance Standards Milestone #4Due Date 4. Conduct Audit Performance Standard self-assessments (Champions). 4.1 Audit Performance Standards for Sentinel Event Hazard Categories 4.2 Remaining Audit Performance Standards 4.1 Q3 4.2 Q4 Additional Guidance: 1.The sentinel event hazard category standards are marked in red below, and the remaining standards are in blue.

24 Milestone #5 & #6 – SS Self-Assessment & Develop Gap Closure Plans Additional Guidance: 1.Self-assessments are to be conducted at least annually. The purpose of this activity is to conduct the same self-assessment process as in 2014. The assessment should also take into consideration the site’s 2014 gap closure plan results. Milestone #5Due Date 5. Conduct Safety System Standard self-assessment (Champions). 5.1 Annual self-assessment similar to 2014 Q4 Milestone #6Due Date 6. Review and approve 2015/2016 gap closure plan (Site Joint Senior Leaders). 6.1 Gap closure actions tracked to closure on Level I BPD Q4 Additional Guidance: 1.The focus of this years gap closure plan is to identify systemic failures (major findings) as priority number one by comparing the results of all 20 audit performance standards and the 5 management system standards, and develop a list of systemic failures (Remember the Swiss Cheese Model in slides 15 and 16). All minor findings should be listed as secondary findings, and a long term plan (longer than 6 months, and up to a few years) should be established to close the gaps.

25 1. 1.The UAW-GM Joint Activities System (JAS) site has all of the standards, guidance documents, training materials, and self- assessment tools. LINK: 2. 2.Use the S&IH Management System Overdrive site to ask any question relating to the UAW-GM Safety System, and an admin will answer your questions LINK: Click HereClick Here 3. 3.If the Overdrive site is unavailable, then the GSIH & UAW-GM CHR team is available to help. Please E-mail questions to your Group Safety Manager, or Michael.cooley@uaw- 11. Site Implementation Resources

26 Why do we need to own, believe, and live a systematic process to control safety & industrial hygiene risks to our people? In order to Return People Home Safely: Every Person, Every Site, Every Day…


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