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1 CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Communication including Message Oriented Middleware (Remote Procedure Call, Message and Stream-Oriented Communication)

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Presentation on theme: "1 CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Communication including Message Oriented Middleware (Remote Procedure Call, Message and Stream-Oriented Communication)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CIS007-3 Comparative Integrated Systems Communication including Message Oriented Middleware (Remote Procedure Call, Message and Stream-Oriented Communication) Sue Brandreth

2 2 Outline Introduction Fundamentals: Layered Protocols, Middleware, Types of Communication (Remote Procedure Call (RPC)) Message-Oriented Communication –Transient communication –Persistent communication (Stream-Oriented Communication)


4 4 Review In a distributed system, processes –run on different machines –exchange information through message passing Successful distributed systems depend on communication models that hide or simplify message passing

5 5 Interprocess Communication Modern distributed systems consist of thousands or even millions of processes scattered across a network such as the Internet –To study distributed systems we need to examine how processes on different machines exchange information –Challenge: the underlying network is unreliable! Interprocess communication is at the heart of all distributed systems

6 6 Interprocess Communication How can processes on different remote machines exchange information? –No primitives based on shared memory (like in non- distributed parallel systems) Communication in distributed systems –Based on low-level message passing –Offered by the underlying network –Harder than using shared memory

7 7 Three Models for Communication Three widely used models for communication: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) –Hide most of the intricacies of message passing –Ideal for client/server applications Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) –High-level message queuing model, similar to email –Communication does not follow the rather strict pattern of client/server interaction.

8 8 Three Models for Communication Data Streaming (Stream Oriented Communication) –Used in multimedia distributed systems –Provides support for communication of continuous media, such as audio and video –Stream: continuous flow of messages –Subject to various timing constraints

9 FUNDAMENTALS Layered Protocols; Middleware; Types of Communication 9

10 10 Layered Protocols: OSI Model Layers, interfaces, and protocols in the OSI model.

11 11 Layered Protocols: Headers A typical message as it appears on the network.

12 12 What is Middleware? An application that logically lives (mostly) in the application layer Contains many middleware protocols –General purpose –Application independent “Glue” between actual applications and lower-level layers

13 13 What is Middleware? Provides a communication infrastructure for application On top of a distributed system Provides an API Data transformation Error handling Localization and identification of client and server

14 Types of Middleware Remote Procedure Call (RPC) –Historic interest Object-Oriented Middleware (OOM) –Java RMI –CORBA Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) –Java Message Service –IBM MQSeries –Web Services Event-Based Middleware Transaction Processing Monitors (TPM) Object Request Brokers (ORB) 14

15 Message Oriented Middleware Message Oriented Middleware (or “MOM”) is one particular form of middleware, which is capable of facilitating the transportation of asynchronous messages from one component to another. 15

16 16 Middleware Protocols Used for establishing various middleware services Example Middleware protocols: –Authentication and authorisation protocols Not closely tied to any specific application, but a general service –Distributed commit protocol All processes carry out an operation or the operation is not carried out at all –Distributed locking protocol Shared resource can be protected against simultaneous access by a collection of processes being distributed across multiple machines

17 17 Middleware Communication Protocols Support high-level communication services, ie. –Call a procedure or invoke an object on a remote machine (in a highly transparent way) –Message-passing services (comparable to those offered by the transport layer). –Reliable multicast-services Scale to thousands of receivers across a wide-area network Must be implemented with application requirements in mind (hence in Middleware rather than in transport layer)

18 18 Adapted Communication Reference Model An adapted reference model for networked communication.






24 Classification based on type of content: Events Commands Data Streams






30 Quiz Time








38 Types of Communications Middleware offers the various alternatives in communication to applications Types of communication can be classified along several dimensions: –Persistent vs. transient –Synchronous vs. asynchronous –Discrete vs. streaming Various combinations are possible 38

39 39 Persistent vs. Transient Communication Persistent communication –Message stored by the communication middleware as long as it takes to deliver it –Sender can terminate after executing send. Sending application does not need to continue execution after submitting the message (allows for asynchronous communication) –Receiving application need not be executing when the message is submitted. Receiver will get message next time it runs. –Example: email systems

40 40 Persistent vs. Transient Communication Transient communication –Message is stored by the communication system only as long as the sending and receiving applications are executing. –Communication errors or inactive receiver cause the message to be discarded –Transport-level communication is transient –If the middleware cannot deliver a message due to a transmission interrupt, or because the recipient is currently not active, the message will simply be discarded –Example: transport-level communication services (being built upon traditional store-and-forward routers – if the router can’t deliver, it drops the message)

41 Persistent vs. Transient Communication Persistent communication: A message is stored at a communication server as long as it takes to deliver it to the receiver. Transient communication: A message is discarded by a communication server as soon as it cannot be delivered at the next server, or at the receiver.

42 42 Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Communication Asynchronous communication –Sender continues execution immediately after it has submitted its message to the middleware software –Message is (temporarily) stored immediately by the middleware upon submission –Non-blocking Synchronous communication –Sender is blocked until its request is known to be accepted ie. –The OS or middleware notifies acceptance of the message, or –The message has been delivered to the receiver, or –The receiver processes it and returns a response

43 Synchronous Communication Some observations: Client/Server computing is generally based on a model of synchronous communication : Client and server have to be active at the time of communication Client issues request and blocks until it receives reply Server essentially waits only for incoming requests, and subsequently processes them Drawbacks of synchronous communication: Client cannot do any other work while waiting for reply Failures have to be dealt with immediately (the client is waiting) In many cases the model is simply not appropriate (mail, news)

44 44 Synchronous Communication: Three Synchronization Points

45 Asynchronous Communication: Messaging Message-oriented middleware: Aims at high-level asynchronous communication : –Processes send each other messages, which are queued –Sender need not wait for immediate reply, but can do other things –Middleware often ensures fault tolerance

46 Discrete vs. Streaming Communication Discrete –All communicating parties communicate by messages Each message forms a complete unit of information Streaming –Messages are related to each other By the order they are sent By their temporal relationship One-way communication; a “session” consists of multiple messages from the sender that are related either by send order (TCP streams), temporal proximity (multimedia streams), etc. 46

47 47 Combinations Various combinations of persistent/transient with asynchronous/synchronous communications exist in practice, ie. Persistence combined with synchronisation at request submission –a common scheme for many message-queuing systems Transient communication with synchronisation after the request has been fully processed –a scheme for Remote Procedure Calls

48 Messaging Combinations

49 Important….. RPC supports access transparency, but is not always appropriate RPC is usually synchronous, and is transient Message-oriented communication is more flexible


51 51 Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) Communication using messages Messages stored in message queues Message servers decouple client and server Various assumptions made about message content Client App. local message queues Server App. local message queues message queues Network Message Servers

52 Forms of MOM Forms of MOM: Message Queuing Publish-Subscribe 52

53 53 Message-Oriented Persistent Communication Message Queuing Systems or Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) Important class of message-oriented middleware services Persistent asynchronous communication Offer intermediate-term storage capacity for messages No need for either the sender or receiver to be active during message transmission Support message transfers that are allowed to take minutes.

54 54 Properties of MOM Asynchronous interaction –Client and server are only loosely coupled –Messages are queued –Good for application integration Support for reliable delivery service –Keep queues in persistent storage Processing of messages by intermediate message server(s) –May do filtering, transforming, logging, … –Networks of message servers Natural for database integration

55 55 Message-Queuing Model Basic idea: applications communicate by inserting messages in specific queues Messages forwarded over a series of communication servers before being finally being delivered to the destination Receiver can be down when message was sent No need for the sender to be executing when a message is picked up by the receiver Sender is offered the guarantee that its message will eventually be inserted into the recipient’s queue, but no guarantee about when

56 Persistent. Processes communicate through message queues –Queues are maintained by the message-queuing system –Sender appends to queue, receiver removes from queue –Neither the sender nor receiver needs to be on- line when the message is transmitted Message-Oriented Middleware

57 Synchronous Communication 57

58 Synchronous Communication 58 Also known as ‘Rendevouz’ Tightly coupled Pros: Client is informed about message delivery No buffering necessary Cons: Sender and receiver have to run on the same time Direct connection necessary Client is blocked Lower degree of parallelity

59 Asynchronous (Persistent) Communication 59

60 Asynchronous (Persistent) Communication 60 Loosely coupled Pros: Higher degree of parallelity Enables faster sending than transmitting May compensate speed deviation between sender and receiver (but not speed differences) Sender and receiver have not to run on the same time Cons: Complicates synchronisation Sender has no information about message delivery Possible buffer overflows

61 Asynchronous (Persistent) Communication 61 Asynchronous data transport between processes Data is transmitted in messages Based on queues –Sender puts messages into a queues –Message is transmitted to receiver –Receiver reads message from queues Usually FIFO

62 Queues 62 Are named message destination that serve as an intermediate between sender and receiver Allow processes to execute and fail independently Can mask process failures and communication failures

63 Message Priorities – Highest Priority First 63

64 Message Priorities – Weighted Fair Scheduling 64

65 Message Oriented Middleware 65 Additional / Optionally –Support of multiple Messaging models –Queue management –Connection Management –Quality-of-Service (QoS) –Data transformation

66 Queue Manager 66 Is a specialized kind of database Provides queuing functionality via an API to applications Provides means for administration –Creation/deletion of queues –Allows to start and to stop queues –Alter properties of existing queues –Allows monitoring of performance, failures, and recoveries Often queue managers can be configured to forward messages to other queue managers

67 Additional / Optional Queue Manager Functionality 67 Often called Message Broker Message Transformation –Primary function = Reformatting data/information –“Rosetta stone” of the system -> universal translation –Understands the structure/formats of sources and targets Intelligent Routing –Flow control –See ‘Content based routing’ –Message Dictionary Rules Engine Repository Filtering Access control

68 MOM – Message Oriented Middleware 68

69 Time Decoupling by Queues 69

70 Location Decoupling by Queues 70

71 Types of Message Based Communication 71

72 Asynchronous Persistent 72 Most important Quality of Service is guaranteed delivery Possible failures: –Receiver is not running. –No connection to receiver. Guaranteed delivery by persistent storage on intermediate nodes –ie. as a file or in database If the receiver is up again or if the connection is available, message is delivered. Guaranteed delivery but not always in time.

73 Queuing Messaging Pattern 73 One-to-One –One sender, one receiver –Point-to-Point –Message Passing (MP) One-to-Many –One sender, many receivers Many-to-One –Many senders, one receiver Many-to-Many –Many senders, many receivers –-> Publish and Subscribe

74 Message Passing / Point-to-Point 74

75 Publish and Subscribe 75

76 76 Publish/Subscribe Model One important and common use of a Message Broker is to help form the Publish/Subscribe model (paradigm) In such a model, a broker is responsible not only for converting messages but also for matching applications based on the messages that are being exchanged Applications may publish a message on topic X by sending it to the broker Applications with interest in messages on topic X can subscribe to these messages, and will then receive them from the broker

77 Publish and Subscribe Example 77

78 Request/Reply with Queues 78 Correlation ID used to match request with corresponding reply at the client

79 Message Based Systems / MOM Products Canonical example: IBM MQSeries (Sockets) – Berkeley Sockets OpenJMS Apache ActiveMQ (maintained by Fusesource) IBM WebSphere MQ (IBMs MQSeries) Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) TIBCO TIBCO Rendezvous Oracle Advanced Queuing Microsoft Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) SUN Sun ONE Message Queue (JMS) RabbitMQ JBoss HornetQ

80 What is IBM WebSphere? WebSphere provides software for SOA environments that enables dynamic, interconnected business processes, and delivers highly effective application infrastructures for all business situations. WebSphere is IBM's application and integration software platform, and includes the entire middleware infrastructure, including servers, services, and tools, needed to create, deploy, run, and monitor round-the- clock, enterprise-wide web applications and cross- platform, cross-product solutions. o/

81 WebSphere MQ (IBM) Cross Platform Dominant Messaging software – 70% of market Messaging API same on all platforms Guaranteed one-time delivery Two-Phase Commit Wide EAI industry support

82 MQ Series API (Basic) Connect to a Queue Manager Open a queue Put or get messages Close a queue Commit or roll back Disconnect

83 MQ Series API (Advanced Features) Triggering – automatically starting an application to process a message IMS and CICS Bridges – reusing legacy transactions without modification Confirmation of message arrival, delivery Grouping of messages Load balancing

84 Local Queuing

85 Distributed Queuing

86 MQSeries

87 Distributed Queuing

88 MS Message Queue (MQ) Deployed in its Windows Server operating systems since Windows NT 4 and Windows 95.NET: System.Messaging Create Queues via computer administration –Queue name: „Computername\private$\Queuename“

89 What is MSMQ? Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline. Applications send messages to queues and read messages from queues. The following illustration shows how a queue can hold messages that are generated by multiple sending applications and read by multiple receiving applications. us/library/ms711472%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

90 MSMQ Features Point-to-point messaging Persistent Transactional Trigger Normal send/receive APIs Very similar to IBM MQ Series –Supports IP multicast as well…

91 MSMQ Queue Types Application Queues Destination Queues –Private ComputerName\private$\QueueName\ private$\QueueName –Public Response Queues Temporary / Local Queues

92 MSMQ Queue Types Application Queues Destination Queues –Private ComputerName\private$\QueueName\ private$\QueueName –Public Response Queues Temporary / Local Queues System Queues Mediation Queues Dead Letter Queues Journal Queues

93 Amazon SQS Part of the AWS Cloud Computing Infrastructure –Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) –Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) –Amazon Elastic BlockStore –Amazon CloudFront –Amazon SimpleDB – … –Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS™)

94 Amazon SQS

95 Amazon SQS Features Multiple consumers and producers Configurable Message Queues Unlimited number of queues and messages SOAP – APIs Language support –Java, PHP, Ruby,.NET At-Least-Once delivery No guarantee of message order

96 Amazon SQS Operations CreateQueue ListQueues DeleteQueue SendMessage ReceiveMessage DeleteMessage SetQueueAttributes GetQueueAttributes

97 Amazon SQS Queues and Message Identifier – Queue URL – Message ID – Receipt Handler MbZj6wDWli+JvwwJaBV+3dcjk2YW2vA3+STFFljTM8tJJg6 HRG6PYSasuWXPJB+Cw Lj1FjgXUv1uSj1gUPAWV66FU/WeR4mq2OKpEGYWbnLm pRCJVAyeMjeU5ZBdtcQ+QE auMZc8ZRv37sIW2iJKq3M9MFx1YvV11A2x/KSbkJ0=

98 Amazon SQS


100 Java Message Service (JMS) Interface specification by Sun Microsystems to define access to MOM Defines syntax and semantics First published in 1988 Current specification: ??? JMS supports: –Point-to-Point –Publish-and-Subscribe –Request/Reply

101 Java Message Service (JMS) Two roles: –JMS Provider = MOM Server = Queue Manger = Message Broker –JMS Client = Sender = Receiver Messages Administrative Objects published by the JMS provider using JINI –ConnectionFactory –DestinationFactory

102 JMS Features Transacted sessions Persistent/nonpersistent delivery Durable / non durable subscriber TTL Message Priorities Message selectors SQL-like syntax to access header fields: –subscriber = session.createSubscriber(topic, “priority > 6 AND type = ‘alert’ ”); JMS can be used as a transport layer for SOAP Message Consumption –Synchronously –Asynchronously

103 JMS Example

104 JMS Example - HelloWorld // Use JNDI to get ConnectionFactory and Queue QueueConnectionFactory connectionFactory = QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup ("QueueConnectionFactory"); // Create connection and session QueueConnection queueConnection connectionFactory.createQueueConnection(); QueueSession queueSession queueConnection.createQueueSession(...); Queue queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup ("myQueue"); QueueSender sender = queueSession.createSender(queue); // Create and send a message Message message = queueSession.createTextMessage(); message.setText("Hello World"); queueSender.send(message );

105 Apache ActiveMQ Leading Open Source messaging platform Multi-Language Support –Clients and Protocols from C, C++, C#, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP –Supported Java Standards: JMS 1.1, J2EE 1.4, JCA 1.5 Multi-Protocol Support: TCP, NIO, UDP, SSL, HTTP/S, STOMP

106 Apache ActiveMQ Features Failover High Availability Clustering Wide area deployment Management Security

107 Apache ActiveMQ: Failover failover:(tcp://broker1:61616,tcp://broker2:6 1616,tcp://broker3:61616)?initialReconnectDela y=100 failover://(tcp://masterhost:61616,tcp://slaveh ost:61616)?randomize=false

108 Apache ActiveMQ: Synchronous Consumer public class MyConsumer {... public void doCreateConsumer() { Destination destination = consumer.getSession().createQueue("JOBS." + job); MessageConsumer messageConsumer = consumer.getSession().createConsumer(destination); while ((message = consumer.receive(timeout)) != null) { processMessage(message); }

109 Apache ActiveMQ: Asynchronous Consumer public class MyConsumer {... public void doCreateConsumer() { Destination destination = consumer.getSession().createQueue("JOBS." + job); MessageConsumer messageConsumer = consumer.getSession().createConsumer(destination ); messageConsumer.setMessageListener(new MyMessageListener(job)); }... }

110 APPENDIX 110

111 IBM MQSeries (1/3) Basic concepts: Application-specific messages are put into, and removed from queues Queues always reside under the regime of a queue manager Processes can put messages only in local queues, or through an RPC mechanism Message transfer: Messages are transferred between queues Message transfer between queues at different processes, requires a channel At each endpoint of channel is a message channel agent (MCA) –Setting up channels using lower-level network communication facilities (e.g., TCP/IP) –(Un)wrapping messages from/in transport-level packets –Sending/receiving packets

112 IBM MQSeries (2/3) Channels are inherently unidirectional MQSeries provides mechanisms to automatically start MCAs when messages arrive, or to have a receiver set up a channel Any network of queue managers can be created; routes are set up manually (system administration)

113 IBM MQSeries (3/3) Routing: By using logical names, in combination with name resolution to local queues, it is possible to put a message in a remote queue Question: What’s a major problem here?

114 Message Broker Observation: Message queuing systems assume a common messaging protocol: all applications agree on message format (i.e., structure and data representation) Message broker: Centralized component that takes care of application heterogeneity in a message-queuing system: Transforms incoming messages to target format, possibly using intermediate representation May provide subject-based routing capabilities Acts very much like an application gateway

115 115 IBM MQSeries One-to-one reliable message passing using queues –Persistent and non-persistent messages –Message priorities, message notification Queue Managers –Responsible for queues –Transfer messages from input to output queues –Keep routing tables Message Channels –Reliable connections between queue managers Messaging API: MQopenOpen a queue MQcloseClose a queue MQputPut message into opened queue MQgetGet message from local queue

116 116 Java Message Service (JMS) API specification to access MOM implementations Two modes of operation *specified*: –Point-to-point one-to-one communication using queues –Publish/Subscribe cf. Event-Based Middleware JMS Server implements JMS API JMS Clients connect to JMS servers Java objects can be serialised to JMS messages A JMS interface has been provided for MQ pub/sub (one-to-many) - just a specification?

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