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E-SAFETY. LYNDON B. JOHNSON (FORMER US PRESIDENT) “Every man (sic) should know that his conversations, his correspondence, and his personal life are private.”

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2 LYNDON B. JOHNSON (FORMER US PRESIDENT) “Every man (sic) should know that his conversations, his correspondence, and his personal life are private.”


4 AIMS To explain the network of social media and online communication. To share good practice and awareness about how your daughters use the internet and social media. To clarify the role of Millais in e-safety. To provide links to sources of information.

5 GENERAL GUIDANCE Know what connects to the internet and how. Consider the use of parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones. Set boundaries in the online world just as you would in the real world. Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online. Know what to do if something goes wrong. Emphasise that not everyone is who they say they are. Be involved in your child’s online life.

6 SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE COMMUNICATION Nowadays even the TV connects to the internet. Smart phones, tablets, games consoles, dongles and the like are everyday items. Laptops and desktop computers remain common. Try to make sure you’re aware of which ones connect to the internet, such as their phone or tablet and check the safety settings. This can be done with them or without your daughter.

7 SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE COMMUNICATION As parents and carers we cannot control everything. We can try to limit, but we cannot be all seeing and all knowing. We can however communicate, care and put safeguards in place.

8 HOW OUR GIRLS USE THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA. Everyone is different. There is no one size fits all. Many girls like social media including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. Instant messenger is popular. Many like the simplicity of sending images with a comment on Instagram. The key as parents is ensuring that our daughters understand what not to reveal on line. Personal information or personal images. Only saying things online that one would say to someone’s face is also crucial.

9 THE ROLE OF MILLAIS IN E-SAFETY. Millais is a school. For learning, achievement and progress. A community where individual talents are developed and young people are supported. We teach students about e-safety and PC Beckley is in school every week for lessons All students and staff agree to our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for technology. We do not allow students to use social media on the school network. We cannot control spaces with 3G/4G etc. We are not responsible for actions outside of school in the evening or weekends. We can take action on anything related directly to the school or events in school.

10 FURTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION. CEOP Child Exploitation Online Protection centre This is the online police. They are great for information, advice and reporting online issues, unacceptable behaviour and crime. THINKUKNOW.CO.UKCEOP Information Site This site is dedicated to bringing information together. It has areas for parents and carers, students of different ages and teachers. There are films and guidance along with downloadable leaflets. Topics covered range from general tips, to starting conversations, risks to inappropriate selfies. NSPCC.ORG.UK NSPCC Child Safety Site This provides help in a wide range of areas including a search facility for online words and phrases to help you make sense of the jargon.

11 GENERAL GUIDANCE Know what connects to the internet and how. Be involved in your child’s online life. Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online. Set boundaries in the online world just as you would in the real world. Know what to do if something goes wrong. Emphasise that not everyone is who they say they are. Consider the use of parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones.



14 THE POLICE MESSAGE FROM PC BECKLEY The start of a new school year is an exciting time for you and your friends. They’ll be lots going on and you may be wanting to share videos, photos and music with your friends on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and other social networks. To make sure you are ‘back to school’ ready we have some top tips for social media which can help you stay safe whilst staying connected to your friends:

15 FRIENDS Friends : consider who you choose to accept or invite as a friend on your social networks. Once you accept someone as a friend they are able to see your content. If someone is aggressive or inappropriate to you online most social networking sites have tools to help you block or delete that person.

16 PRIVACY Privacy : most social networking sites have tools available to protect the things you post online and how much you share with others. It’s really important to check your privacy settings. We would recommend that you change your settings so that you are only sharing with your friends.

17 POSTS Think before you post : It is important to remember that once you post something online it is potentially there forever! This also relates to content that you post about others; what starts out as a joke or gossip can quickly escalate and cause real pain and upset that can’t be taken back.

18 PHOTOS Photos : remember your profile picture is the first impression you may give someone. Think carefully about the photos you choose to share online and keep in mind - would you want a future employee to see that photo?

19 REPORTING M ost social networking sites have a reporting feature in place. If something or someone has broken the social networking site's terms of use and are upsetting or harassing you, then you are able to make a report. All reports are anonymous and will be responded to promptly. The Need Help section on the Childnet website ( provides advice on reporting on your favourite social networking sites. Need Help Have a good and safe school year. PC Beckley

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