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Published byEmil O’Brien’ Modified over 8 years ago
Elbert County Primary School 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan Mid Year Check Up
Goal 1 Elbert County Primary School will reduce the number of disciplinary referrals 10%, while improving school understanding of the PBIS process.
Trend Discipline Data
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future ●Posted routines and procedures ● Harry Wong's First Days of School ●Handbook ●Discipline referral reduction Revision of PBIS Manual Professional development will be provided for the entire staff at ECPS: ●Discuss PBIS manual and expectations with faculty on August 1, 2014 ●Ga. Dept. of Education training in October for PBIS team ●On-going professional learning will be provided as it becomes available. ●Staff handbook ● Condensed hard copy of Protocols ● Infinite Campus PBIS tab ●Infinite Campus Parent Contact tab ●SWIS Use of teacher academy for PBIS training of new teachers. On-going professional learning Establish and maintain school wide rules, routines, expectations, and procedures using "Cool Tools" lesson plans. Maintain school wide protocols for office referral using behavior matrix and major/minor infraction guide.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Establish and implement an incentive plan-Token Economy ●Focus on individualized recognition for student ●Fully train faculty on PBIS ●School rules and consequences in handbook and posted in classrooms, ●weekly/daily behavior reports ●froggy bucks Refresher training on PBIS for all teachers/staff. Include bus drivers in PBIS training. ●SILT agenda/minutes ●Teacher Self- Analysis from PBIS manual Include PBIS data in Virtual Data Room PBIS team will report monthly data using SWIS reports which will center on the Big 7 Discipline Piece of the PBIS process
Goal 2 Elbert County Primary School will continue to implement the Elbert County System Response to Intervention plan (RTI) with fidelity.
Changes made during the 2014-2015 School Year -- Moved into Tier II: 27 Kindergarten Students 14 First Grade Students Moved into Tier III: 6 First Grade Students Exited RTI: 19 Kindergarten Students 5 First Grade Students
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future ●Classroom observation ● Classworks data Monitor RTI time as needed. ●RTI manual ●agenda/sign in sheet from training ●PD 360 ●Georgia Train new teachers and staff Use of the teacher academy for training ●ClassWorks ●DIBELS ●HeadSprouts ●Number Worlds Continue to progress monitor and adjust strategies. Analyze data to determine if strategies are effective. ●RTI manual ●Job description ●teacher observation ●RTI Files ●Minutes Implement strategies learned at STAGE RTI conference. All students will receive standardized, scheduled times for interventions daily. Professional learning will be provided to implement the Response to Intervention manual ClassWorks Universal screeners/DIBELS and Progress Monitoring will be used to customize instruction for Tier 2 & Tier 3 students. RTI Coordinator will oversee data collection and progress monitoring at every tier and support teachers in documenting student progress.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future ●Teacher's Daily schedule ●Adjust times as necessary ●Conference log ●RTI meeting minutes ●Continue to require conferences with parents. School wide daily intervention times for targeted instruction of identified students will be scheduled based on their needs. Parents will attend RTI student meetings at a rate of 80% or greater
Goal 3 100% of all required staff will be assessed using TKES/LKES.
TKES DATA Standard 1 Professional Knowledge
TKES DATA Standard 2 Instructional Planning
TKES DATA Standard 3 Instructional Strategies
TKES DATA Standard 4 Differentiated Instruction
TKES DATA Standard 5 Assessment Strategies
TKES DATA Standard 6 Assessment Uses
TKES DATA Standard 7 Positive Learning Environment
TKES DATA Standard 8 Academically Challenging Environment
TKES DATA Standard 9 Professionalism
TKES DATA Standard 10 Communication
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Professional learning communities will view webinars covering standards from TKES Platform. ●Teacher created sign in forms ●View any new modules that address changes. During 2014-2015 full implementation year, student growth measures will be weighed in the calculation of the TEMS (Teacher effectiveness measure) ●Pre & post assessments ●Mid Year Conference ●Expected & High Growth data ●Analysis of end of the year SLO data and Student Growth Measures.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future ECPS will fully implement the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) and Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES). ●Teacher observations/e valuations, ●Walk-throughs ●Teacher Self Analysis ●Continue with TKES/LKES ECPS will use the current Georgia Media Specialist Evaluation instrument when measuring the effectiveness of the Media Center program and the Georgia Counseling Evaluation instrument to measure the Counselor’s effectiveness. ●Observation and Walk- through Instrument ●Continue with other evaluation instruments and make changes as necessary.
Goal 4: ECPS will increase student achievement in math. 85% of students beginning the 2014-2015 year at Elbert County Primary School will pass(show 35% or more growth on) common math assessments.
NBT1NBT2NBT3NBT4NBT5NBT6MD1MD2MD3MD4 slo 4%2% 4% 5%7% Pre Test39% 71%51%31%26% Post Test 91% 97%89%95% 91% % Change 133% 37%75%207% 250% G1G2G3OA1OA2OA3OA4OA5OA6OA7OA8 slo33%45%19%2%11% 3%10% Pre Test36% 15%49% 15%11%20%21%43%56% Post Test 94%91%89% 71%58%71%70% % Change 161%153%493% 373%427%255%233% 1st Grade Data Team Process
38 students could not make 35% growth due to High Pre-test score 41 students could not make 35% growth due to High Pre-test score 27 students could not make 35% growth due to High Pre-test score 35 students could not make 35% growth due to High Pre-test score
1st Grade Math
Kindergarten CGI
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Teacher data teams will meet to analyze pre and post tests aligned to the CCGPS frameworks. Teachers will implement CGI Word Problems and develop other common assessment items that require students to answer constructed response questions. ●Data Team ●Math Journal ●Student data sheets ●All in Learning Mastery Process ●Continue with Data Teams ●Continue to differentiate lessons according to formative assessments. ECPS will develop valid measurements for student achievement of the state standards in Math. ●Pre & Post Test analysis ●SLO’s ●Analysis of tests ●Continue with analysis of Pre/Post test data. ●Analyze and revise common formative assessments as needed.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Implement a comprehensive standards based analysis process using data from common assessments from collaborative teacher teams to develop and adjust instructional plans. (Data Teams) ●Student Data ●Common Assessments ●Continue with data teams.
Goal 5: ECPS will increase student achievement in Reading. Objective 1: 80% of students beginning the 2014-2015 school year at Elbert County Primary School will read with purpose and understanding as indicated by mastery and lesson progress in the Explicit Systematic Core Reading Program.
● Reading ● Language ● Spelling ● Lesson Connections ● Read Aloud Library ● 88% with CCSS Kindergarten Reading
K is not listed on Lexile tables Typical Text Measures, by Grade from Grade Text Demand Study 2009 25th percentile to 75th percentile (IQR) 2012 CCSS Text Measures* 1230L to 420L190L to 530L Grade Reader Measures, Mid-Year 25th percentile to 75th percentile (IQR) 1Up to 300L
NOTE: We use latest researched average times for fluency, not the program times.
85% of kindergarten students will complete, with mastery, a minimum of lesson 120, 140, or 160 according to current reading level. 15 260L
63 83 146 180L 260L
25 260L
5 3 6 5 19 Low Group Exp 260L includes Special Ed SWD
646 5 6 27 260L
6 8 7 5 8 5 260L
18 260L No Lexile Beginning Reader (BR) ½ yr behind ½ year behind 1 year behind includes Special Ed SWD
34 students in K will not meet their reading goal. 279 - 34 = 245 students will meet their reading goal; this is 87%. The minimum goal is K Lesson 120, which is equivalent to 1.0 at 260L; they will begin Lesson 111 at the beginning of 1st, which is 160L. 1st grade is 190-530L for CCSS(2012).
K is not listed on Lexile tables Typical Text Measures, by Grade from Grade 1 Reader Measures, Mid-Year 25th percentile to 75th percentile (IQR) Up to 300L Grade 1 Text Demand Study 2009 25th percentile to 75th percentile (IQR) 2012 CCSS Text Measures* 230L to 420L 190L to 530L
● Reading ● Language ● Spelling ● Lesson Connections ● Read Aloud Library ● 88% with CCSS First Grade Reading
310L 350L 380L 420L 490L 260L 380L
NOTE: We use the latest researched average times for fluency, not the program times.
85% of first grade students will complete, with mastery, a minimum of lesson 84 in Reading Mastery 1. 23 End of Y 490 L
45490 L
45 570L 490L
88 450L
32 450L ½ year behind SWD
19 of these 27 students will not meet goal; this includes 6 special education students. These 27 students did not meet minimum requirements to be in first grade. 260 - 19 = 241 who will meet their reading goal; this is 93% Group #31 is ½ year behind; however, other groups are more than ½ year behind. 450L SWD
19 students will not meet goal; this includes 6 special education & Tier 3 students. These students did not meet minimum requirements to be in first grade. 260 - 19 = 241 who will meet their reading goal; this is 93%. The goal for first grade is for students to be no more than ½ year behind. This is 450L; 2nd grade is 420 to 650L..In 2nd grade, they can fast cycle and have a chance to get to grade level.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Instructors will model and teach speed, accuracy, and phrasing, as well as expression. Students will incorporate these strategies to read instructional leveled text. ●Criteria of timed readings and Curriculum Based Assessments (CBA) ●Move teachers into precision and engineering as teachers, with advanced techniques through support & training from ERI & local reading coordinator. All students will be grouped according to instructional levels. Regular Education minimum goal for promotion: Kindergarten lesson 120 or 1st Grade lesson 84. Special Education students will show adequate progress based on the student’s IEP. ●Timed reading data ●Mastery test ●Lesson Progress ●CBA ●Students will continue to be regrouped based on data within classrooms and across grade level if needed.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Teachers will send home weekly/daily assignment sheets that indicate vocabulary and text assignments. ●Daily Communication Log ●Continue to send home weekly/daily assignment sheets that indicate vocabulary and text assignments.
Goal 6 95% of students beginning the 2014-2015 school year at Elbert County Primary School will master standards required for promotion.
Example of Data for Possible Kindergarten Retainees
Example of Data for Possible 1st Grade Retainees
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Facilitate continuity between Pre- K and Primary Education Programs. Promote collaboration between Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers. ●Sign in sheets ●Agendas ●Meeting Dates ●Continue to work on plans to collaborate with Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers. ●Continue to provide training to both groups together. ECPS will host Fall and Spring parent workshops to address the importance of Early Reading Skills and strategies to use at home. ●Sign in sheets ●Agendas ●Parent Information Packet ●Continue with plans to meet with Pre-K parents in the spring. Goal 6
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future ECPS will develop a plan and take steps to ensure the early identification of students at risk of retention by using: ●EIP Checklists ●Universal Screeners ●Reading Mastery Lesson Progress & Assessments ●Common Formative Assessments ●EIP Checklist ●Parent Communication Log ●Data Teams ●Classworks Data ●Reading Data Notebooks ●Continue to monitor the progress of the identified students and provide strategies/interventions to ensure progress. ●Creation of the Graduate First Target Group. ECPS Response to Intervention (RTI) program will aim to improve grade level skills of targeted students. ●Teacher plans for differentiation ●ClassWorks Assignments ●Head Sprout ●Number Worlds ●Build and Read ●Cold Read/Hot Read ●Continue to monitor RTI students. Goal 6
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Targeted students will receive research based interventions with ongoing progress monitoring. ●Documented use of research based interventions and practices. ●Continue with research based interventions and practices. ●Newsletters ●Social Media ●Parent Resource Center ●Parent Night Agendas and sign in sheets ●Parent Communication log ●Letter to Parents ●Continue to assist families and parent with resources and information as it becomes available. Goal 6 School communication will assist parents and families in becoming aware of available school and community resources and how to access such services. The reading coach will send home letters to parents about promotion requirements.
Action/Strategy/InterventionArtifactsIn the Future Professional learning for teachers and administrators will be provided to enhance their understanding of early childhood development, readiness, and educational methods. ●Agendas ●Sign in sheets ●Minutes ●As more information becomes available on PD360 it will be viewed and discussed. ●Analysis of Parent surveys and information. Goal 6
We are leaping towards success!!!!
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