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TJ Starling BS,LP.  Hours:  The normal class is 3 to 4 semester hours = the amount of time you will spend in class in one week.

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Presentation on theme: "TJ Starling BS,LP.  Hours:  The normal class is 3 to 4 semester hours = the amount of time you will spend in class in one week."— Presentation transcript:

1 TJ Starling BS,LP

2  Hours:  The normal class is 3 to 4 semester hours = the amount of time you will spend in class in one week.

3  Hours:  Semester hour = Tue/Thur classes are 1.5 hours and M/W/F classes are 55 minutes.  Study expectation for college is 3 hours per semester hour. More when you have a test.

4  Basic Requirements:  English Composition - 6  Humanities - 3  American and Texas Government (Required in Texas schools) - 6  Social & Behavioral Sciences - 3

5  Basic Requirements:  Mathematics - 3  Science - 4  Visual and Performing Arts - 3  American History – 6  Total = 34 semester hours (plus electives)

6  Degree:  Undergraduate Degrees.  Associate Degree – 60 semester hours  Map Map

7  Degree:  Undergraduate Degrees.  Bachelor Degree – 120 to 130 semester hours  MAP MAP

8  Degree:  Post Graduate Degrees.  Master’s Degree – Bachelor + 36 to 60 semester hours

9  Degree:  Post Graduate Degrees.  Phd – 36 to 60 semester hours after Bachelor and Master’s degrees.  Thesis – required

10  A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings.

11  As you progress into higher education the burden of learning shift from the teacher to the student.

12  You must have good time management! Set your priorities to make the grades.  A is awesome - 4 credits per college hour  B is bravo – 3 credits per college hour  C is crap – 2 credits per college hour  D is disgraceful. – 1 credits per college hour  F is forever

13  To determin your GPA  Multiply the hours given for each class by the grade made in that class.  Eng 101 – 3 hours – B – 3 X 3 = 9  Hist 101 – 3 hours – A - 3 X 4 = 12  Alg 101 – 3 hours – A - 3 X 4 = 12  Bio 101 – 4 hours – C - 4 X 2 = 6 13 hours / 39 Credits = 3.00GPA

14  Honors ◦ Cum Laude  With Honors ◦ Magna Cum Laude  With Great Honors ◦ Summa Cum Laude  With Highest Honors

15  Medical Degree – Is an educational standard that must be met to apply for a Medical Credential  Medical Credential – is an authorization to perform certain medical procedures. It also regulates the level of supervision required to perform the medical procedures.

16  Paramedic – LP NREMTP ◦ ASS or Certifitcation  Registered Nurse – RN ◦ ASN or BSN  Nurse Practitioner – NP ◦ BSN, master’s degree + clinical. Also requires experience in nursing.  Master in Nursing – MSN ◦ mainly for supervisor, or teaching.

17  Physician Assistant – PA ◦ Bachelor degree, GRE, 27 months (cannot work in most programs)  PHD – Doctorate degree ◦ mostly for teaching or researcher.  Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy – MD DO ◦ Bachelor degree, MCAT, admission to medical school, 4 years medical school, ◦ 3-5 year resident (depending on what type of doctor)

18  Two year programs after prerequisite  Depending on the country and local health care system, a limited subset of the following professions (professional areas) may be represented, and may be regulated:

19  Anesthesia technician  Animal Assisted Therapist  Aquatic Therapist  Athletic Trainer  Health information technician  Horticultural Therapist  Kinesiotherapist  Licensed Practical Nurse  Orthoptist  Paramedic  Pedorthist  Perfusionist  Dietitian / Nutritionist  Autotransfusionist  Audiologist  Art Therapist  Cardiographic technician  Cardiovascular technologist  Clinical laboratory scientist  Clinical officer  Clinical psychologist  Community Health Workers  Dance/Movement Therapist  Dental hygienist  Diagnostic medical Sonographist

20  Electrocardiogram technician  Emergency Medical Technician  Environmental Health Officers  Environmental Health Technician  Exercise physiologist  Expressive-Creative Arts Therapist  Health care administrator  Massage therapist  Medical assistant  Medical coder  Neurophysiologist  Medical dosimetrist  Medical laboratory scientist  Medical Laboratory Technician  Medical radiation scientist  Medical transcriptionist  Music therapist  Nuclear medicine technologist  Occupational therapist  Orthotist / Prosthetist  Pharmacy technician  Phlebotomist  Physical Therapist  Radiation therapist  Radiologic Technologist  Recreational Therapist  Renal Dialysis technologist  Respiratory therapist  Speech - Language Pathologist  Surgical technologist

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