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Classroom Diagnostic Tools General Overview of the CDT February 2011 Tom Corbett, Governor 1 Ronald J. Tomalis, Secretary of Education - Designate.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Diagnostic Tools General Overview of the CDT February 2011 Tom Corbett, Governor 1 Ronald J. Tomalis, Secretary of Education - Designate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Diagnostic Tools General Overview of the CDT February 2011 Tom Corbett, Governor 1 Ronald J. Tomalis, Secretary of Education - Designate

2 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Overview The purpose of this presentation is to provide general information about the Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT). This presentation also contains screenshots of the CDT Interactive Reports. 2

3 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Core Team 6/6/20163 Allen Muir – Harrisburg PaTTAN Bill Bertrand – Pennsylvania Department of Education Bobbie Pfingstler, Ed.D. – Central Intermediate Unit # 10 Carol McGrane – Luzerne Intermediate Unit # 18 Charlie Wayne – Pennsylvania Department of Education Cindy Mierzejewski, Ed.D. – Berks County Intermediate Unit Diane Funsten – King of Prussia PaTTAN Greg Llewellyn – King of Prussia PaTTAN Karen Henrichs – Riverview Intermediate Unit 6 Kathy Emeigh – Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 Marlene Schechter – Pittsburgh PaTTAN Pam Kastner – Harrisburg PaTTAN Pat Hardy – Pennsylvania Department of Education Patty McDivitt – Data Recognition Corporation Rich Maraschiello, Ph.D. – Pennsylvania Department of Education Shaundra Sand – Data Recognition Corporation Steve Novakovich – Pennsylvania Department of Education Tracy Ficca – Harrisburg PaTTAN

4 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT and SAS 4

5 Classroom Diagnostic Tools What are the similarities and differences between Benchmark Assessments and Diagnostic Tools? 5 Benchmark Diagnostic Grade-level specific Measures content at the reporting category level for reading and math Students do not receive direct, formative feedback Class tool Provides current level of performance Identifies areas of strengths and needs across grade levels and subject areas Individual/small group measurement tool Results need to be used Can be given no more than 5 times a year Informs instructional process Forces us to ask more questions Results may be used to establish student goal setting Results support goal-setting Most lessons to support eligible content for strengths and areas of need are available on SAS Diagnosis of student strengths and areas of need at instructional level Administered throughout the school year Process of regularly collecting, summarizing, and analyzing information to guide development, implementation, and evaluation of instruction Answers the question, What? Answers the questions, What?, Why?, and How? Summary report Computer-adaptive tool based on a vertical scale that spans content from grades 3 to high school/course Fixed form -- everyone takes the same assessment at a given grade level Provide effective feedback Provides a standards- aligned benchmark Provides an estimate of student performance on a summative assessment Students may be tested on material not formerly taught Group measurement Share with parents Supports differentiated instruction within RtII Tiers 1, 2 and 3

6 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Overview What are the Classroom Diagnostic Tools? The Pennsylvania Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) is a set of online tools designed to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and provide support to students and teachers. These tools (available at no cost to districts) are fully integrated and aligned with the Standards Aligned System (SAS) and will assist educators in identifying students’ academic strengths and areas of need, providing links to classroom resources. 6

7 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Overview The CDT is: Offered to students in grades 6 through high school Available for use in the classroom throughout the school year on a voluntary basis Based on content assessed by the Keystone Exams and the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Comprised of multiple-choice items Delivered as an online Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), ensuring valid and reliable measures of a student’s skills while minimizing testing time Designed to provide real-time results for students and teachers with links to Materials and Resources in SAS 7

8 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Overview How were Pennsylvania educators involved in the development of the Classroom Diagnostic Tools? The development of the Classroom Diagnostic Tools involved committees of Pennsylvania educators who were convened to: Ensure alignment of the items to Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content Approve all questions included in the CDT Approve all units and lesson plans aligned to the Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content linked to the CDT reports 8

9 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Learning Progressions What are Learning Progressions? – A Learning Progression shows the developmental sequences or building blocks of content/skills students need to master as they progress toward career and college readiness. – The progressions are tied directly to the Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content. – They are also tied directly to the Voluntary Model Curriculum (VMC) Units and Lesson Plans and are posted on the SAS Website. 9

10 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Learning Progressions Why are they important? – Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content provide information about what students should know and be able to do at a given grade/course. – Learning Progressions show how learning within a diagnostic category, based upon the Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content, develops across grades; not just within a given grade/course. 10

11 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Learning Progression Map CDT includes a report tied directly to Learning Progressions. This report: – Provides a scrollable vertical map showing how learning progresses for each diagnostic category across grades and/or courses. – Helps teachers plan targeted instruction by providing a visual snapshot of how the student is progressing. – Includes information as to whether the student is: Still struggling to master foundational content and/or Moving forward with more advanced content. 11

12 Classroom Diagnostic Tools CDT Learning Progression Map This report also: – Shows exactly what Assessment Anchor and Eligible Content is measured by each CDT item or items the student answered correctly or incorrectly. – Provides a sample item of average difficulty for each Assessment Anchor as defined by the Eligible Content. – Provides teachers with the most efficient and direct way to find units and lesson plans in SAS directly tied to Eligible Content. – Links directly to additional materials and resources in SAS. 12

13 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Learning Progression Map 13 Hovering over a dot will show the eligible content. Clicking on Materials and Resources will link to SAS, or clicking on Sample Item will allow a view of the sample item for the Eligible Content Code selected. Green and red dots indicate that the student received items for the eligible content. Map Legend

14 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Group Diagnostic Map 14 Each white dot represents a student‘s score. Moving from red to blue quickly provides information on a group’s areas of needs and strengths to build on. Assessment results are shown for each diagnostic category and overall result.

15 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Group Diagnostic Map 15 Hovering over a white dot will display specific student information. Selecting a student will highlight the student skill level for each diagnostic category.

16 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Group Diagnostic Map 16 Click on an eligible content link once a student or group of students have been selected to display aligned materials and resources in SAS.

17 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Group Diagnostic Map 17 Selecting one of the diagnostic categories, will display the three most recent assessment events for a group of students. Selecting a group of students and clicking on Show Eligible Content, will display aligned Materials and Resources available on SAS.

18 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Group Diagnostic Map 18 Clicking on the Individual Map, after selecting a student within the Group Map, allows educators to display a student’s diagnostic map. Select a student to view that student’s results across all diagnostic categories.

19 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Individual Diagnostic Map 19 The Individual Map displays only the student’s three most recent assessments. The vertical lines indicate the standard error for each score. The legend at the bottom of the map shows the date for each of the three most recent assessments.

20 Classroom Diagnostic Tools The CDT reports, including the Learning Progression Maps, are important because they provide: – Information concerning what the student(s) should know and be able to do at a given grade/course as represented by the Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content. – A view of the pathway or how learning may take place within a diagnostic category; this information may suggest a “trend” showing: where a student is still struggling with a foundational skill/concept introduced at an earlier point in the progression or where a student is extending beyond what he or she is expected to know and be able to do at a given grade/course. – Opportunities for targeted instruction 20

21 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Why should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be used? Benefits for Students: Provides specific and timely feedback designed to support student learning Builds efficacy by bringing students into the process of their own learning Promotes goal-setting by involving students in the learning process Provides students with opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills Promotes partnering with teachers (e.g., one-on-one conferencing) Ensures that follow-up instruction is meaningful and aligns with student learning expectations 21

22 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Why should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be used? Benefits for Teachers: Promotes teaching and collaboration with students, parents/guardians, and others Provides immediate access to diagnostic reports about student strengths and areas of need Promotes teacher understanding of student strengths and areas of need throughout the year Allows monitoring of student achievement to guide ongoing planning and instruction Guides individual as well as flexible grouping of students to target instruction Provides immediate access to SAS resources to support whole and small group and individual instruction Provides opportunities for teachers to reflect, collaborate, and match instruction to student need Rather than another mechanism of reporting information about student performance, the CDT is an integral part of the constructive process involving teaching and learning. 22

23 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Why should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be used? Benefits for Parents/Guardians: Promotes collaboration with students, teachers, and others Promotes conversation and understanding regarding student strengths and areas of need throughout the year Provides the opportunity to view and understand their student’s achievement in a visual representation Provides access to information linked to SAS resources to support their student’s learning at home Enhances the partnership among the student, teacher, and parents/guardians 236/6/2016

24 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Why should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be used? Benefits for Administrators: Defines an assessment resource to teachers to provide diagnostic information in order to guide instruction and provide support to students and teachers Promotes shared leadership to encourage the CDT administration as part of the school culture Informs the design of future professional development for all faculty and within the Induction Plan for mentoring of new teachers Allows immediate access to student reports 246/6/2016

25 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Why should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be used? Responsibilities for Administrators : Arrange opportunities for professional development for the staff Develop a schedule for administrating the CDT Monitor the administrations of the CDT and see immediate access to reports Observe the process through walk-throughs to see the impact on instruction/one-to-one conferencing Observe and participate in data team meetings as an indicator of the teachers’ use of the CDT cycle Provide opportunities for teachers to reflect, collaborate and match instruction to student needs Promote shared leadership to encourage the CDT administration as part of the school culture Design a professional development within the Induction Plan for mentoring of new teachers 256/6/2016

26 Classroom Diagnostic Tools Who are the target students/groups? Students enter our classes with many skills, abilities, and competencies… Initially, it is highly recommended that all students be tested Depending on the results, the target students/groups might differ each time Schools with wide achievement gaps should utilize the tool more often 26

27 Classroom Diagnostic Tools How often should the Classroom Diagnostic Tools be administered? Information about student strengths and areas of need over time enables teachers to plan student instruction and provide appropriate follow-up activities to meet ongoing learning expectations. The CDT could be administered to students three to five times per school year based on student needs and analysis of data. The maximum number of administrations is five per CDT per school year 5 – 6 weeks between each administration is recommended 27

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