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Bellringer modernism Social Darwinism pogroms I Can… Explain the social, political, scientific, economic, and cultural changes that took place in Western.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer modernism Social Darwinism pogroms I Can… Explain the social, political, scientific, economic, and cultural changes that took place in Western."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer modernism Social Darwinism pogroms I Can… Explain the social, political, scientific, economic, and cultural changes that took place in Western nations towards the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

2 Chapter 20, Section 3 The National State and Democracy BIG Idea: Competition Among Countries While democracy triumphed in Western Europe, authoritarianism prevailed in central and eastern Europe, and industrialization swept the United States. International rivalries set the stage for war. “The Build up to WWI”

3 Alliance System in Europe Europe’s great powers were divided into two alliance systems ◦ Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy ◦ Triple Entente France, Great Britain and Russia Socialists in European nations were increasingly using strikes, (even violent ones) to achieve their goals – creating instability in European nations

4 International Rivalries The two opposing alliances of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente had become more divided and less willing to compromise at the beginning of the twentieth century. Triple Alliance 1882 Germany Austria- Hungary Italy Triple Entente 1907 Great Britain France Russia

5 Alliances in Europe

6 Crisis in the Balkans Serbia, supported by Russia, was determined to create a large Slavic state in the Balkans Austria-Hungary who had Slavic minorities was determined not to let this happen. “The Powder Keg of Europe”

7 Numbered Heads #1 What two alliance systems formed in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Europe?

8 Workbook – Partners Ch. 20 sec. 4 pgs 226-228 10 minutes to complete

9 Causes of the Modernist Temper WWI Urbanization Industrialization Immigration Technological Evolution Growth of Modern Science Influence of Austrian Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Influence of German Karl Marx (1818-1883) Jonathan Glancey:"Modernism was not simply a style: but more of an attitude, a determination to break with the past and free oneself from the stifling rules of convention and etiquette."

10 The Theory of Relativity redefines time and space Albert Einstein publishes his Special Theory of Relativity, which postulates that nothing can move faster than light, that time and space are not absolute, and that matter and energy are equivalent ( e=mc 2 ).

11 Social Darwinism is a theory that was popularized in the late 19th century by Herbert Spencer. It attempts to apply Darwin’s theory of natural selection to the competition between societies or groups within societies as they differ by ethnicity.


13 Pogroms Extreme nationalist used social darwinism to justify acts of violence against people who did not share their language and traditions War was the best way to achieve survival of the fittest. Anti-Semitism was common, problems were blamed on Jews and they were killed pogroms (massacres)

14 Numbered Heads #2 What were the effects of the extreme nationalism of the late 1800s?

15 Written Summarization (Closure) What social, political, scientific, economic, and cultural changes took place in Western nations towards the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries?

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