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Key Messages…. Purchase to Pay Process Login Assistance Feature The relevance of using Oracle iProcurement What is the difference between a catalogue and.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Messages…. Purchase to Pay Process Login Assistance Feature The relevance of using Oracle iProcurement What is the difference between a catalogue and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Messages…. Purchase to Pay Process Login Assistance Feature The relevance of using Oracle iProcurement What is the difference between a catalogue and a non catalogue requisition? Adding items from the catalogue to the shopping list/favourite list feature Methods of searching for items The Importance of adding a carriage line to the requisition Is it possible to raise a requisition for a delivery location other than my default location? Is it possible to split the cost of goods on a single transaction line? Can you amend the VAT code? How do I change the approver against my requisition? Can you change the quantity or price against a requisition that has been approved? What is the difference between a requisition and a purchase order? When are purchase orders created? How long does it take for the supplier to receive the purchase order? Who do I contact if my order is urgent? The importance of receipting What should I do if I receive the invoice?

2 P URCHASE TO P AY (P2P) W ORKSHOP Trainer: Marie Jones

3 G ROUND R ULES I will cover all of the pre-defined questions, along with any additional questions that become relevant throughout the training session with the aim of providing a clearer understanding of the particular processes.

4 I NTRODUCTION The AIM of this Training Session is: To provide a more rounded training session in the use of iProcurement, capturing processes that relate to the Purchase To Pay process.

5 I NTRODUCTION This will be achieved through the following objectives: Walk through each step of the Purchase to Pay process. Highlight common issues encountered when ordering goods or services. Demonstrating specific iProcurement system processes.

6 I NTRODUCTION The Learning Outcomes of this session are: To have an increased knowledge of the Purchase to Pay process - Enabling a more seamless experience of ordering goods or services which will ultimately support patient care - - Preventing issues such as the late payment of an invoice -Gain an understanding of the impact on the process


8 W HAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A C ATALOGUE AND A N ON C ATALOGUE R EQUISITION ? Catalogue Requisition: A pre-defined list of items from a particular supplier where a contract is in place. Non-Catalogue Requisition: An ad-hoc purchase where the goods or service cannot be found in the Oracle catalogue.

9 F AVOURITES L IST Discuss the benefits of using the favourite/Shopping List feature Demonstrate the multiple favourites list option

10 T HE I MPORTANCE OF ADDING A CARRIAGE LINE TO THE REQUISITION If a carriage line is not added to the requisition, the value of the invoice will not match the purchase order and will result with the invoice being placed on hold.

11 W HAT IS A P URCHASING C ATEGORY C ODE ? Represents the item being purchased. Category Code pre-set in system For Catalogue Items – already assigned For Non Catalogue Item – needs to be chosen Determines the subjective code

12 I S IT POSSIBLE TO RAISE A REQUISITION FOR A DELIVERY LOCATION OTHER THAN MY DEFAULT LOCATION ? Yes, some end users may order for different locations. Therefore, the ability to change the location is an option. The cost centre will automatically update.

13 W HAT ARE T RANSFER P OINTS ? A ‘Transfer Point’ is the term used to describe the delivery address/location. The Transfer Point is linked to a Cost Centre If Transfer Point is changed the Cost Centre will automatically change.

14 I S IT POSSIBLE TO SPLIT THE COST OF GOODS ON A SINGLE TRANSACTION LINE ? The system will allow it, however Can complicate the process particularly if values are to multiple decimal places (£34.342146) Could require multiple approvers if the cost of the purchase is split across multiple cost centres.

15 C AN YOU AMEND THE VAT CODE AGAINST A CATALOGUE REQUISITION ? Yes, the code can be amended whilst raising a catalogue requisition If you are unsure of the correct code, contact the local Procurement Department who will be able to provide the correct information.

16 A PPROVALS How do I change the approver against my requisition? How long does my line manager have to approve my requisition? What happens if the value of the requisition is above my line managers approval limit? What happens to the requisition once it has been approved?

17 C AN YOU CHANGE THE QUANTITY OR PRICE AGAINST A REQUISITION THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED ? Yes, a change request should be raised, highlighting the changes which will subsequently be sent to your approver and then to the Procurement Department

18 W HAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A REQUISITION AND A PURCHASE ORDER ? A requisition is your request for the goods or service. A purchase order is a formal authorisation to purchase the goods or service.

19 W HEN ARE PURCHASE ORDERS CREATED ? A requisition is created when you request goods or service which are sent for approval A purchase order is created as an official document that is issued to the supplier in order to deliver your goods or service

20 H OW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR THE SUPPLIER TO RECEIVE THE PURCHASE ORDER ? This would depend on the preferred transmission method, which may include one of the following: Through the internet Email Fax

21 W HO DO I CONTACT IF THE ORDER IS URGENT ? You would contact your local Procurement Department and advise them of the urgency surrounding your order. The Procurement Department will then notify the supplier and inform them of the importance of the order.

22 T HE IMPORTANCE OF RECEIPTING To meet the 30 days Statutory payment terms (PSPP) The ability to receipt a requisition created by a colleague Modifications to the existing receipt quantity can be made using the Correct Receipt option, this may result in Invoice on Hold for over receipting

23 I NVOICES All invoices should be sent to the Accounts Payable Department. However, on occasions the supplier may send the invoice direct to the deliver to location. What should I do if I receive the invoice? Where should the invoice be sent to?

24 T RAINING We have training resources available for users of the oracle system; Oracle Training Videos User Guides Procurement Services Website We also have training sessions and refresher training available

25 A ND F INALLY ……….. If any further support or advice is required, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant teams who will be more than happy to assist with your query. Thank you

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