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What is eService-learning? How do I develop an eService- learning experience ? What are some examples of eService-learning in action? How do I support.

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2 What is eService-learning? How do I develop an eService- learning experience ? What are some examples of eService-learning in action? How do I support eService-learning with technology?

3 1.How many of you have done some type of service learning before?? (yes/no) 1.How many of you have taught a hybrid class? 2.How many of you have taught on line before? 3.How many of you have tried to combine service-learning and online learning?

4 Sixty-three percent of all reporting institutions said that online learning was a critical part of their institution’s long term strategy. Over 5.6 million students were taking at least one online course during the fall 2009 term; an increase of nearly one million students over the number reported the previous year. The twenty-one percent growth rate for online enrollments far exceeds the less than two percent growth of the overall higher education student population. Nearly forty-one percent of higher education students now take at least one course online. Fast Facts for Online Learning

5 Service-learning: “teaching and learning strategy integrating meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities” (Learn and Service America, 2010).

6 Cycle of Service-Learning planning implementation reflection assessment investigation

7 COMBINES SERVICE-LEARNING AND ONLINE LEARNING—it is more than serving online! Core Components include: -Service -Clear Linkage -Preparation -Structured reflection -Evaluation

8 Traditional Service- Learning E-Service-Learning Hybrid Type II E-Service-Learning Hybrid Type I Extreme Service-Learning (XE-SL) E-Service-Learning Hybrid Type III Waldner, et al 2012 Service Instruction OnsiteOnline Onsite Online Four Kinds of eService-Learning

9 DirectIndirect Service structure Direct service involves students providing hands on service to community partners- tutoring or house building Indirect Service occurs when students provide some type of deliverable for the community partner– website or strategic plan Service structure is the nuts and bolts of the process of the service- how many students are providing service, are they all doing the same thing? Are they serving a short amount of time or a set time throughout the semester? How do I construct an eService-learning experience?

10 IntegratedComponentStand Alone Integrated-the service is embedded in the course. Component- the service is an additional component of the class that is attached- similar to a lab class. Stand Alone—this is an independent s-l course How do I construct an eService-learning experience?

11 Three Steps for Technology Integration 1.Using Technology to Extend Instructional Impact 1.Developing an Online Community and Virtual Culture 2.Teaching Technology to Students (and partners)

12 Service-learning Task or Activity Example Program ManagementDatabases and Course platforms Community Partner ParticipationCommunication tools Curricular ToolsBooks, discussion board, group work Community ServiceWebsites, delivery formats ReflectionJournals, webcasts, presentations, groupwork Program EvaluationOnline or paper evaluation- google surveys and reports

13 Stages of the eService-learning Process Hardware Commonly UsedSoftware 1. Content deliveryDesktop, laptop, notebook, netbook, tablet Videos, ebooks, YouTube, Internet, course delivery packages (blackboard), podcasts 2. Service deliveryPhone, laptop, notebook, netbook, tablet Create digital media products for community partners 3. CommunicationPhone, netbook, tabletEmail, video conferencing, podcasts, Webex 4. Data CollectionPhone, laptop, camera, notebook, netbook, tablet Online surveys, mapping, software, public data collection sources 5. Data AnalysisPhone, laptop, notebook, netbook, tablet SPPS, free/open software applications 6. Participant reflectionPhone, netbook, tabletWritten journals, blogs, video casts, pod casts Technology Use in the Stages of eService-Learning


15 eService-learning COMBINES SERVICE-LEARNING AND ONLINE LEARNING—it is more than serving online! Service-learning: “teaching and learning strategy integrating meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities”



18 For further information…

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