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Unit 1 Communications and Employability Skills for IT Barriers to Communication and how to Overcome Them.

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1 Unit 1 Communications and Employability Skills for IT Barriers to Communication and how to Overcome Them

2 Barriers to Communication Things that get in the way of communicating well, e.g. for Presentations, this could be: – Background noise, (notice the barriers in this room)? – Distractions, e.g. People walking past Mobile phone!!! Any others? – Ability to concentrate: Length of presentations Lack of sleep Boredom ?? – Language – Cultural differences – ?? There are also barriers for other forms of communications: – Written – Electronic – Work in pairs to decide on what barriers might effect them. Create a table listing types of communications and barriers

3 Ways to Overcome Barriers For every communication barrier, we must look at different ways of getting over them, e.g. – Reducing background noise – Being aware of who we are communicating with Look at the previous exercise you did on barriers to written and electronic forms of communications. Work together again to come up with some ideas about how to overcome these barriers. Extend your table from the previous exercise

4 Assignment 1 – P3 and M1 P3 – Extend your second leaflet to explain about potential barriers for at least two of the terms that you described from each main heading M1 – For each barrier that you have described, suggest ways that you could use to overcome them Note that the deadline for Assignment 1 is Friday, 23 rd November. Make sure that you have uploaded everything for formative assessment before our session next week

5 Summary.. Make sure that you keep up the weekly progress with your PDP, blogs and evidence gathering Next week will begin to look at using IT to communicate

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