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Wiltshire Traveller Belief and Culture The largest groups of Travellers supported in Wiltshire are Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers. Both of these.

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Presentation on theme: "Wiltshire Traveller Belief and Culture The largest groups of Travellers supported in Wiltshire are Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers. Both of these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wiltshire Traveller Belief and Culture The largest groups of Travellers supported in Wiltshire are Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers. Both of these are recognised as distinct ethnic groups. The Wiltshire Traveller Support Service also supports circus, fairground, canal and new Travellers. This unit relies heavily on ‘An introduction to the Culture and Beliefs of the Traveller Community’ Teachers’ RE Resource Pack. Available from Dorset Traveller Education Support Service. It is a resource for KS1 but could be adapted for KS2. For further information phone 01350 851302

2 An Introduction to Traveller Beliefs and Culture Skills, Attitudes and Knowledge Investigating. Interpreting Open-mindedness Respect Valuing Diversity Responsible Citizens Confident Individuals Successful Learners Values and practices Comparison of Life and Culture Decisions and life choices. Curricular Links Art Design and Technology History Speaking and Listening Place Classroom based activities. School grounds Hall Paulton’s Park Romany Exhibition (Contact to Check still available) Resources Resource pack prepared and distributed by TESS, Dorset (Traveller Education Support Services) This can be borrowed by contacting TESS on 07881517742. (This is entitled KS1 but can be adapted for KS2) Time Six Week RE Unit and/or cultural day People RE Co-Coordinator Local Traveller Education Service Reverend Roger Reading (Traveller Chaplin)

3 An Introduction to the Culture and Beliefs of the Traveller Community About this unit; this unit is likely to be the first encounter that children will have with the Traveller Community. It introduces them to the term ‘Traveller’ and encourages them to understand that there are many different types of Traveller community. This particular unit focuses on the Gypsy Traveller community but includes references to other Traveller traditions and communities. Children will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of Gypsy, Traveller, Vardo, Bender, Trailer, Site A selection of Romany words Solstice Hand fasting

4 Useful Weblinks

5 Expectations At the end of this unit Most children will be able to  Identify features of Traveller communities  Talk about the importance to Travellers of being part of a Traveller family and community  Identify some of the similarities between the values and practices of the Traveller community, those of faith communities previously studied and their own lives.  Be able to ask questions about other peoples life and culture  Talk about right and wrong from their own, and others, perspective. Some children will have not made so much progress and will be able to  Recognise and name features and objects of Traveller life and practice.  Name something that is of value to a Traveller and something that is of value to them. Some children will have progressed further and will be able to  Understand and explain the similarities and differences between Traveller communities and other faith communities previously studied.  Talk about the impact that being a Traveller has on Traveller’s decisions and life choices.  Identify what influences them as individuals.

6 Who are Travellers The Traveller communities The significance of possessions The collections of their peers and the reason why people collect certain items Pupils will be able to: Talk about the difference between travelling on holiday or on a trip and travelling as a lifestyle Identify what matters to them and what matters to others.

7 Home and Lifestyle Pupils will be able to: talk about the types of homes a Traveller might live in and give a reason why identify a similarity and a difference between their own home and those of a Traveller demonstrate care when handling valuable possessions Pupils will learn to: make links between their experience of home and a Travellers home find out about different types of Traveller homes and a travelling /outdoor life

8 What is Important to Gypsy Travellers? Pupils will learn about, The importance of family to Gypsy Travellers. Gypsy Travellers place value in family pride. Family is a source of help and support The importance of horses and shared celebrations A shared language That decorations reflect Gypsy culture Pupils will be able to, Talk about something of importance to Gypsy Travellers and make a link between that and something that is important to themselves Express their ideas through creative and expressive arts A KS1 resource but useful to start discussion Available from: Wiltshire Traveller Education Traveller Education Service, Schools Branch, Department for Children and Education, Wiltshire County Council County Hall, Bythese Road,Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JB

9 What do Traveller families do together? Pupils will learn, That Traveller families work together Traveller children have a responsibility to help within their family Travellers have skills which they pass down to their children Pupils will be able to, Talk about the difference that being a child of a Traveller makes Think about difficult questions and communicate an answer Explore Gypsy arts and customs by creating their own example

10 What do Gypsy Travellers believe? Pupils will learn, That you can have a faith without going to a special building That Gypsy Travellers thank God for their lives That Travellers respect their ‘elders’ and listen to their advice. Pupils will be able to, Make links between Christian and Gypsy belief and practice i.e. belief in God, christening Explain what Gypsy Travellers are thankful for and think about something that they are thankful for. Recall a traditional Traveller morality tale ( eg Lazy Jack and think about it’s moral. Link to parables that Jesus told.)

11 What is a Traveller wedding like? Pupils will learn, about different types of weddings the importance of promises Pupils will be able to, express their feeling in response to music talk about different types of weddings consider the importance of a promise

12 Are Travellers treated fairly? Pupils will learn to, explore the issue of equality through drama talk about difficult situation Pupils will be able to, reflect on the issue of stereotypes think about their response to others “Teacher’s role is as much about breaking down barriers of prejudice and racism as about teaching literacy and numeracy”

13 Customs Children will learn, the importance of rules and customs to treat others beliefs and customs with respect Pupils will be able to, talk about the different rules that are followed in different peoples homes. consider the views of others based on their lifestyle.

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