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Greek Roots 1-15
Greek Root: a-, an- Root: a-, an- Meaning: without, not
Visual Representation: Word List: Achromatic Amoral Anarchy
Greek Root: amphi-, amph-
Meaning: both, around Visual Representation: Word List: Amphibious Amphitheater
Greek Root: anti-, ant- Root: anti-, ant- Meaning: against, counter
Visual Representation: Word List: Antidote Antagonist Antacid
Greek Root 4: ec, ex Root: ec, ex Meaning: out Visual Representation:
Word List: Except Exclude Eccentric
Greek Root 5: en Root: en Meaning: in Visual Representation:
Word List: Enact Endear Encompass
Greek Root 6: hypo Root: hypo Meaning: under, below
Visual Representation: Word List: Hypocrite Hypoglycemia Hypochondria Hypotenuse Hypothermia Hypothesis
Root 7: Hyper=above/over Lubna Al Sindy Period 6
1.Hyperthermia-The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal. 2.Hyperbole-Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. 3.Hypertension-A state of great psychological stress. 4.Hypersensitive-Abnormally or excessively sensitive, either psychologically or in physical response. 5.Hypercritical-Excessively and unreasonably critical, especially of small faults.
Greek Root 7: hyper- Root: Hyper- Meaning: Over, above Visual:
Word List: * hyperactive * hypercritical * hyperbole * hyperlink * hypersensitive * hyperventilate
Root # Peri = Around Ex: Pericarp (Around the fruit; the covering skin or shell) Ex: Pericardium (Around the heart) 1. Periosteum (Around the bones) 2. Perimeter (Measurement around a figure) 3. Perimysium ( Around the muscle) 4. Periscope (To look around) 5. Periodontal (Around the teeth)
Greek Root 8: peri- Root: Peri- Meaning: Around Visual: Word List:
* perimeter * periscope * peripheral * perihelion * periodic * periodontal
Robbie Banks
Greek Root 9: pro- Root: Pro- Meaning: Before , in front of Visual:
Word List: * profound * protect * program * prospects * prognosis *provision
Root #10: syn/sym: together, with, same
Symmetry- same in size, shape, form. Synchronize- same operating time or rate. Sympathy- with feelings of pity for someone’s misfortune Synchronous- same time. Synonym- same meaning as another word/phrase.
Greek Root 10: syn, sym Root: syn, sym Meaning: together, with Visual:
Word List: Symphony Symmetry Synonym Synchronize Symbol Sympathy Synthesize Synopsis Syndrome
Anthrop By Abbey Burkholder
Anthrop – man, mankind Anthropology- the social science regarding s tudy of man – origins and relationships Anthropoid- resembles man (as in mankind) Anthropopathy- attributing human feeling to god Anthropomorphism- attributing human form to the nonhuman
More ANTHROP just for Fun
Anthropophagi: cannibalism
Greek Root 11: anthrop Root: anthrop Meaning: man, mankind Visual:
Word List: Anthropology Philanthropist Anthropocentric Anthropogenic Anthropoid Anthropomorphism
Root #11 Phil-,Love Philosophy: The love of knowledge
Philanthropy: The love of other humans welfare Philharmonic: The love of harmony Philology: The love of studying Philological: The love of logic
Greek Root 12: phil Root: phil Meaning: love Visual: Word List:
Philanthropist Philosophy Philanderer Philharmonic Philology
Root # 13 Mis, miso –hate or bad Miscarriage-bad pregnancy
Johanna byers Mis, miso –hate or bad Miscarriage-bad pregnancy Misconception –bad/wrong idea Misarcy-hate for government Misodoctakledist-hate for practicing the piano Miscaphy-hate of tobacco smoke
Greek Root 13: mis, miso Root: mis, miso Meaning: hate, bad Visual:
Word List: Misanthrope Misogamy Misogyny Misology Misoneism Misadventure Misunderstanding
Greek Roots #14 Root: Phon Meaning: Sound Words:
Picture Words: Phonograph- delivers sound (music) Microphone- captures and releases sounds Symphony- creation of sound (music) Telephone- communication by sound Phonetic – sounds of the human language
Greek Root 14: phon Root: phon Meaning: sound Visual: Word List:
Phonics Phonetic Microphone Megaphone Phonograph
Root #15 graph, gram= write, draw, record
Graphology-the study of handwriting Autograph-something written in a persons own handwriting Graphic-written inscribed or drawn Grapheme-a minimal unit of a writing system Cardiogram-the tracing (writing) made by a heart monitor
Greek Root 15: graph, gram Root: graph, gram Meaning:
write, draw, record Visual: Word List: Graphic Biography Autograph Photograph Geography Choreograph Grammar Diagram
Root #16 Scop, scept= Look at, examine
Scepter-staff examined then hired by rulers Hydroscope- examine depths of the ocean Microscope- look at, examine tiny organisms. Telescope- examine distant objects Kaleidoscope-look at different patterns through a tube
Greek Root 16: scop, scept Root: scop, scept Meaning: examine, look at
Visual: Word List: Telescope Microscope Arthroscopic Skeptic Speculate
Greek Root 17- Eu; good,well
Eureka (An expression of triumph) Euphemize(refer to by means of a euphemism) Eulogy (Words of praise ) Euphoria (A feeling of well-being) Euphony(A pleasant sound ) Enharmonic(Producing per-fect harmony)
Greek Root 17: eu Root: eu Meaning: good, well Visual: Word List:
Euphoria Eulogy Euphemism Euthanasia
Greek Rook: caco 1.Alexicacon- preservation against evil
2.Cacodemon- Evil demon/devil 3.Cacaerometer- Measures bad air or pollution 4. Cacoepy- wrong spelling of words 5. Cacoethes- A very bad habit
Greek Root 18: caco Root: caco Meaning: bad Visual: Word List:
Cacophony Cacography Cacodemon Cacoepy
Mega,Megalo:large Megapod: Large footed Megalopolis: Large City
Megadont: Having large feet Megascopic: Enlarged; Visible to the naked eye Megapodidae: A genus of a large footed bird
Greek Root 19: mega, megalo
Meaning: large Visual: Word List: Megaphone Megabyte Megalomania Megalith Megalopolis
Greek root: micro=small
Micro- meaning small Microcomputer: a small digital computer designed to be used by 1 person at a time Microbe: a minute life form Microphone: device converting sound waves into electrical energy. Microscope: magnifier of the image of a small object Microbiology: the branch of biology that studies micro organisms and their affects on humans
Greek Root 20: micro Root: micro Meaning: small Visual: Word List:
Microscope Microbe Micromanage Microphone Microcosm Microbiology
Root #21 tel,tele,telo: far/distant
Telescope-to look at an object far away Telephone-To talk to someone who is far away Television-to watch something with out you having to be there Telecast- to broadcast a program to tv Teleprompter-A device used in tv and movies to project the speakers script and is usually hid from the auidence.
Greek Root 21: tel, tele, telo
Meaning: far, distant Visual: Word List: Telephone Television Telescope Telecommunication Telepathy
Arch/Archi Cara Galletta
Meaning If the word has an Arch or a Archi somewhere inside, then it will most likely have something to do with governing or ruling. It could either be written in the form of a prefix, suffix or in the middle of the word In Greek it is written like ἀρχή
Words with Arch/Archi An example of some words with Arch/Archi is
Anarchy - a state of disorder due to absence of authority Architect - a person who designs structures and also supervises the construction of the building they designed. Oligarchy - a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution or any group of things Patriarchy - a type of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. Matriarchy - a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women
Greek Root 22: arch, archi Root: arch, archi Meaning:
rule, govern, extreme Visual: Word List: Monarchy Anarchy Archrival Hierarchy Matriarch Patriarch Architect
23: Janet Gorostieta: Dem=People
Greek Root 23: dem Root: dem Meaning: people Visual: Word List:
Democracy Demagogue Demography Demeanor
Greek Root 24 Gon-Angle/Corner
Polygon: a figure, especially a closed plane figure, having three or more, usually straight, sides Goniometer: is an instrument that either measures an angle or allows an object to be rotated to a precise angular position Hectagon: a polygon of eight angles and eight sides Decagon: a polygon with 10 angles Diagonal: a slanting line running across a space
Greek Root 24: gon Root: gon Meaning: angle Visual: Word List: Polygon
Hexagon Pentagon Gondola
Root Gyn: women Gynoecy- The species of which females are only known Gynephobia- the fear of women Gynecoid- resembling a women Gynarchy- A government run by women Gynecology- the science that treats the diseases of women.
Greek Root 25: gyn Root: gyn Meaning: women Visual: Word List:
Misogynist Gynecologist Gynarchy Gynephobia
Greek roots Baxter Ladd
Root: log
Meaning: Speech idea study
Words: Eulogy- a writing or speech to give praise
Pathological- study of origin Monologue- a prolonged speech by a single speaker Logic- the study of a correct or reliable idea Log- to hold account of an event in writing
Greek Root 26: log Root: log Meaning: study, speech, idea Visual:
Word List: Logic Biology Psychology Analogy Anthology
Calvin Mandelkow
Greek Root 27: archae Root: archae Meaning: ancient Visual: Word List:
Archaeology Archaic Archive Archetype
Greek Root #28 Hetero: various, different.
Picture that defines hetero: 1.) Heterocercal: Having unequal upper and lower lobes of a fish’s tail. 2.) Heterochromatic: Several different colors or (in physics) wave lengths. 3.) Heterocyst: Cell found in the filaments of certain algae and in fungi 4.) Heterogamy: A state in which the flowers of a plant are two or more types. 5.) Heterosexual: sexually attracted to the opposite sex.
Greek Root 28: hetero Root: hetero Meaning: different, various Visual:
Word List: Heterogeneous Heterosexual Heterochromatic Heterography Heteromorphic
homo: same, like Homophone – same sound
Homogeneous – composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind Homosexual – sexual preference to same gender Homozygous – having identical pairs of genes for any given pair of hereditary characteristics Homogenize - to make uniform or similar, as in composition or function Emma Peterson P.6
Greek Root 29: homo Root: homo Meaning: same, like Visual: Word List:
Homogeneous Homosexual Homonym Homophobia
Root #30 Poly Meaning: many Picture: Examples: Polymers: many monomers
By Eva Rettig Period 6 Meaning: many Picture: Examples: Polymers: many monomers Polygene : many genes Polynuclear: multiple rings in a compound Polywater: water containing many pieces of glass or quartz Polyzoic: habitat containing many species of living organisms
Greek Root 30: poly Root: poly Meaning: many Visual: Word List:
Polygraph Polygamy Polytheist Polynomial
Greek Root 31: Theo Root: theo Meaning: god Visual: Word List: atheist
theology monotheist theocracy
Angelica Salazar
Greek Root 32: Geo Root: geo Meaning: earth Visual: Word List: geology
geography geometry
Heliocentric- having relation to the center of the sun Heliochrome- a naturally colored photograph Heliology- science of the sun Heliosis- sunburn or sunstroke Heliotrope- a plant which turns to the sun
Greek Root 33: Helio Root: helio Meaning: sun Visual: Word List:
heliotherapy heliocentric perihelion
CHRONICLE: a factual written account of important historical events
CHRONAPHOBIA: the fear of time CHRONOLOGY: the arrangement of events or dates in order of their occurrence CHRONOBIOLOGY: is a field of biology that examines periodic phenomena in living organisms and their adaptation to solar- and lunar-related rhythms CHRONOGRAPH: An instrument for measuring or recording intervals of time
Greek Root 34: Chron Root: chron Meaning: time Visual: Word List:
chronological chronic synchronize anachronism chronicle
Renee Taylor Greek Root #35. Chrom: Color
Chromascope. - An instrument showing the effects of color. Chromatic scale-A musical scale of many shades of tone. Chromosome-A tiny body found in living cells which controls heredity Chromatology-Science of colors
Greek Root 35: Chrom Root: chrom Meaning: color Visual: Word List:
Achromatic Monochromatic Polychromatic
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