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Community Cohesion Roles of women -How have they changed? -Why? -Christian attitudes -Muslim attitudes Multi-ethnic society -Why is UK a M-E society?

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Presentation on theme: "Community Cohesion Roles of women -How have they changed? -Why? -Christian attitudes -Muslim attitudes Multi-ethnic society -Why is UK a M-E society?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Community Cohesion Roles of women -How have they changed? -Why? -Christian attitudes -Muslim attitudes Multi-ethnic society -Why is UK a M-E society? -What are benefits? -Problems of Racism -Effects of Racism -What does the government do to promote CC? Racial Harmony -Why should Christians promote it? -Why should Muslims promote it? Multi-faith society -What are the benefits? -What are potential problems? -What do religions do to promote CC? Media How has the media presented issues to do with race?

3 Religion and community cohesion- Keywords SexismPrejudiceDiscriminationEthnic Minority Multi-ethnic societyRacismMulti-faith societyCommunity cohesion Racial harmonyReligious freedomReligious pluralismInterfaith marriage

4 How have attitudes changed?Why have attitudes changed? Women now have the right to vote Women can now reach the same high positions as men (e.g. PM) Women are now expected to work Women now expect to be paid the same as men for the same job The Suffragette’s took action for the right to vote 1960s feminist movement fought for equal pay Contraceptive pill has meant women can have sex without the result of having to look after children Women proved they could do the same jobs as men in the World Wars

5 Some Christians accept that men and women should have equal rights and allow women to be ministers/vicars because… Other Christians believe that men and women have separate roles and so do not have the same rights in religion because… Women must remain silent in church Jesus is a man…priests should be to (Catholic Church) Jesus chose only male disciples Eve was created from Adam and responsible for “the fall” All are equal in Christ “Love your neighbour” (everyone) God made everyone in his own image Jesus had female friends (not common for time he lived in)

6 Traditionally, Muslims believe that men and women have different roles and rights in life and religion because… A modern Muslim view is that men and women have totally equal roles in education and religion because… The Qur’an says God gave men a stronger physique The Qur’an says women are responsible for the upbringing of children The Qur’an says women should wear “outer garments” The Qur’an teaches that men and women will be judged in the same way Prophet Muhammad taught men and women to pray together in the mosque The Qur’an teaches that God created everyone

7 b) questions… -Ask for your opinion -Require you to give 2 reasons and explain them -You can say “On the other hand…” if you can’t think of 2 reasons for the same point of view - Use POINT EXPLAIN EXAMPLE LINK Example: “Do you think women should have the same rights as men?” (4 marks)

8 “Do you think women should have the same rights as men?” I do think women should have the same rights as men This is because women are perfectly capable of doing the same things as men. For example, during World War One and Two, women provided cover for men in the work place when they were away fighting. They proved they could do the same jobs as men to the same standard. This proves that women should have the same rights as men. Another reason why I think women should have the same rights as men is because both men and women are humans and therefore should have the same human rights. For example, women should have the same opportunity to work and have a career as men. Both men and women only have one life and they should have the same rights to decide how to live it. Therefore women should have the same rights as men.

9 The UK has always been a mixed society, with foreign invaders and settlers such as Romans and Normans The UK has offered asylum (place of safety) for those suffering persecution. For example, European Jews escaping Hitler. In the 19 th Century, Britain had built up an empire around the world. In exchange for being ruled by Britain, citizens of the Empire were allowed to settle in the UK. In the 1940s and 1950s, countries gained independence from Britain. Many people migrated from these countries to live in the UK (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, West Africa)

10 The benefits of living in a multi-ethnic society Life is more interesting as there is a greater variety of fashion and music New ideas will be introduced. Societies that are cut off and do not mix with other cultures tend to not treat disadvantaged groups as well Life is more interesting as greater variety of food is available There is less chance of war because people will get to know other ethnic groups and like each other and probably intermarry.

11 Landlords Landlords may not give accommodation to certain ethnic groups Teachers Some teachers label certain ethnic groups and this leads them to not do well in school Employers Some employers do not give jobs to certain ethnic groups Police The police may discriminate against certain ethnic groups by stopping and searching them

12 Riots Some ethnic groups may riot if they feel they have not been treated fairly. E.g. the Asian population of Bradford felt they were not being protected by the police and so started to riot. Race Hate Crimes Some people are murdered because of racism. For example, Stephen Lawrence. Genocide In cases of extreme racism, some leaders try to wipe out entire ethnic groups. E.g. Nazis in Germany, Hutus in Rwanda Terrorism Some people feel they have been discriminated against could turn to terrorism. E.g. some young people have turned to extremist Islamist groups as a result of feeling their religion has been discriminated against

13 What have the government done to promote community cohesion? All those wanting to migrate to the UK have to take a citizenship test where they are tested on the history of the country and how the political system works Schools must teach community cohesion and OFSTED will mark them on this Tried to encourage more ethnic minority groups to become MPs and police officers so people feel like they are being represented They have increased the penalty for hate crimes (crimes motivated by racism, religious, sexual prejudice etc) by issuing longer prison sentences

14 Jesus: The Good Samaritan: The message of the story is “Love your neighbour” (meaning everyone, regardless of race) Jesus: A black man helped Jesus carry the cross to his crucifixion St. Paul: There is neither Jew nor Greek…male of female, you are all equal in Christ Bible: Every man is made in the image of God

15 Brotherhood: Muslims believe they are all brothers to each other and therefore should treat all races equally The Qur’an teaches all humans are related to each other as they all descend from Adam and Eve. Therefore they’re all equal Prophet Muhammad (last sermon) “Every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim” (regardless of race) Prophet Muhammad chose a Black African to be his first caller (Muhammad was an Arab)

16 Give 3 reasons per part and make sure you refer to a religion “There are more benefits than problems of living in a multi-ethnic society” AgreeDisagree

17 Give 3 reasons per part and make sure you refer to a religion “Religious people should give the same rights to women as they give to men” AgreeDisagree

18 Give 3 reasons per part and make sure you refer to a religion “If more people were religious, there would be less racism and discrimination” AgreeDisagree

19 Many different religions living together in one society Children learn about other religions and understand why different religions believe what they do, making them more tolerant People have a right to choose their religion (or no religion) compared to a mono-faith society where there is only 1 religion People can meet different religious people and realise that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs There could be more chance of understanding which will help to stop conflicts as different groups will talk to each other

20 Many different religions living together in one society Conversion: Many religious people try to convert others to their religion. This could offend others as they will be told their religion is wrong. Inter-faith marriage: When two people of different faiths marry. Could cause no religious wedding ceremony as most faiths require both partners to be of the same religion. Bringing up children: Parents are unsure which religion to bring their child up in. This is an issue if they believe one faith is the only route to heaven Bringing up children: Parents might be unsure as to which school to send their children to. Secular state schools might tempt children away from religious lifestyles.

21 Religious leaders meet each other to discuss similarities in their beliefs (for example, Christians, Jews and Muslims share the same prophets) Some religious groups have helped inter-faith marriage: Protestant Churches and Reform Jewish synagogues have developed special wedding services Some religions are encouraging parents to bring children up in both religions (e.g. Church of England, Liberal Jewish synagogues) Promoting good relations (religious groups try to bring different people and religions together to work together and promote understanding) e.g. mosque in York invited EDL members into their mosque

22 Issue: Discrimination Vicar of Dibley: -Shows that Christians discriminate against women by having the view that a woman cannot be a priest. The Christians in the episode give reasons like “Jesus only chose male disciples” -The programme paints Christians as old-fashioned, sexist men. Some Christians may argue this is not a fair representation. Bend it Like Beckham: -Shows a traditional Sikh family who do want their daughter Jes to be a “proper woman”: this means being a good housewife -The film portrays Sikhs as old-fashioned, sexist and not wanting to have the same values as mainstream British culture (giving women same rights as men)

23 Issue: Discrimination Crash features a white police force. - One of whom vents his personal frustrations on black men by stopping and searching them aggressively without good reason. - Another tries to be sympathetic to black men but his suspicion and fear causes him to shoot an un-armed black man. -A black film director is forced to re-edit a scene in his film because the black character is not acting in a “stereotypically black way.” -He is made to feel powerless as he is stopped by white policeman and is forced to look on as his wife is harassed. The film shows that racism is embedded in American society

24 C) questions… -Must briefly explain 4 reasons -If it is on religious viewpoints, you must say where they’re from (e.g. Bible/Prophet Muhammad) and link them to the question Example: Explain why Christians should promote racial harmony (8 marks)

25 Practice C) Questions… Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why it’s followers should promote racial harmony (8 marks) Explain why the government promotes community cohesion (8 marks) Explain why Christians should promote racial harmony (8 marks) Explain how an issue from community cohesion was presented in one form of the media (8 marks) Explain how religions work to promote community cohesion (8 marks)

26 Religion and community cohesion- Keywords Sexism Treating someone differently because of their sex (male/female) Prejudice Judging someone before you know them Discrimination Treating someone differently because of your prejudice Ethnic Minority Someone who belongs to an ethnic group who are not in the majority Multi-ethnic society A society with many different ethnic groups living together Racism Treating someone differently because of their race Multi-faith society A society with many different religious groups living together Community cohesion A common vision and shared sense of belonging Racial harmony Different ethnic groups living together peacefully Religious freedom The right to practice your religion and change your religion Religious pluralism Accepting all religions have an equal right to co- exist Interfaith marriage Marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions

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