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Neolithic Revolution and River Valley Civilizations Chapter 1 Section 2 and 3 pgs 12-21 Chapters 2 and 3 pgs 24-77 Essential Questions: What was the Neolithic.

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Presentation on theme: "Neolithic Revolution and River Valley Civilizations Chapter 1 Section 2 and 3 pgs 12-21 Chapters 2 and 3 pgs 24-77 Essential Questions: What was the Neolithic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neolithic Revolution and River Valley Civilizations Chapter 1 Section 2 and 3 pgs 12-21 Chapters 2 and 3 pgs 24-77 Essential Questions: What was the Neolithic Revolution? What factors led to the rise of the 1 st civilizations? What were the accomplishments of the early river valley civilizations? How did early civilizations benefit from the river valley locations? How were river valley civilization similar and different? Why is there religion?

2 Artifact? Find a picture of an ancient Greek Vase

3 Artifact? (Preview) In groups of 4, each group will be given an “artifact.” The “artifact” will be an everyday item, but you will not have any knowledge of the writing or the numbers. In your notebook you will write a description of it. This description will help you make inferences or logical guesses about the “artifact” Then write down what your group thinks your “artifact” is.

4 What is Periodization? Each period is defined by three conditions – A geographical component When civilization contracts, shrinks When civilization spreads from smaller to wider area – Increase, decrease in contacts across regions – Emergence of parallel developments across globe Dates not best way to define a period Period may occur – At different time – In different regions

5 Periodization Time PeriodDate of Time Period Foundations Era: Development of River Valley Civilizations 8000 BCE-500 BCE Classical Era500 BCE –600 CE Post-Classical Era600 – 1450 Connecting East & West1450 - 1750 Age of Revolution Era1750 - 1914 Modern Era: 20 th Century to the Present 1914 to present

6 Culture/Civilization Culture – refers to a people’s way of life. Including language, clothing, homes, family structure, and government systems. It also includes crafts, arts, music, and religious beliefs. Civilizations – advanced form of society in which some people live in the cities, have complex institutions, use some form of writing, and are skilled in science and technology. – Characteristics – River Valley – mild climate and waterways

7 Early Society Hunter-Gatherers Neolithic Revolution – peoples saw they could obtain food by planting seeds. – Food Surpluses – Domestication of animals – Settlements Social Classes Emerged – Warriors, Priests, Farmers, Craftspeople, etc.

8 Neolithic Revolution Web Diagram Development of Agriculture More cultural developments More food Available Rise of population New farming tools Emergence of farming villages More stable communities Show effects of the development of agriculture

9 How to look at a Quote or a Document 1.Who is the author? 2.Who is the audience? 3.What is the time period? 4.What are the words you do not understand? And what do those words mean? 5.Summarize or put into your own words what the quote or document is saying. Each person in the group will answer one of these questions.

10 Hammurabi’s Code “195. If a son strike his father, his hand shall be hewn off. 196. If a (noble) man put the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. 197. If he break another (noble) man’s bone, his bone shall be broken. 198. If he put the eye of a (commoner) freed man, or break the bone of a freed man, he shall pay one gold mina. 199. If he put out the eye of a man’s slave, or break the bone of a man’s slaves, he shall pay one-half of it value. 200. If a (noble) man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out.”

11 Question for Hammurabi’s Code Write the question and then answer the following question: What was the difference between putting a nobleman’s eye out than that of a commoner?

12 River Valley Civilizations Mesopotamia 3500 bce to 1700bce Location/Environment Agriculture Government Religion Buildings Contributions/Accomplishments

13 River Valley Civilizations Egypt 3200bce – 500bce Location/Environment Agriculture Government Religion Buildings Contributions/Accomplishments

14 River Valley Civilizations India Location/Environment Agriculture Government Religion Buildings Contributions/Accomplishments

15 River Valley Civilizations China Location/Environment Agriculture Government Religion Buildings Contributions/Accomplishments

16 Indo- Europeans What important contributions did the Aryan invaders make to the culture and way of life in India? Your paragraph will include roles in society, religion, and literature.

17 Jainsim Founder – Mahavira 500bce – 527bce Tenant – Everything in the universe has a soul and so should not be harmed. They have a doctrine of non-violence to its logical conclusion. Most of the 5 million followers live in India

18 Judaism Judaism was the religion of the ancient Hebrews. It began in the ancient land now know as Israel. Moses led the Jews out of Egyptian slavery. Monotheism – the belief in one God. Old Testament – History of Jewish people is told in the 1 st books of the Bible. Ten Commandments – established a moral code of conduct; emphasizes living justly; belief in one God; honoring one’s parents, not killing, or stealing.

19 Scrapbook (Process) Create your own scrapbook on the contributions or accomplishments for one of the following River Valley Civilizations that we have studied. For each item find a photograph or draw a picture. Describe the contribution or accomplishment below each image and explain its importance to modern-day civilization.

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