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First Five: 4/13/16 1.What was Justinian’s most important achievement? 2.What city became the center of trade in the Byzantine Empire because it was a.

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Presentation on theme: "First Five: 4/13/16 1.What was Justinian’s most important achievement? 2.What city became the center of trade in the Byzantine Empire because it was a."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Five: 4/13/16 1.What was Justinian’s most important achievement? 2.What city became the center of trade in the Byzantine Empire because it was a gateway between Europe and Asia? Be sure to have your review out for me to come around and check!

2 Chapter 11 Review

3 1. How did Julius Caesar rise to power in Rome? Caesar was a great general who conquered Gaul. He was also an excellent speaker who gained followers with his speeches. Along with his powerful friends Pompey and Crassus, he ruled Rome as part of the First Triumvirate. After their deaths, he declared himself dictator for life.

4 2. Who took over Rome after Caesar’s death and what was the first thing they did? Octavian (Caesar’s adopted son, later known as Augustus) and Marc Antony (Caesar’s former assistant) Their top priority was to punish the men who had killed Caesar. They set out with an army and defeated his murderers to avenge his death.

5 3. What event do historians consider to be the end of the Roman Republic and the start of the Roman Empire? The Senate gave Octavian the name Augustus (which means revered one), making him the sole ruler, or emperor, of Rome.

6 4. __________ is a mixture of lime with volcanic rock and ash. The Romans used it as a building material to make their structures last. Cement

7 5. Look at the following photographs. What are these pictures of? Aqueduct Arch Keystone Colisseum

8 6. Explain why the Romans had problems with the Jews. The Jews believed in one God while the Romans were polytheistic. Roman leaders felt the Jews were insulting Roman gods by not praying to them. Rome conquered Judea in 63 BC → Jews rebelled against them but were defeated each time. By early 100s AD, the Romans were taxing the Jews heavily and treating them badly. Emperor Hadrian banned some Jewish rituals thinking the Jews would give up Judaism → Jews wanted freedom from the Roman Empire and rebelled. The Roman army crushed their revolt, forced the Jews to leave, and destroyed Jerusalem.

9 7. Describe the two parts of the Bible. Old Testament – tells the history and ideas of the Hebrew people (this part is the Torah) New Testament – an account of the life and teachings of Jesus in the early history of Christianity

10 8. Why was the Roman Empire split in two? The emperor believed it was too large to be governed and maintained effectively.

11 9. Where did Constantine move the capital city of the Eastern Roman Empire? Constantinople

12 10. What were the contributions of Justinian and Theodora to the Byzantine Empire? Justinian – reconquered parts of the empire, simplified laws into a new system called Justinian’s Code, built many beautiful public places including the Hagia Sophia, a church. Theodora – created laws to help women and children and to end government corruption

13 11. Who was the consul who was beheaded in Egypt. He was part of the 1 st Triumvirate. A.Julius Caesar B.Pompey C.Marc Antony D.Octavian

14 12. Who was Murdered on March 15 th by members of the Senate out of fear that he was going to become a dictator. A.Julius Caesar B.Pompey C.Marc Antony D.Octavian

15 13. What is a device used to transport water into Roman cities. A.Arches B.Aqueducts C.Vaults D.Keystones

16 14. What Allowed builders to construct tall structures while using fewer materials. A.Arches B.Aqueducts C.Vaults D.Keystones

17 15. What was the Period of great stability and peace across the Roman Empire known as? A.Romance B.First Triumvirate C.Pax Romana D.Second Triumvirate

18 16. Who allowed Christians to practice their religion freely and ended their persecution. A.Pompey B.Crassus C.Caesar Augustus D.Constantine

19 17. The empire in the east will become recognized as the ___________________. A.The Roman Empire B.Constantine C.Justinian Empire D.Byzantine Empire

20 18. A Decay in the values of the people. One of the causes for the collapse of the Roman Empire. A.Pax Romana B.Corruption C.Persecution D.Romance

21 19. Which Byzantine emperor was responsible for organizing and simplifying old Roman law into a new code? A.Constantine B.Diocletian C.Justinian D.Xerxes

22 20. When did the Roman Republic become the Roman Empire? A.the Senate gave Octavian the title Augustus B.the Romans first expanded outside Italy C.the First Triumvirate was established D.the patricians took control of government

23 21. The Western Roman Empire fell when A.Constantine moved the capital. B.the emperor was overthrown by a foreign general C.the Goth’s invaded Rome. D.Julius Caesar was killed.

24 22. Which event led to the death of Julius Caesar? A.losing the Battle of Egypt B.appointing Brutus as governor of Rome C.demanding Pompey to resign D.being elected dictator for life

25 23. Which of the following was NOT related to the 'fall' of Rome? A.Germanic invasions B.corrupt officials C.the assassination of Julius Caesar D.heavy taxes

26 24. Which describes the early Roman religion? A.Their gods demanded human sacrifices. B.Their gods and goddess were based on Greek gods and goddesses. C.Their gods were the pharaohs. D.The Romans did not have a religion.

27 26. What was the Byzantine Empire best known for? A.Spreading Chinese inventions to Europe and Africa B.New ideas in science and philosophy C.Preserving Greek and Roman culture D.Adopting new types of mathematics invented in India.

28 27. Christianity grew from and is an extension of _____________. Judaism

29 28. How did Christianity spread? A.The Romans banned Christianity and persecuted its followers. B.Jesus’ followers traveled throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East spreading the teachings of Jesus C.The Messiah spread Christianity throughout the entire Roman Empire. D.Christianity did not spread.

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