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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Recognition & Response Head, Neck & Back Injuries Assessment Rescue Breathing First AidCPR & AED.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Recognition & Response Head, Neck & Back Injuries Assessment Rescue Breathing First AidCPR & AED."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Recognition & Response Head, Neck & Back Injuries Assessment Rescue Breathing First AidCPR & AED

6 A swimmer that is not breathing and is face down in the water. A 100

7 What is a passive drowning victim? A 100

8 A swimmer is vertical in the water and cannot call out for help. Arms are moving, but there is no supporting kick. There is no locomotion. A 200

9 What is an active drowning victim? A 200

10 A swimmer that is diagonal in the water with little arm and leg action. There is no forward progress. A 300

11 What is a distressed swimmer? A 300

12 The failure to Recognize a drowning victim, Intrusion of secondary duties and Distraction from patron surveillance duties. A 400

13 What is the RID factor? A 400

14 You see a patron holding his friend underwater. As a lifeguard, you make a decision about how to deal with the unsafe behavior by using the _______ model. A 500

15 What is the FIND model? F = Figure out the problem I = Identify possible solutions N = Name the pros and cons for each solution D = Decide which solution is best A 500

16 A technique used in the water to minimize movement of the victim’s head and neck is the. B 100

17 What is the head and chin support? B 100

18 You find a patron lying on the locker room floor. There is a depression on the head and bruising behind the ears. The suspected injury is. B 200

19 What is a head, neck or back injury? B 200

20 A technique to minimize movement for a victim with a suspected head, neck, or back injury who is face-down, at the surface and in water less than 3 feet deep is the. B 300

21 What is the head splint technique? B 300

22 A patron comes up complaining of neck pain and says their hands and feet are tingling. The care you should provide is. B 400

23 What is provide manual in-line stabilization of the victim’s head and neck and summon EMS? B 400

24 Secure the straps on a backboard in the water in the following order. B 500

25 What is upper chest, hips, and thighs? B 500

26 You come upon a safe scene where someone seems to be hurt. During the initial assessment, you should CHECK for. (3 parts to the answer) C 100

27 What is consciousness, a pulse, and severe bleeding? C 100

28 The acronym for secondary assessment. C 200

29 What is SAMPLE? C 200

30 After two minutes of providing care check for. C 300

31 What movement, breathing and a pulse? C 300


33 The steps you follow in an emergency are performed in the following order. C 400

34 What is size up the scene, perform an initial assessment, and summon EMS personnel? C 400

35 You and a patron enter the locker room and find an unconscious person lying on the floor. You size up the scene and then begin performing an initial assessment. The patron asks, “Should we move him to the first aid room?” The next step would be. C 500

36 What is explain to the patron that the victim is in no immediate danger so he does not have to be moved? C 500

37 D 100 Compressions for an infant should be performed at a rate of.

38 What is 100 compressions per minute? D 100

39 The length of time you should check for movement, breathing and pulse following the first 2 minutes of rescue breathing. D 200


41 The ratio of breaths to seconds for providing rescue breathing to an adult. D 300

42 15 What is 1 breath every 5 seconds? D 300

43 The ratio of breaths to seconds for providing rescue breathing to a child. D 400


45 If during the initial assessment, the lifeguard is alone and needs to summon EMS, place the victim in. D 500

46 What is the HAINES position? D 500

47 A patron fell off the diving board ladder and is now restless and irritable. The victim is experiencing ______. E 100

48 What is shock? E 100

49 E 200

50 What is Allergies? E 200

51 The best way to immobilize an ankle or foot injury. (What type of splint?) E 300

52 What is soft splint? E 300

53 E 400

54 What is heat cramps? Symptoms = painful muscle spasms E 400

55 A patron collapses at the facility entrance. After he becomes conscious, he has weakness on the left side of his face and arm and his words are slurred. These are signs and symptoms of. E 500

56 What is a stroke? E 500

57 Place 2 fingers into the groove at the side of the neck. What are you doing? F 100

58 What is the pulse of an adult? F 100

59 During the initial assessment for an unconscious adult, if your first 2 breaths do not make the chest rise, the next step is. F 200

60 What is tilt the head back farther and reattempt the 2 rescue breaths? F 200

61 Hands should be placed in this spot to provide CPR to an adult F 300

62 What is the heel of one hand on the center of the chest with the other hand on top? On the lower half of the sternum, but above the xiphoid process. F 300

63 You and another lifeguard respond to a child who has collapsed. She is not moving or breathing and has no pulse. An AED is not available at your facility. After summoning EMS personnel, you and the other lifeguard begin CPR by performing cycles of F 400

64 What is 15 chest compressions with 2 rescue breaths? F 400

65 An electrical shock delivered to the heart to correct certain abnormal heart rhythms is known as. F 500

66 What is defibrillation? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: The Professional Lifeguard Click on screen to begin

68 If a lifeguard fails to follow the standard of care or fails to act, which results in someone being injured or causes further harm to the victim, the lifeguard may be considered? Click on screen to continue

69 Negligent. Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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