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Niamh Moore, Edinburgh Camilla Lewis, Manchester Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Niamh Moore, Edinburgh Camilla Lewis, Manchester Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Niamh Moore, Edinburgh Camilla Lewis, Manchester Welcome!

2 Niamh Moore, Edinburgh Camilla Lewis, Manchester Rethinking mobility through the Alexander Technique and other embodied practices

3 Introduction to the Step-Change project Step-Change is a collaboration between social scientists, transport engineers and mathematicians

4 Step-Change project goals To better understand how people's transport and travel practices have changed in the past and how they might change in the future

5 Our research Qualitative research Collecting data from 245 households in Leeds and Manchester Longitudinal – 3 interviews over 4 years with the same participants

6 Research design 2012Travel survey and life history interview 2014Interview on the theme of change 2015Interview on the theme of change and time

7 Alexander Technique study Interviews with teachers, trainee teachers and students having one-to- one lessons

8 Aims of the workshop Report back on interim findings Create an opportunity for discussion and knowledge-sharing

9 Julia Woodman STAT, co-chair STAT Research Group Rethinking mobility through the Alexander Technique and other embodied practices

10 Outcomes research RCTs: Back pain, Neck pain, Parkinson’s, Balance Plus various smaller studies Qualitative research (often part of RCTs) Underlying basis Motor control (Neuroscience) Other areas Alexander research to date

11 Introductions

12 Programme for the morning Session one: Embodied practices, movement and mobility Malcolm Williamson, MATTS Nick Crossley, Sociology, Manchester Niamh Moore, Sociology, Edinburgh and Camilla Lewis, Sociology, Manchester Alexander Technique Taster Session

13 Programme for the afternoon Session two: Mobility, self-care and ageing Lesley Glover, Clinical Psychology, Hull and MSTAT Jane Hartley, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy, Edinburgh Tianjian Ji, Structural Engineering, Manchester

14 Chair: Sue Fleming, Chair STAT Session 1: Embodied practices, movement and mobility

15 Malcolm Williamson, Head of Training, Manchester Alexander Technique Training School (MATTS) and RNCM Alexander Technique, movement and mobility

16 Nick Crossley, Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester The Sociology of the Body and Embodied Sociology

17 Camilla Lewis Niamh Moore Ageing, mobility and moving through life: Findings from the Step-Change project

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