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Katrin Vestrik Form 9a.   Brain  Nerves  Head pain system  Channels  Sleep affects headaches Keypoints :

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Presentation on theme: "Katrin Vestrik Form 9a.   Brain  Nerves  Head pain system  Channels  Sleep affects headaches Keypoints :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Katrin Vestrik Form 9a

2   Brain  Nerves  Head pain system  Channels  Sleep affects headaches Keypoints :

3   The only parts of the brain that feel pain when touched are the blood ves­sels and the lin­ings that cover the brain.  Because the patient only feels pain when those parts are touched. Brain

4   The trigem­i­nal nerve is one of the nerves that trans­mits head pain.  It is respon­si­ble for the front 2/3rd’s of the head and the face, trans­mit­ting a pain mes­sage to the brain stem trigem­i­nal nucleus caudalis. Nerves

5   The head pain sys­tem is in two parts.  The front two thirds of the head and the face send pain sig­nals to the brain.  The back one third of the head and the neck send pain sig­nals through cer­vi­cal roots. Head pain system

6   The channel opens, calcium enters the cell.  As more pos­i­tive charges enter the cell the cell is “on”, it sends its mes­sage and then it must turn “off” again.  The first mutation linked to migraine created a calcium channel. Channels

7   Sleep dis­or­ders are much more com­mon than we real­ized.  Many of my young, female patients with severe daily headache have turned out to have abnor­mal sleep on a sleep study. . Usu­ally it is the main rea­son for their lack of suc­ cess with the pre­ven­ta­tive med­i­cines. Sleep affects headaches

8   The only parts of the brain that feel pain when touched are the blood ves­sels and the lin­ings that cover the brain.  This is the only place where humans head aches. Summary

9   References

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