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Check Check----- Call------ Care. Check The Scene  What happened?  How many victims?  Who can help you?  Is it Safe?

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Presentation on theme: "Check Check----- Call------ Care. Check The Scene  What happened?  How many victims?  Who can help you?  Is it Safe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Check Check----- Call------ Care

2 Check The Scene  What happened?  How many victims?  Who can help you?  Is it Safe?

3 Check The Victim  Tap tap tap…are you Ok?  If They are Conscious (responsive, awake)…  Ask for permission to give care…  Adults: ask questions about pain in … 1.Head 2.Neck 3.Shoulders 4.Arms/hands 5.Deep breath 6.Hips 7.Leg/feet  For children…start at the feet and work up…

4 Check the victim…  Tap..tap..tap Are you Ok?  If they do not respond.. they are unconcious  Check ABC’s: airway, breathing, circulation  Do NOT Move the victim!  Unless  Scene becomes unsafe  You have to move them over to give care

5 Moving the victim  Only if you are sure they have not hurt their neck or back!  Roll them over to give care or put them in the rescue position  Clothes drag  Two person carry  One person carry

6 Protecting the spine  Keep the head, neck and back in as straight a line as you can

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