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Chapter 7 Literary Analysis CCSS – RL1.6, RL4.6, RL5.6.

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1 Chapter 7 Literary Analysis CCSS – RL1.6, RL4.6, RL5.6

2  Pretty girl, with faraway eyes,  Why do you look with such surprise?  How did you get to be so wise,  Old girl in young-girl disguise. (page 55)  Think about the words/phrases the badchan used.  Could some of them have more than one meaning?  Circle or highlight any words/phrases that stand out to you.

3 WORDS IN THE POEMPOSSIBLE MEANING  “faraway eyes”  Hannah is from “faraway”…  Maybe she’s not from there? She should feel things are normal… If she were from there she’d think everything was normal. Wisdom comes from age. Is Hannah “older” than she looks? Another reference to age, but Hannah is very young. Could Hannah be hiding something? “look with such surprise?” “wise” Old girl in young girl disguise.

4  “So, your name is Chaya, which is to say life. A strong name for a strange time, child. Be good life and long life to your friends, young-old Chaya.” (page 55)  Think about the words/phrases the badchan used.  Does anything stand out to you?  Circle or highlight the words/phrases that may have additional meanings.

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