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Listen! Be Quiet! Raise your hand No electronics Clear your desks Show your nametags Be on time!

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Presentation on theme: "Listen! Be Quiet! Raise your hand No electronics Clear your desks Show your nametags Be on time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Listen! Be Quiet! Raise your hand No electronics Clear your desks Show your nametags Be on time!

2 New rules! When I am standing in front of the classroom before and after class, you do not walk past me. If you need to come in and out of the classroom, you can use the back door. No food or drink in my class. If you are late to class, you will stay after class with me for five minutes. If you come to class after the first bell, use the back door to come into class.

3 If I hear someone saying these words, or see them on your clothes, you will leave class! DO NOT say the “cuss words” I mentioned last week! These are words you are not allowed to say in an American classroom, and you will not say them in my class! Most Important New rule!

4 March 17 th in America We celebrate St. Patrick’s Day today. Saint Patrick is also St. Patrick. He is a Catholic saint for Ireland. St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland. St. Patrick is the reason Ireland is Catholic. In the US, it is just a chance to drink a lot of beer. Boston and New York City have a large amount of Irish immigrants who celebrate this.

5 People wear green on the holiday. If you’re not wearing green, you will get pinched! YOU CANNOT PINCH ME!

6 New York, Boston, and Dublin have big parades on St. Patrick’s day.

7 Marching band in a St. Patrick’s Day parade.

8 Irish family in a St. Patrick’s Day parade.

9 A city dyes their river green for the day.

10 REVIEW What should you do when you want to make small talk? 1. ___________ to them. 2. Don’t talk about ____________ or ___________. 3. If you are talking to an American or Westerner, don’t ask about ________. 4. Find common ____________. LISTEN RELIGION POLITICS MONEY INTERESTS MONEY RELIGION LISTEN INTERESTS POLITICS

11 Are you sure I’d be happy to Is there something on your mind That’s not your fault A: You seem a little stressed out. _____________________________? B: I just got off the phone with a friend who’s really upset. A: What happened? B: Something with school. We missed our class because we were sick. A: ___________________. B: I know, but he’s blaming me. A: ______________ call the school if you like. B: Thanks, but I’ll take care of it this afternoon. A: ____________? B: Yeah. This is something I have to do myself. Is there something on your mind That’s not your fault I’d be happy to Are you sure

12 Click to enlarge



15 A. Stick your neck out there. B. My brother has no backbone.D. My cousin is a real pain in the neck. C. Up to your neck in it. D. Pain in the neck – When someone or something is difficult or troublesome. B. Has no backbone– When someone is unwilling to act or acting weak and cowardly. C. Up to your neck – When someone is busy or exhausted with or about someone or something. A. Stick your neck out there– When someone takes a risk or acts bravely.

16 A. We don’t see eye to eye. B. He’s all eyes. C. An eye for an eye. D. Keep your eyes on the prize. C. An eye for an eye– To seek justice or revenge through equal action. 以牙还牙 B. He’s all eyes– To be interested in someone or something, to stare, attentive, alert. D. Keep your eyes on the prize – To stay focused on a task or goal. A. We don’t see eye to eye– To partially or completely disagree with someone.

17 D. Armed to the teeth.B. He fought the bear tooth and nail. A. It’s like pulling teeth.C. A tooth for a tooth. A. It’s like pulling teeth– A way to describe a task that is difficult or troublesome. 棘手的事 C. A tooth for a tooth– To seek justice or revenge through equal action. D. Armed to the teeth – To have an abundant amount of something to aid with defense. B. Tooth and nail– To try really hard, to exert a lot of effort.

18 A. She gave him a good tongue lashing. D. It was a slip-of-the-tongue. B. It’s on the tip of her tongue. C. She’s tongue-tied. B. It’s on the tip of her tongue – You are certain that you know a word or phrase, but you can’t remember it at the time. 欲言 又止 C. Tongue-tied – To not know what to say, to not have an excuse. D. A slip-of-the-tongue – misspoken statement, saying something accidentally. A. A good tongue lashing– A critical evaluation or comment, a scolding, a reprimand, condemnation.

19 A. She was caught red-handed. B. Can I give you a hand? D. My hands are tied. C. I’ve got to hand it to you, you’re really good at this game. D. My hands are tied– When you don’t have the power or ability to act or decide. 束手无策 B. Give you a hand– Help you. C. Hand it to you – agree with you, give you praise. A. Red-handed– When someone is caught while doing something wrong.

20 A. She’s on her last leg. D. Break a leg! B. I’m just pulling your leg. C. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on. B. Pulling your leg – joking, not serious, teasing. 开玩笑 C. Don’t have a leg to stand on– No excuse, no options, no choice. D. Break a leg!– Good luck! A. She’s on her last leg– She’s about to die, about to fail, about to finish.

21 B. He’s smiling from ear to ear.D. Music to my ears. A. Keep your ear to the ground.C. Lend an ear. A. Keep your ear to the ground– search for information by listening to others speak, eaves dropping. 集思广益 C. Lend an ear– to listen to someone who needs a friend. D. Music to my ears – Good news, good to hear, it makes me happy. B. He’s smiling from ear to ear– He’s very happy.

22 A. Sticks his nose in other people’s business. D. He needs to pay through the nose for all his school books. B. He has a nose for finding good information. C. He is brown-nosing the boss. B. Have a nose for something – to be good at something. 禀赋异能 C. Brown-nosing – to flatter someone in return for future benefit. D. Pay through the nose – Spend a lot of money, exert a lot of effort. A. Stick your nose in people’s business – to get involved in other people’s affairs, to be nosey.

23 A. Waited on hand and foot. B. Start out on the wrong foot.D. Put your foot in your mouth. C. My husband has two left feet. D. Put your foot in your mouth – When you say something wrong and someone finds out. 口误 B. Start out on the wrong foot – Give a bad first impression to someone, or to poorly start a new task. C. My husband has two left feet – He can’t dance. A. Waited on hand and foot – When someone else completely takes care of you.

24 A: What are you doing tomorrow night? B: I am watching my nephew and nieces for my sister. A: That sounds like fun. B: No, it’s not. They are a real pain in the neck! A: I’m sorry about that. A: Can you go out with us tomorrow night? B: No, I said I’d baby-sit then. A: It is really important that you come with us tomorrow night. B: I’m sorry, but my hands are tied! A: Why did you steal her book? B: She stole my stuff first! A: That doesn’t make it ok. B: Yes it does, an eye for an eye! A: Why haven’t you come to the club yet? B: I’m waiting for my friend to come. A: Tell him to hurry! B: He is so slow, it’s like pulling teeth.

25 A: Who is with Sarah tonight? B: I can’t remember his name. I know I know it, it’s right on the tip of my tongue! A: I will be getting more money at work! B: Really, I thought your boss didn’t like you? A: Well, he decided to give me some anyway. B: I don’t believe you, you’re pulling my leg. A: Do you have a job yet? B: I can’t find one anywhere! Do you know anybody who is hiring? A: I don’t know anyone now, but I’ll keep an ear to the ground. A: This food is really excellent, Bob! B: Thanks, I like to try new restaurants. A: I think you’ve got a nose for it. A: I heard your boyfriend just dumped you? B: I don’t really want to talk about it. A: I’m sorry! I am always putting my foot in my mouth!


27 How do you say St.? SAINT

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