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VPA Quarterly “ Howgozit ” Second Quarter 2012 1 July 2011 2011 – 31 December 2011* Metric Assessments of Key Operating Areas “If you’re not keeping score,

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Presentation on theme: "VPA Quarterly “ Howgozit ” Second Quarter 2012 1 July 2011 2011 – 31 December 2011* Metric Assessments of Key Operating Areas “If you’re not keeping score,"— Presentation transcript:

1 VPA Quarterly “ Howgozit ” Second Quarter 2012 1 July 2011 2011 – 31 December 2011* Metric Assessments of Key Operating Areas “If you’re not keeping score, you’re just practicing”…..Vince Lombardi

2 2nd Quarter Update - 2012 Metrics to assess “how we’re doing” –‘Continuous Process Improvement’, mission accomplishment and institutional effectiveness –Provide the data assessment for Program Review at year’s end Evaluate division level performance, where possible –‘bean counter’ vs. functional area insight –YOUR assessment should be discussed Key Areas:Key Areas: –Finance/Budget—2011-12 Mid-year update, first look 2012-13 and metric review –Classified Staffing—Potential changes to consider –Facilities, Modernization and Support Services

3 2011-12 Mid-Year Assessment ‘Triggers’ – already ‘pulled’ –$5M cut to LRCCD this year –ALREADY PLANNED FOR IN THE “X’ budget –College plan based on ‘tentative’ budget X scenario— now ‘adopted’ budget X Fee and other shortfalls evident for this year: –DO assessing impact; not likely to adjust current year CDF –But, shortfalls will be covered: reserves & staffing savings For SCC significant improvements realized –CDF Adjustment (+7.5% / - $28K > +$164K) –Carryover adjustment: +$48K –Other ATL Savings and improvements Conservative management of funds continues

4 Funds Available Changes Source of Funds May 2, 2011 Memo 11-12 Funding 2011-12 Mid Year UpdateChange College Discretionary Fund (CDF)2,047,8402,211,680163,840 09-10 PDF OTO (214,139/PDF)53,535 0 10-11 PDF OTO (94,936/PDF)47,468 0 Instructionally Related (IR)200,000 0 Out of State Tuition63,300 0 09-10 PDF (180,643)45,161 0 10-11 PDF (165,781)82,890 0 SIEF & LM (70,824/PDF)17,706 0 10-11 PDF (68,053)34,026 0 State Lottery Funds282,597 0 Non-Instructional Equipment60,342 0 09-10 PDF (229,730)57,433 0 10-11 PDF (84,788)42,394 0 Partnership for Excellence (PFE)423,552 0 Subtotal3,458,2443,622,084163,840 Other Funding Categorical Integration43,420 0 Capital Outlay/Bookstore100,000125,00025,000 Carryover75,000123,00048,000 2009-10 Unallocated ($270,975)67,744 0 2010-11 Unallocated ($190,601)190,601 0 Budget Committee Reserve ($200,418)000 Subtotal476,765549,76573,000 Total Funds Available3,935,0094,171,849 236,840

5 Commitments 11-12 Planned11-12 Mid-YearChange Commitments CDF bases1,712,201 0 Instructionally Related (IR) bases200,000 0 Lottery bases148,750 0 Subtotal2,060,951 0 Institutional Summer School36,700 0 Accreditation Preparation000 Child Development Center Overrun50,00065,00015,000 Extend Sick Lv Backfill - Mgmt/Staff40,00030,000(10,000) Modernization/Swing Space40,000 0 Mgt/Classified Staff Backfill000 Subtotal166,700171,7005,000 Students0 Student Access Cards3,000 0 International Student Center30,000 0 Financial Aid Overpayments/R2T4150,000100,000(50,000) Bus Rent-Field Trips/Athletic Travel60,00035,000(25,000) Post Season Competition55,00030,000(25,000) Event Security5,000 0 Subtotal303,000203,000(100,000)

6 Tracking Financial Aid Overpayments Summary as of 31 Dec 2011 fdafd

7 Commitments Program Plans 11-12 Planned11-12 Mid YearCHANGE IT Resource/Replacement436,303 0 Continuous Quality Improvement8,000 0 Honors.4FTE9,500 0 Writing Center37,046 0 Staff Development.5 FTE40,744 0 Cultural Democracy Initiative (CDI)000 Distance Education8,500 0 Safety, Security & Environment50,50010,000(40,500) Non-Instruct Equip & Infrastructure35,90020,000(15,900) Library Materials67,500 0 Archive Librarian (.3 FTE )18,067 0 Tutoring188,805 0 Marketing/Outreach Advertising125,000115,000(10,000) AV Media Services63,169 0 Articulation5,000 0 Subtotal1,094,0341,027,634(66,400) Total Commitments3,624,6853,463,285(161,400) Total Funds Available3,935,0094,171,849 236,840 Balance of Funds Available310,324708,564398,240 Budget Committee Allocation200,000300,000100,000 Future Year Allocation 110,324408,564298,240

8 2012-13 Initial Planning Factors State situation remains a difficult variable –Governor’s proposal, if all is approved, would ‘straight line’ funding for ’12-13 –Categorical ‘consolidation’ proposed Fee shortfall (-$3.6M) and failure of tax plan (- $12M) would lead to serious funding shortfalls –Two year problem ’12-14 –Reserves NOT sufficient to handle –Impact similar to ‘11-12 ‘tentative’ B scenario –District preparing ‘scenarios’ for BOT approval Chancellor ‘road show’ to follow SCC timeline for budget will be delayed Carryover strategy will provide us with seed money in several areas but ‘pop-up cuts’ not accounted for

9 Partial Scenario Comparisons CATEGORY W/ APPROVED TAXES ADOPTED SCENARIO ‘ C ’ W/O TAX MEASURE TENTATIVE SCENARIO ‘ B ’ CDF/Discretionary -12.5 %- 15 % Mgt Reduction - 3 (SCC -1)- 6 (SCC -2) Classified Reduction -18 (SCC – 6)-44 (SCC -15) Categorical Augmentation 40%25% Salary Rollback NONE3% + furlough Employee Out-of-Pocket $96$153 Faculty Positions Held 1520 Reserve Draw $25.527M$25.669M

10 Funds Available—First Look 2012-13

11 2012-13 ‘First Look’ Numbers w/ Taxes Approved—Best Case Funds Available: + $659K ($4.26M) Increase CDF Base by 5% (-15% hold back) –IR at 100% of base; Lottery at 85% of base Modify ATL allocations based on past performance and improvements Program Plans at 11-12 Level or better Budget Committee: $250K ~$50K to carry forward to FY 13-14

12 College Discretionary Fund (CDF) Burn Rate Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011

13 Expenditure Comparison Year-to-Date—31 Dec 2011

14 White Paper Usage Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011

15 Instructionally-Related Fund (IR) Burn Rate Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011

16 Lottery Burn Rate Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011 Division Reduced Base Appropriation s ExpendituresPercentage Burn Rate Indicator* Division Burn Rate AT28,05036,32700%  30% BSS3,2054,7854479%  50% HFA29,52132,67217,61354%  50% IT2,7203,1552,50079%  100% P.E., Health & Athletics59,50063,14442,14467%  50% Science25,75528,09613,09647%  50% *Expected burn rate varies by division +/- 5% = Green > 5% and < 10% = Yellow > 10% = Red < - 5% = Blue

17 Special Activities Fund Burn Rate As of 12/31/11

18 Categorical Program Burn Rate Year-to-Date 9 Feb 2012 CategoricalProject GrantOPRAppropriationsExpendituresPercentage Burn Rate Indicator* Division Burn Rate DOL GreenForce Initiative340AAT257,893134,18952%  84% Basic Skills 10-11576xAVPI265,83570,42826%  63% Regional Cons VTEA IB334AAVPI6,2762,65042%  63% VTEA316xAVPI1,062,865524,51649%  63% Child Development Instructor Agmt331ABSS16,25000%  40% Child Development Coordinator Agmt331EBSS5,8502,93050%  CA Early Childhood Mentor Program332DBSS65000%  ARRA - CA Connect371DMSE8,0001,18915%  31% MESA/CCP589AMSE50,50020,18940%  63% MESA/CCP Extension589DMSE8,1228,121100%  Natl Science Fdn - STEM Scholarship390MMSE4,0152,63166%  63% Health Occup Prep & Ed (HOPE) Yr 4462ASAH331,351188,95657%  63% Nursing Enrollment Growth Yr 2453DSAH51,35547,68193%  100% Nursing Enrollment Growth Yr 3453CSAH75,43720,76428%  84% BOG BFAP438ASSE807,252426,72453%  65% BOG BFAP Extension438BSSE117,869 100%  CalWORKs592xSSE248,325235,47595%  63% CARE411ASSE156,28564,77141%  50% DOR College to Career381LSSE250,00048,37019%  63% DSPS428A/B/HSSE919,439549,02060%  63% EOPS408A/BSSE951,741625,39766%  63% Local Tech Prep329ASSE41,7966,95817%  63% Matriculation597CSSE646,547389,55760%  63% TANF590ASSE87,01432,67638%  63% TANF Work Study381QSSE228,30961,04427%  63% WorkAbility381FSSE211,465117,63556%  63% *Expected burn rate varies by division +/- 5% = Green > 5% and < 10% = Yellow > 10% = Red < - 5% = Blue

19 Categorical Program Burn Rate Year-to-Date 9 Feb 2012 CategoricalOPRAppropriationsExpendituresPercentage Burn Rate Indicator* Division Burn Rate Basic Skills 10-11AVPI265,83570,42826%  63% VTEAAVPI1,062,865524,51649%  63% CalWORKs/TANFSSE335,339268,15180%  63% DSPSSSE919,439549,02060%  63% MatriculationSSE646,547389,55760%  63% BOG BFAPSSE807,252426,72453%  63% CARESSE156,28564,77141%  50% EOPSSSE951,741625,39766%  63% *Expected burn rate varies by division +/- 5% = Green > 5% and < 10% = Yellow > 10% = Red < - 5% = Blue

20 Categorical Backfill 2011-12 As of 9 Feb 2012 40% Operational Capability FY 2010 - 2011FY 2011 - 2012 Allocation Initial Backfill 100% Backfill & ARRA Total With 100% Backfill & ARRAAllocationBackfill Total With Backfill 589,320 335,339 931,23466,53597,5111,028,745919,439 2 98,4581,017,899 942,892104,65037,824980,716951,741 30,444982,185 680,576239,977313,710994,286647,026 333,424980,450 3,144,022411,162449,0453,593,0672,853,545 462,3263,315,873

21 Categorical Backfill from District Reserves As of 9 February 2012 Backfill Amount BudgetedEncumberedExpendedBalance % Unspent DSPS 98,458.00 540.91 - 97,917.0999.45% EOPS 30,444.00 20,327.32 6,304.68 3,812.0012.52% MATRIC 333,424.00 - 15,601.55 317,822.4595.32% 462,326.00 20,868.23 21,906.23 419,551.54

22 Classified Staffing Levels (less Child Development Center) Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011

23 Classified Hiring Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011 Freeze imposed FY 11/3 Freeze imposed FY 11/3 * FY 11/3 & 4 @ 0 * FY 11/3 & 4 @ 0 New hiring protocol Apr ’11 New hiring protocol Apr ’11 Baseline: 11 Apr ’11 Baseline: 11 Apr ’11 Updated Jan 2012Updated Jan 2012 CSA manage vacancy bogies CSA manage vacancy bogies More pressure to reduce More pressure to reduce

24 Classified Staff Management Utilizing 7 April 2011 DO protocol for fill actions –Assess ‘operational need’ –Manage vacancies by CSA to meet bogie –11 April baseline has been updated as of Jan 2012 Adopted budget ‘bogie’ improved –6 vs. 15-25 over three year period (1 Jul 2011-2013) –3.65 FTE ‘closed’; 4.5 by 1 Jul 2012; 6 by 1 Jul 2013 Current year budget uncertainty will keep pressure on more classified vacancies –Faculty reductions and 50% rule –Some salary savings benefit to the college…….for now! –If we revert to tentative ‘B’, bogie is 15 w/ 12 due this summer

25 Good Classified New Hires Orientation

26 Classified Evaluations Year-to-Date 31 Dec 2011

27 Administrative Services Workshops April 2011 Workshop Topics Budget update Close- Out Paperwork Processing Facilities & Summer projects Spring 2012 Workshop—Date TBD - Budget Update - Modernization Schedule - Selected process review - Fiscal close out - Other?

28 Absence Reports Year to Date 31 Dec 2011

29 Intents Year to Date 31 Dec 2011

30 Travel Authorizations Year to Date 31 Dec 2011

31 Budget Entries Year to Date 31 Dec 2011

32 Requisitions Year to Date 31 Dec 2011

33 College Totals Year to Date 31 Dec 2011

34 Textbook Requisitions Year-to-Date Dec 2011

35 SCC Waste Diversion Report Year-to-Date 12/31/11

36 SCC Copier Usage 3-Year Rolling Comparison

37 Modernization Schedule Update As of 31 Dec 2011 BuildingStart ConstructionOccupySemester StartType II $KComment Davis Center Phase I Jun-10Jan-12 Spring 2012512 Open Performing Arts Center Jun-10Mar-12 Spring 2012951 Completion slipped to 29 Feb Hughes Stadium Mar-11Sep-12 Fall 2012None Phased Construction Student Services Bldg Mar-13Nov-14Spring 2015 515 Design:Sep 2011 Lusk Center Phase I Jun-13Feb-14 Spring 2014284 Design: Dec 11; LAC 11 Only Rodda Hall North/3rd Floor Feb-14Jul-14 Fall 2014120 Design: Sep 12; Math/AJ/Other Mohr Hall Sep-14Mar-16 Summer 2016738 Design: Sep 12 Lillard Hall Jun-16Dec-17 Spring 20181,356 Design: Sep 14 Mohr Hall II, New Bldg Jun-17Feb-19 Summer 2019684 Design: Sep 15 TAP, B, C, G & H Lots, Drop Offs, PAC/J- Lot May-12Jul-12 Fall 2012None Design: Jun 11; Integrate Funding; PAC, G and East Davis Center Phase II/III Jun-15Dec-16 Spring 2017/2019TBD Design: Aug 13; FPP worked West Sac Ctr, Phase II/III Jun-16Dec-17 Spring 2018/2020TBD Design: Aug 14

38 New Student Services Building

39 Other Issues Mid-Year Budget Update (Handout) Facility use web site – Catering/Food Service Invoice Processing –Handout and posted to Inside SCC>admin services>>Information papers Bulk Mail Procedures –Zero balance in bulk mail permit –User will need to coordinate postage costs and establish requisition to ‘cut a check’ Classified Appreciation Luncheon –13 April 2012 @ Art Court –Sign up sheets coming

40 Summary & Closing Thoughts Continuous Process ImprovementContinuous Process Improvement is the goal –Metric data provides the feedback loop that lets us target the improvement effort –Your feedback AND INSIGHT are important and welcomed Budget challenges remain –State/district uncertainty will delay normal processes –Management effort evident in controlling costs and working with the financial constraints— BRAVO!! Modernization schedule continues but…… –Concern for state bond initiatives –Need dialogue on ‘other’ projects Keep up the Great Work!Keep up the Great Work!


42 SCC Building Summary Year-to-Date 12/31/11

43 Classified Hiring Year-to-Date 30 Sep 2011 Freeze imposed FY 11/3 Freeze imposed FY 11/3 * FY 11/3 & 4 @ 0 * FY 11/3 & 4 @ 0 New hiring protocol Apr ’11 New hiring protocol Apr ’11 Baseline: 11 Apr ’11 Baseline: 11 Apr ’11 CSA manage vacancy bogies CSA manage vacancy bogies

44 Expenditure Comparison 3 rd Qtr 1 July 2009—31 March 2010

45 Expenditure Comparison Year-to-Date—30 Sept 2011

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