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February 2010ComLSI, Inc.1 CBDS Value / Applications ComLSI, Inc.

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1 February 2010ComLSI, Inc.1 CBDS Value / Applications ComLSI, Inc

2 February 2010ComLSI, Inc.2 True Differential, Low Power LVDS links, ubiquitous for high-speed data interfaces, operate from high voltage supplies such as 3.3V. CBDS operates from high or low operating voltages such as 1V with upto 500mV signal swing, or 1V differentially. The lower supply voltage greatly reduces operating power, a critical design requirement. CBDS is self-terminating at high signal swing; all of its output current (power) is employed for signal amplitude generation. LVDS needs source termination for good signal integrity, which halves transmitted signals. Other factors being the same, CBDS therefore improves SNR by a factor of 2X over LVDS. CBDS provides matched positive and negative currents into differential signal wire pairs. This minimizes electromagnetic radiation. Matching of complimentary currents in CBDS improves at lower signal swings at LVDS or sub-LVDS levels. CBDS is a low-EMI form of “true” differential signaling. CBDS is the only known fusion of the best characteristics of current and voltage mode signaling. The CBDS driver has been rigorously verified in simulations in a 180nm CMOS logic fabrication process. CBDS cuts power consumption while improving performance in PCI-Express, Rapid-IO, Hypertransport, SATA, USB, HDMI, and LVDS links in portable computing, communication and multimedia devices. US Patent #7348810 protects the best mode implementation of a CBDS Line Driver. Intel® Corporation has been known to implement a version of CBDS in their chipset and may infringe on some of the claims in 7348810. Other infringement by all LVDS chip makers is imminent due to the lower power and higher performance of CBDS. Infringement by one company, Vizionware Inc. (closed in 2008) and its officers, is under settlement negotiations.US Patent #7348810 CBDS addresses the Analog Interface market that exceeded $5B in TAM in 2007.Analog Interface market Clean, rapid prosecution by the USPTO with no encumbrances or obligations. Technology and Silicon IP in 180nm logic CMOS available for immediate translation into a product.

3 February 2010ComLSI, Inc.3 CBDS Application: HDMI HDMI is a data transfer interface between HD (and 3D) Televisions and content devices such as Blu-Ray disc players. Data transfer rates exceed 10Gbps which leads to high signal attenuation over lossy cables. This necessitates high signal swings and signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) to transmit HDMI data across lengths of cable beyond ~2m. CBDS provides such signal swings at low power and low EMI. CBDS drivers have been designed into a customer product to drive signals over 25m of cable length at HDMI 1.3 data rates of 1.65Gbps per wire-pair. CBDS drivers provide signal gain at the transmit end of a system, providing “true” differential signals without any power penalty. This makes CBDS ideal for extended-reach, high data-rate applications such as HDMI. Future enhancements in televisions, such as higher refresh rates, greater picture resolution, and 3D TV will continue to exponentially increase data rate demand across cables. CBDS is the transition solution before multimedia data transmission demands optical cables.

4 February 2010ComLSI, Inc.4 Application: LVDS Replacement CBDS improves upon LVDS by providing actively matched, positive and negative currents into a differential pair. CBDS driver provides self-termination, doubling output signal for the same current, in applications requiring high signal swing. Working at low operating voltages, CBDS takes much lower power, scaling with process/voltage. CBDS is ideal (true differential), low-EMI signaling.

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