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Ginny Edwards – 4 th March 2016 All O R Health. Today! Q - Why are we are doing this Q - What is All Our Health Q - What we are working on together Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Ginny Edwards – 4 th March 2016 All O R Health. Today! Q - Why are we are doing this Q - What is All Our Health Q - What we are working on together Q."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ginny Edwards – 4 th March 2016 All O R Health

2 Today! Q - Why are we are doing this Q - What is All Our Health Q - What we are working on together Q - What is next 2Longer Lives

3 National Context Serious about prevention, reducing health inequalities, empowering healthy living

4 Creating value: ‘All O  R Health’

5 ‘ All health care professionals are a vital resource for health. Working with patients, people and population for our healthy society …. Preventing illness, protecting health and promoting wellbeing’ 5Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

6 6 International Council of Nurses/ International Council of Midwives Nursing and Midwifery as a force for health and change UK and RoI Caring for the Public’s Health Making the ‘vital visible’ Embedding and extending the contribution WHO Europe Health 2020 Strategic Directions Nurses and Midwives A Vital Resource For Health Prevent avoidable disease, Protect health, Promote wellbeing resilience The changing face of public health: nurses + midwives international call to action

7 All O R Health Programme to shape and support ‘health promoting practice’ prevents avoidable illness protects health promotes wellbeing and resilience 7Longer Lives

8 All O R Health Closing Gap the health and wellbeing gap the care and quality gap the funding and efficiency gap 8Longer Lives

9 All O R Health Wider determinants of health social factors, variation and inequality) Health improvement: for people, communities, workforce Health protection: protecting health of communities and safe care Avoidable premature mortality: prevention is central part of health care practice Contributing to Place based services including sustainability and transformation plans Taking Life course approaches to holistic prevention and care Responding to local population needs and wider factors affecting health and people’s ability to make health life choices Supporting resilience and independence Building on Relationships and Reach Action On Measured by Public Health Outcomes Framework: increased healthy life expectancy reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities Action Through A Call to Action “All health care professionals are a vital resource for health. Working with patients, people and population for our healthy society….preventing illness, protecting health and promoting wellbeing” Increasing the visibility of health care professionals in prevention and population health and measuring impact Being a vibrant force for change building a ‘culture of health’ in our society Working with people, families and communities to equip them to make informed choices and manage their own health Making every Contact Count Action by Improving the wider determinants of health -Homelessness Health improvement -Beginning of life (1001 days) -Healthy 2 year olds -Smoking and tobacco -Obesity -Childhood obesity -Alcohol -Sexual Health -Falls -NHS Health Check - Physical activity -Better start 0-19 Health protection -AMR -Tuberculosis Healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality -Respiratory health -Liver Disease -Dementia Health, Wellbeing and independence Life course and choices Place - All the above to be applied in local communities Impacting on indicators in the Public Health Outcomes Framework

10 Prevent avoidable disease, Protect health, Promote wellbeing resilience Building on Relationships and Reach

11 All O R Health Wider determinants of health social factors, variation and inequality) Health improvement: for people, communities, workforce Health protection: protecting health of communities and safe care Avoidable premature mortality: prevention is central part of health care practice Contributing to Place based services including sustainability and transformation plans Taking Life course approaches to holistic prevention and care Responding to local population needs and and wider factors affecting health and people’s ability to make health life choices Supporting resilience and independence Action On Action Through Increasing the visibility of health care professionals in prevention and population health and measuring impact Being a vibrant force for change building a ‘culture of health’ in our society Working with people, families and communities to equip them to make informed choices and manage their own health Making every Contact Count Action by

12 Action By……. Increasing the visibility of health care professionals in prevention and population health and measuring impact Being a vibrant force for change building a ‘culture of health’ in our society Working with people, families and communities to equip them to make informed choices and manage their own health Making every Contact Count

13 Action through…….. Contributing to Place based services including sustainability and transformation plans Taking Life course approaches to holistic prevention and care Responding to local population needs and and wider factors affecting health and people’s ability to make health life choices Supporting resilience and independence

14 Action on ……… Wider determinants of health social factors, variation and inequality) Health improvement: for people, communities, workforce Health protection: protecting health of communities and safe care Avoidable premature mortality: prevention is central part of health care practice

15 All O R Health Measured by Public Health Outcomes Framework: increased healthy life expectancy reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities Improving the wider determinants of health -Homelessness - Better Start 0 – 19 - Healthy 2 year olds Health improvement -Beginning of life (1001 days) -Healthy 2 year olds -Smoking and tobacco -Obesity & children -Alcohol -Falls -NHS Health Check – blood pressure - Physical activity -Better start 0-19 Health protection -AMR -Tuberculosis -Sexual Health Healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality -Respiratory health -Liver Disease -Dementia - Better start 0 – 19 - Pressure ulcers Health, Wellbeing and independence Life course and choices Place - All the above to be applied in local communities Impacting on indicators in the Public Health Outcomes Framework

16 All O R Health Homelessness Beginning of life (1001 days) Better start 0 – 19 Healthy 2 year olds Smoking and tobacco Adult and childhood Obesity Alcohol Sexual Health Topic Areas in All O R Health Falls NHS Health Checks – Blood Pressure Physical activity AMR Sexual Health Tuberculosis Respiratory Health Liver disease Dementia Pressure Ulcers

17 All O R Health Life course and choices Health, Wellbeing and independence Place - All the above to be applied in local communities

18 PLACE 18 All health care professionals are a ‘vital resource for health’ Working with patients, families and communities for our healthy society now and in the future Preventing illness, protecting health and promoting well being

19 All O R Health England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and ROI Working together, on a joint priority - Obesity Using the same approach Five Nations Programme

20 Empowering healthy living INDICATORS Smoking and alcohol consumption Obesity – adult and childhood Mental wellbeing and suicide rate Blood pressure Long term conditions prevalence Teenage Births

21 Priority and ‘focus’ 21 Prevent avoidable disease, Protect health, Promote wellbeing resilience

22 Obesity : We know the size of the challenge? 22 Prevent avoidable disease, Protect health, Promote wellbeing resilience


24 Solutions are multi level and complex and an NHS and practice challenge 24 “It’s hard for the NHS to talk about how important this is if we don’t get our own act together” Simon Stevens Many nursing and midwifery roles direct impact Breast feeding Weaning Healthy food and activity in pre school and school years Screening and health checks MECC in all settings BUT Professionals find ‘obesity conversation’ difficult High level overweight in nursing workforce – Fear of judgement and lack credibility Unclear re validated advice Not confident in own knowledge Working in obesogenic society and environment Prevent avoidable disease, Protect health, Promote wellbeing resilience


26 Whats next? Digitally publish the framework in April on – access for everyone Include Northern Ireland topic on Obesity Resources – slides and poster Current document is on /framework-for-personalised-care-and- population-health /framework-for-personalised-care-and- population-health

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