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B603 revision Aim: To revise the Human Relationships section Your B603 exam is on the 14 th June.

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1 B603 revision Aim: To revise the Human Relationships section Your B603 exam is on the 14 th June.


3 The role of men and women Is Christianity and the Bible sexist? Are men and women created to do different jobs and fulfil different roles? Are men and women seen as equal- now? In the past? Do women in a Christian household get more respect for their role?

4 Sexism is a prejudice or discrimination against people, usually women, simply because of their sex. There is a great gulf between the way men and women are treated worldwide. FYI: A few facts about men, women and equality generally. Although women outnumber men (52% to 48%) they earn just 10% of the world's income and own less than 1% of the property in their own name.

5 In the UK it has been illegal since 1975 to discriminate against women in the workplace. Before this it was legal to pay women less for doing the same job, and to dismiss her if she became pregnant!! So things are a bit better…However women still occupy very few top positions in companies and organisations. This is because they find it difficult to combine work and family responsibilities. Many companies are still far from being “women friendly” –few for example offer crèches so women can take their children to work.

6 In 2009 the pay gap between men and women is 22.6% and has been increasing over the last couple of years. Even straight after graduation, men are earning on average £1000 more than women. This could be because men are being employed in higher positions, or because women accept lower positions in order to work their way up.

7 Traditional vs. Modern attitudes in the church

8 Traditional attitudes: Men and women have different roles It is a woman's role to look after the family and keep house It is a man's role to earn money and act in a way which sets a good example. These roles are seen as EQUAL but DIFFERENT

9 The Modern Attitude Many Churches have become more accepting of women as equals. They now teach that men and women should have equal roles. In 1992, the Church of England began to ordain women as priests Watch the episode of the Vicar of Dibley and answer the questions on the sheet.

10 Marriage 1.Complete the wordfill on marriage ceremonies 2.Complete the sheet matching the parts of the marriage ceremony to their meaning.

11 : “I, (name), take you, (name) to be my husband/wife, to have and to …………… for better, …………….., ……………………, for poorer, in sickness and ………………., to love and ………………., ‘till death …………………..” What is the purpose of a marriage?

12 Divorce and re-marriage in the Church It is estimated that 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce or separation in in the UK. Christians have different teachings on whether you can get divorced, and whether you can re-marry in a church.

13 What do Christians think about civil partnerships? Christianity teaches that sexual relationships only belong within marriage. For that reason many Christians DO NOT ACCEPT civil partnerships.

14 There are several passages in the Old Testament that condemn same-sex relationships….. …however, there are also passages in the Old Testament which say that eating shellfish is an abomination, wearing clothes with mixed fibres is forbidden, that a disobedient child can be stoned to death, and that selling your daughter into slavery is OK…. ……so the question can be asked: Why do some Christians ignore many of these teachings but still abide by the laws on same sex relationships?

15 The Catholic Church does not accept civil partnerships because it rejects same sex relationships. In 2008 a Vatican official stated that “Homosexuality is a disordered behaviour. The activity must be condemned” The Pope also told Catholics that homosexuality was a greater problem for the world than climate change

16 Some Christian accept civil partnerships as another form of loving relationship and permit same-sex couples to have a blessing ceremony and their civil partnership registration. Members of the Church of England vary in their responses. Some priests will hold a blessing ceremony after a civil partnership and some will not.

17 Sexual relationships and contraception Because of its ability to hurt others, society and the Christian Church place strict controls on sexual behaviour. In the UK it is illegal for anyone to have sex with someone under the age of 16. Surveys show that only 20% of people are virgins when they marry, and 50% of people have lost their virginity before the age of 18.

18 Sex and marriage: Although Christians hold different views about sexual relationships, many believe that all sex outside marriage is wrong. Here we are talking about two different situations:

19 Pre-marital sex : This is sex that takes place between two people who are not married. This can be between two people who have a steady relationship or two people who hardly know each other. These two situations raise very different moral issues.

20 Extra-marital sex: This is sex that takes place between two people, one or both of whom are married-but to someone else. Sex in this situation is called adultery. Of course the marriage may have broken down, but the Church doesn’t see any difference if this is the case. Extra marital sex is a sin.

21 There are many reasons why sex outside marriage has become much more common: Effective contraception is now freely available for men and women. If contraception fails, then there is the option of a morning after pill, or an abortion: no one has to go through with a pregnancy they don’t want. Fewer people expect their partners to be virgins when they marry them Fewer people accept the teaching of the Christian Church which is against sex outside marriage

22 However, a high price is paid by many people for promiscuous sexual activities. Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea and herpes are increasing. AIDS is spreading More unwanted and unplanned babies are being born because people often do not use contraception Thousands of marriages are breaking up every year because one or both partners have been unfaithful.

23 Christians believe that promiscuous sexual activity goes against what God wants for humans. They believe sex cements a marriage and is an expression of love for each other. Jesus frequently spoke out against fornication (pre-marital sex) and adultery (extra marital sex)

24 Celibacy: Celibacy is a chosen way of life that excludes marriage and sex. It has been associated with the Roman Catholic Church and its priests for centuries. In the New Testament, Paul was certainly unmarried. In 1139 the Catholic Church decreed that all its priests should be celibate-the only church to have made such a demand.

25 Many church members have demanded a change in this rule, particularly in recent years, when the numbers entering the priesthood have declined dramatically. The rule remains in place.

26 Use your revision guides and your books to do the following: Make a set of key word and definition cards for the topic Do a flow diagram on the wedding ceremony and its meanings Make a mind map on the different Christian attitudes to divorce, contraception and civil partnerships and the reasons for this. Add these to your revision materials in a new plastic folder labelled B603

27 B603 exam question a) What is meant by marriage? (1 ) b) How might Christians prepare for a wedding? (2) c) Name three key elements which might form part of a Christian wedding (3) d) How may a Christian marriage ceremony reflect belief? (6) e) “Divorce is wrong” Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. (12)

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