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Find the reasons/premises in the following three texts 1.On divorce 2.On sex education at school 3.The cartoon from Charlie Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "Find the reasons/premises in the following three texts 1.On divorce 2.On sex education at school 3.The cartoon from Charlie Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Find the reasons/premises in the following three texts 1.On divorce 2.On sex education at school 3.The cartoon from Charlie Brown

2 Divorce is on the increase, and we’re worried. Finally, psychologists have identified a key cause of divorce. Noticing that certain families have multiple divorces, they found that inherited genes play a major role in causing divorces. Although the overall divorce rate is 20 percent, psychologists discovered that a twin has a 45 percent rate of divorce if the identical twin has already experienced a divorce. Additional confirming evidence for genes as a primary cause stems from looking at the divorce rate of twins' parents. If these parents have divorced, each twin has a 10 percent higher risk of divorce.

3 Issue Conclusion Reason 1 Reason 2

4 Eunice Kennedy Shriver defended parents on the The Washington Post recently. In a piece entitled, "Yes, Parents Should Know," she supported the Health and Human Services Department's proposed rule to require that federally funded family-planning clinics notify the parents of minors to whom they are providing prescription contraceptives. Mrs. Shriver's arguments for the proposed rule, which echo the administration's, reveal much well-meaning intent, and a distorted view of reality. Mandatory notification is more likely to deter girls from using the clinic than to benefit girls who come home to find their parents reading a government notice announcing that their daughter has obtained birth control. The premise behind mandatory notification is that adolescent knowledge of human sexuality causes adolescent promiscuity. No evidence has yet been offered that can support this premise. Indeed, the June report by the Alan Guttmacher Institute found that sex education in schools does not promote promiscuity in teenagers, and may even discourage teenage pregnancy.

5 Issue Conclusion Reason 1 Reason 2


7 Identify the issue and conclusions and premises in the cartoon on the previous slide Issue Is Lucy coherent? Conclusions 1.No (for Charlie) 2.Yes (for Lucy) Premises 1.(for Charlie) 2.(Lucy)

8 Find the: Issue Conclusion Reason(s) In the following passage on waterscooters

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