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Reimagining your Workforce: Using MAs as Health Coaches The Central Valley Journey.

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Presentation on theme: "Reimagining your Workforce: Using MAs as Health Coaches The Central Valley Journey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reimagining your Workforce: Using MAs as Health Coaches The Central Valley Journey

2 The Central Valley Health Network 14 Federally Qualified Health Centers Serving 21 Counties Over 145 sites Approximately 4000 employees Majority are Migrant Health Centers

3 Central Valley Health Network  Mission: CVHN’s mission is to advocate for community health centers’ strength in the marketplace and to support members’ effective delivery of high quality and accessible health care.

4 Key Strategic Initiative: Workforce Development  The Central Valley faces health care workforce shortages at a much higher concentration than other California regions.  The Valley is lacking in an adequately prepared workforce to meet the increased skill demands needed in the post health care reform health center.  Approaches to address these issues:  strengthening pipeline programs,  connecting health centers to the resources needed to up- skill their workforce, and  supporting provider recruitment and retention efforts.

5 Upskilling the Workforce – When the Conversation Started  2011 – The San Joaquin Valley Workforce Funders Collaborative  National Fund for Workforce Solutions  organize industry partnerships to develop a pipeline of skilled workers  promote improvement to business practices and public policies  act as catalysts for generating additional investments in creating industry partnerships  The California Endowment Funded Work to look at opportunities in the Central Valley

6 What Drove the Need for the Conversation?  Health Care Reform  New Patients  Payment Reforms  Health Literacy and Demographics  Maldistribution of Physicians  Patient Centered Medical Home  Team Based Care

7 Connecting the Dots

8 Crosswalking the CHW and MA Roles to Patient Centered Medical Home

9 Choosing a Path (for this effort at least) Community Health Worker Advanced MA Role

10 So, Now What is Next?  What Will the Model Look Like  What are others doing  Funding  Foundations, Workforce Development Boards, Health Plans?  Training Model  Health First, UC Davis, San Diego  Practice Readiness

11 More Dot Connecting: What are others doing  HealthForce Center at UCSF: Innovative Workforce Models of Health Care  20Workforce%20Models%20of%20Health%20Care 20Workforce%20Models%20of%20Health%20Care  St. Luke’s Health Care Center, San Francisco 

12 Taking the Dot Connecting to the Next Level  HealthForce at UCSF presented “Innovative Workforce Models in Health Care including presentations from:  North County Health Services  Union Health Center (New York)  High Plains Health Center (Colorado)  Overview of the UCSF Health Coach work and training (Tom Bodenheimer, M.D.)  Time for a Field Trip to North County Health Services

13 Funding  The Challenge is finding funding for training of INCUMBENT workers….  Our Health Centers looked to Traditional Funders  The California Endowment invested in a pilot project in Merced County  Our Health Centers looked to the Workforce Development Board  The Merced County WDB applied for and received Workforce Accelerator Funding from the California Workforce Development Board  Our Health Centers engaged in discussions with their local health plan

14 Training  Health Center that received funding looked at:  UC Davis Model  San Diego Health Workforce Initiative   Decision made to pilot UC Davis model, provided an opportunity for evaluation of two different models

15 Practice Readiness  I put this last for a reason…although, in reality it should be one of the first things done  As Dr. Witte Shared: Changing Provider Roles— BUT—  Giving up work to the team is difficult! AT FIRST:  “The responsibility is on me!”  “It’s MY license at stake!”  “No one else understands the work!”

16 Practice Readiness AND… AFTER TRAINING OF HEALTH COACHES:  “Many tasks can come off my plate!”:  Including:  Entering data-even having a scribe.  Many phone calls.  Preventive care and alerts.  Etc.!

17 Thoughts from Connecting and Collecting the Dots  Health Coaches must be Experienced Medical Assistants (or Health Educators)  There is an organizational commitment required:  Need to invest in training of health coaches and in preceptors  Need to establish a career ladder for these new roles  This will require changes in the clinic workflow – this will take CEO and CMO support  It is one thing to provide the training but organization’s leadership needs to support the operationalization  Preceptors can and should be used to help determine the implementation process and to help with implementation.

18 Additional Thoughts from Connecting and Collecting the Dots  Onboarding of New Providers to this concept is crucial (Karissa)  Through the use of preceptors there are organizational decisions that need to be made such as implementing the assessment process, supervising of charting, etc.  The Side Benefits of the Training Model our Health Centers selected  The model provides fundamental skills to staff to prepare them for an expanded role  It allows the flexibility for health centers to operationalize in a manner that best supports their practice dynamcis  Sustainability is a challenge….WDB money and foundation money will only take this so far….

19 Connecting some Dots for you  Livingston Community Health –  Rosa Pavey  UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing –  Dr. Katherine Kim  Victoria Ngo  UC San Diego Extension -  Leslie Bruce  Health Workforce Initiative  Ann Durham (Deputy Sector Navigator – Health Care)  Central Valley Health Network  Mary Renner


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