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1 The Baltic University Programme Director Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme, CSD Uppsala Uppsala University Director Christine Jakobsson.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Baltic University Programme Director Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme, CSD Uppsala Uppsala University Director Christine Jakobsson."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Baltic University Programme Director Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme, CSD Uppsala Uppsala University Director Christine Jakobsson The Baltic University Programme, CSD Uppsala Uppsala University BUP Preparatory Meeting for the Rectors Conference,17-18 February 2011 20 YEARS Anniversary

2 2 The Baltic University Programme network of > 220 universities & institutes of higher learning; initiated in 1991- CBUR Rectors Conference, Sept. Gotland 14 countries in the Baltic Sea Basin 1.500 teachers/researchers contributed; 9.500 students yearly; sustainable development, focuses on sustainable development, environmental protection & democracy – Education for Sustainable Development; Secretariat at Uppsala University, Sweden; International Board 20 YEARS Anniversary BUP

3 3 Baltic University Programme’s Network Locations where one or more universities participate

4 Participants at this meeting 74 participants 12 countries 62 universities 45 cities

5 15 National Centres Belarus: Dr Siarhei Darozhka, Belarusian National Technical University Czech Republic: Dr Alena Labodova, Technical University of Ostrava Denmark: vacant Estonia: Assoc. Prof Tatyana Polajeva, Tallinn Univ. of Technology Finland: Dr Paula Lindroos, Åbo Akademi University Germany: Prof. Walter Leal, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Germany: Prof. Bernd Delakowitz, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz Latvia: Assoc. Prof. Andris Spricis, University of Latvia Lithuania: Assoc. Prof. Linas Kliucininkas, Kaunas Univ of Technology Poland: Prof. Ireneusz Zbicinski, Technical University of Lódż Russia, Kaliningrad: Dr Helena Kropinova, Immanuel Kant State Univ. of Russia Russia, N.W: Assoc. Prof. Victor V. Ionov, St Petersburg State Univ. Slovakia: Assoc. Prof. Alexander Feher, Slovak Univ. of Agric. in Nitra Sweden: Prof. Lars Emmelin, Blekinge Institute of Technology Ukraine: Assoc. Prof. Iryna Kriba, Ivan Franko National Univ. of Lviv

6 Centre Directors Meetings Twice a year to coordinate the activities within the network 6

7 The Baltic University Programme 7 Activity areas - education - research - information - outreach activities & applied projects applied projects

8 The Baltic University Programme Student conferences, courses & activities 8

9 Student Conferences & Student Parliament

10 Examples BUP Students Conference on Climate Change, Szczecin, Nov. 2008, Szczecin Maritime University, Poland BUP Students Conference April (2007-2011), Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences, Rogow, Poland BUP Intensive Course on Regional Development, Adam Mickiewicz Univ.& Univ. of Economics in Poznan, Poland, Nov. 2007 & Oct. 2009 BUP Students Conference on Adam Mickiewicz Univ, BUP Students Conference on Climate Change and Human Rights, Adam Mickiewicz Univ,Gniezno, Nov. 2009 BUP Summer Course on Sustainability, River Basin Management & Climate Change, Hamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences, Sept. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Vistula River – ecology, culture, environment, 1st scient. BUP students camp, State Higher School of Vocational Educ. Elblag, Poland, Sept.2007 Internet Course – Concepts of Sustainability COS, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, annually

11 Student Summer Sailing & Courses

12 The Baltic University Programme Courses 1. Basic, undergraduate courses 2. Specialisation, master courses 3. Competence development for professionals - interdisciplinary- problem oriented - based on research- interactive - English language- international diploma

13 The Baltic University Programme Student conferences, courses & activities Teacher trainings, conferences & seminars 13

14 Examples Zittau Seminar on the Energy Situation in Central & Eastern EuropeZittau Seminar on the Energy Situation in Central & Eastern Europe, Zittau Univ. of Applied Sciences, Oct 2007 REACH Teachers Intensive CourseREACH Teachers Intensive Course, Lodz, Poland, April 2009 European Fairs on Education for Sustainable Development, Hamburg, TuTech, Sept. 2006 and 2009European Fairs on Education for Sustainable Development, Hamburg, TuTech, Sept. 2006 and 2009 ESD - Five years in the UNESCO DecadeESD - Five years in the UNESCO Decade, Visby, Sweden Gotland University, 1-3 June, 2009 Master Classes on SustainabilityMaster Classes on Sustainability, AtKisson, Sweden, August 2009 & May 2010 Residential Training Workshop on Universities & ESDResidential Training Workshop on Universities & ESD, Amfissa Greece, MIO-ECSDE, 24-28 May 2010

15 The Baltic University Programme Student conferences, courses & activities Teacher trainings, conferences & seminars Lead and participate in projects 15

16 Waterpraxis, EU project ( Finnish Environment Institute, Hamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences, Lodz Univ. of Technology, Kaunas Univ. of Technology, University of Rezekne in Latvia, Lulea Univ. of Technology, Kaliningrad State Technical Univ.)Waterpraxis, EU project ( Finnish Environment Institute, Hamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences, Lodz Univ. of Technology, Kaunas Univ. of Technology, University of Rezekne in Latvia, Lulea Univ. of Technology, Kaliningrad State Technical Univ.) SAIL, Erasmus/IP summer sailing course ( BUP secretariat & 30 partners from the network)SAIL, Erasmus/IP summer sailing course ( BUP secretariat & 30 partners from the network) Baltic University Urban Forum BUUF, Interreg IIIB project (BUP secretariat & 15 partners)Baltic University Urban Forum BUUF, Interreg IIIB project (BUP secretariat & 15 partners) Environmental Health & Sustainable Agriculture (BUP secretariat & Envirovet Baltic & many partners from the network)Environmental Health & Sustainable Agriculture (BUP secretariat & Envirovet Baltic & many partners from the network) Latvian educational project on EE & SD (University of Latvia & BUP secretariat)Latvian educational project on EE & SD (University of Latvia & BUP secretariat) Examples

17 Ecosystem Health & Sustainable Agriculture New course package on SD & agriculture & ecosystem health for the masters levelNew course package on SD & agriculture & ecosystem health for the masters level Developed in cooperation with& networksDeveloped in cooperation with BUP & Envirovet Baltic networks Baltic 21 Lighthouse projectBaltic 21 Lighthouse project UN Partnership for Sustainable Development -UN CSD 16 Meeting, 6-7 May 2008, New YorkUN Partnership for Sustainable Development -UN CSD 16 Meeting, 6-7 May 2008, New York 3 books for university teaching 1.Rural development & land use 2.Sustainable agriculture 3.Ecology and animal health

18 Some BUP PROJECTS a) Environmental Management Systems & industry cooperation; b)Sustainment projects & cities cooperation; c)Baltic 21 (Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea region); d) Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture; e)University networking in the Lake Victoria Region; f) ESD book with good examples from BSR; g) Sustainability Applied in International Learning SAIL; h) Mazury Lakes; i) ESD course in Uppsala with Greek and BSR Teachers; j) ESD course for Russia with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) in Moscow; k) Latvian project on EE & ESD for higher education; l) Ecoregion.

19 The Baltic University Programme Student conferences, courses & activities Teacher trainings, conferences & seminars Lead and participate in projects Organisational meetings: –Board Meetings/Executive Committee –Centre Director Meetings Rectors Conferences –12-13 October 2011 (3rd) Senior Advisory Council NETWORKING 19

20 University Networking Mediterranean – Mio-ESCDE/MediesMediterranean – Mio-ESCDE/Medies Great Lakes Region – EHSA and University Network GLUPGreat Lakes Region – EHSA and University Network GLUP JapanJapan Lake Victoria – SAUNETLake Victoria – SAUNET IUCNIUCN

21 Other examples Lodz Technical University has co-arranged Student Conferences for 11 years with BUP & other Student ActivitiesLodz Technical University has co-arranged Student Conferences for 11 years with BUP & other Student Activities Lodz Technical University has arranged & co- financed sailing on the Mazury Lakes for several yearsLodz Technical University has arranged & co- financed sailing on the Mazury Lakes for several years Åbo Akademi University,Finland has financed 25% of the webmaster for BUP for several yearsÅbo Akademi University,Finland has financed 25% of the webmaster for BUP for several years Åbo Adademi University, Finland has co- financed several ESD Teachers Conferences 2004-2007Åbo Adademi University, Finland has co- financed several ESD Teachers Conferences 2004-2007

22 Results from the questionnaire – 50 answers Results from the questionnaire – 50 answers 1. In which way do you find the BUP network useful for your university? Courses Educational materials Participation in conferences, seminars, meetings Communication, cooperation /international coop./ internationalization/ new contacts/ international contacts New perspectives on teaching methods Academic purposes for students and lecturers Students/ teachers mobility Students activities Joint projects – Sustainable Development Teaching in English International experience in teaching/ European standards Experience exchange

23 Results from the questionnaire – 50 answers Results from the questionnaire – 50 answers 2. In which way do you see the strategic value of the BUP network? To participate in educational & research projects To increase mobility of students & teachers Gain knowledge/European knowledge/East-West understanding & cooperation Multinational and interdisciplinary nature of the programme Common courses, events, publications, projects Cooperation/ contacts between universities / inter- universities activities / Networking of universities; Regional collaboration View on & changes towards SD in the region/networking on the subject of SD/ESD; Teach and apply principle of SD Common vision on Education Exchange : knowledge, ideas, experience Implementing of the EU strategy in the BSR

24 Results from the questionnaire – 50 answers Results from the questionnaire – 50 answers 3. Is there anything that you would like to see in the future? BUP cooperation with UNESCO new types of student exchange More common publications (academic and popular) More innovation, updated objectives, new image & design. Enhanced coop. between environm. science study programs More emphasis on cultural & moral aspects Sub-projects (specialize in different areas of sustainability) - expert- groups of the network. Member universities: more responsibility for activities (membership fee?) higher commitment to the network. More partnerships, connections between universities/ improvement of communication within the network/stronger involvement of participating univer./more international contacts with similar bodies Joint degree diploma between universities BUP participants from ex-Soviet countries receive updated teaching & methodological materials in Russian More information about partners & what they are doing.

25 The Baltic University Programme- In Summary - a regional university network, since 1991 - coordinated by Uppsala University - sustainable development - based on subjects of common interest – equal partners in the network - financed by the Ministry of Education in Sweden, SI, Sida, Uppsala University, SEPA, Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013,ERASMUS IP, Ministry of Education in Finland & the universities in the network. BUP 20 YEARS!

26 Thank you for your interest, support & attention BUP 20 YEARS!!

27 Undergraduate courses Undergraduate courses Environmental Science courses 1. The Baltic Sea Environment 2. Environmental Science 3. English for Environmental Science The Baltic Sea Region (area studies) courses 1. The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies 2. Peoples of the Baltic 3. Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region Sustainable Development course 1. A Sustainable Baltic Region

28 Master courses Water Management courses 1. Sustainable Water Management in Baltic Sea Region 2. The Baltic Waterscape 3. The Use and Management of Water 4. River Basin Management Environmental Management courses 1. Policy Instruments for Environmental Management 2. Cleaner Production & Technologies 3. Product Design & Life Cycle Techniques 4. Environmental Management Systems & Certification Sustainable community development courses 1. The city 2. Building sustainable communities 3. Sustainable Urban Management

29 Cooperation with the Mediterranean region Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of ESD Nov. 2005, Athens Greece Training in ESD through an inter-regional perspective – The Baltic Sea & Mediterranean regions, Uppsala University, Oct. 2008 Working Conference/ Launching of the Network of Mediterranean Universities for ESD, Nov. 2008, Athens, Greece BUP Teachers Training Course, ESD: Five years in the UNESCO Decade, June, 2009, Visby,Sweden ESD Teachers Training Course, May 2010, Amfissa,Greece, 29

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