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“Working better together to improve access to services for young people in Wyndham” TRAINING SESSION Agnieszka Kleparska Libby Jewson HealthWest.

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Presentation on theme: "“Working better together to improve access to services for young people in Wyndham” TRAINING SESSION Agnieszka Kleparska Libby Jewson HealthWest."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Working better together to improve access to services for young people in Wyndham” TRAINING SESSION Agnieszka Kleparska Libby Jewson HealthWest

2 Why are we here? Provide overview of Service Coordination Share available resources Present new Initial Needs Identification (INI) tool and protocol Agree on the INI process Discuss trial of the new tools Network with others

3 What are you going to learn? At the end of today’s session you will be able to: Identify key Service Coordination principles, elements and resources Explain the INI tool and how to use it

4 Why do we need Service Coordination? Emma’s story

5 Emma’s pathway

6 Why do we need Service Coordination? Young person’s experience: A lack of information about the services Inconsistent practice across agencies A lack of coordination between agencies A lack of clear and transparent referral pathways Inconsistent quality in providing services Poor information sharing and feedback

7 What is Service Coordination? Service Coordination = Better Access to Services SC places young people at the centre of service delivery to ensure that they have: access to the services they need opportunities for early intervention improved outcomes

8 What is Service Coordination for young people? I’m Emma. I get so sick of having to repeat my personal situation and history to the different services that work with me to help me manage my health and dependency issues. But after saying that, it appears that the different services are talking with one another or something because when I go to an appointment they know all about me and why I’m there. I always receive my dates for my appointments now when I get referred to another service. They ask me what I want and what is important to me and ask for my permission before they send my information to anyone. I feel that I have more control over what happens to me and my private information. Maybe that has something to do with Service Coordination - services talking to each other.

9 What are the benefits of SC? From young person’s perspective: up-to-date information about services timely response the same standards of service from each agency supported access to the most appropriate service clear entry points and referral pathways support to be actively engaged in the planning and delivery of services confidentiality of information

10 What are the benefits of SC? From your perspective: improved networks common practice standards reduced duplication improved waiting list management Service Coordination aligns with accreditation standards of providing quality services

11 Service Coordination Principles

12 Service Coordination principles 1.A central focus on young person 2.Partnerships and collaboration 3.The social model of health 4.Competent staff 5.A duty of care 6.Protection of young person’s information 7.Engagement of other service providers 8.Consistency in practice standards

13 Central focus on young people How can we ensure that support is determined by the needs of the young person, rather than what a service can provide?

14 Partnerships and collaboration What needs to be in place for organisations to work together?

15 Social model of health What are the social determinants of health?

16 A duty of care

17 Competent staff

18 Service Coordination On-line Learning Module Available at:

19 Engagement of other service providers

20 Youth Directory

21 Human Services Directory HSD aims to provide Practitioners and Service Providers with access to accurate and up-to-date information about health, social & disability services in Victoria. http://humanservicesdirectory.vic.go v.auhttp://humanservicesdirectory.vic.go

22 Your agency information on Youth Directory and HSD Can people find your service? Is your information current and correct? Is there assigned position in your agency to update Youth Directory and HSD?

23 Protection of young person’s information

24 Privacy and consent Y Young person’s information should only be disclosed to those who require it and only after receiving consent from the young person.

25 E-referral Agency A Has Internet connection Can send referrals Not PKI registered Cannot receive referrals Agency B PKI registered Can send referrals Can receive referrals Web Server Holds PKI Public Keys for registered agencies Agency A sends referrals through Connectingcare Agency B sends and receives referrals through Connectingcare

26 Consistency in practice

27 Establishing common language

28 Service Coordination Elements

29 Supporting publications

30 Victorian Service Coordination Practice Manual 2012 Provides a vision for Victoria’s Service Coordination and Practice A Reference Guide Consumer Outcomes & Good Practice Indicators Consumer Pathways Tools & Resources Covers Initial Contact Initial Needs Identification Assessment Care Planning Referral Available online at:

31 Victorian Service Coordination Practice Standards An example of the standards for Initial Needs Identification Source:

32 Good Practice Guide 2012 Available online at df

33 Continuous Improvement Framework 2012 Supports organisations to monitor and improve service coordination implementation and practice Based on PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) cycles of improvement Available online df df

34 Initial Needs Identification Process

35 Benefits of INI Identification of the young person’s presenting and underlying issues Early identification of the young person’s risks Early intervention Information provision regarding available support options

36 Let’s practice Initial Needs Identification Tool and Protocol

37 Emma’s ideal pathway

38 Key Questions How are you going to use the Tool? What will be the benefit for your organisation and young people that you see? What support you might need?

39 INI Tool Trial in Wyndham Key questions: Timelines? What’s involved? Who will be the key contact? How to provide feedback?

40 Where to from here? Trial Train the trainer in your organisation Post-trial forum Further support if required Post training feedback survey

41 Contact and support Johanna Parker Wyndham City Council Ph. 8734 1350 Agnieszka Kleparska HealthWest Partnership Ph. 8379 9950

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