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How Can We Get the Faculty We Need? David Morse, President, ASCCC Thuy Thi Nguyen, Interim General Counsel/Vice Chancellor, CCCCO Adrienne Foster, Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "How Can We Get the Faculty We Need? David Morse, President, ASCCC Thuy Thi Nguyen, Interim General Counsel/Vice Chancellor, CCCCO Adrienne Foster, Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can We Get the Faculty We Need? David Morse, President, ASCCC Thuy Thi Nguyen, Interim General Counsel/Vice Chancellor, CCCCO Adrienne Foster, Executive Committee, ASCCC ASCCC 2016 Spring Plenary Session Faculty Hiring, Recruitment, and Diversity

2 Non-Whites* Percentages by Student and Employee Types Fall Terms 2005 – 2014 TOTAL

3 Continually Responsive Workforce Education Code Section 87100(a)(3): “A work force that is continually responsive to the needs of a diverse student population [which] may be achieved by ensuring that all persons receive an equal opportunity to compete for employment and promotion within the community college districts and by eliminating barriers to equal employment opportunity.”

4  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII)  The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)  The Fair Employment and Housing Act, 1980 (FEHA) We Have Laws to Both Prevent Discrimination and Promote Diversity

5 All the laws, regulations, and policies in the world mean little without commitment from us. Only through our own deliberate actions will this situation change. Laws are Not Enough

6 So What can we do? Change our hiring practicesChange our hiring practices State-level initiatives to improve hiring poolsState-level initiatives to improve hiring pools Local recruiting effortsLocal recruiting efforts Follow-through after hiresFollow-through after hires

7 Best Practices and Suggestions For Hiring Processes  Who is on the hiring committee?  How long is the interview?  How is the interview structured?  What is included in the application materials?

8 Best Practices and Suggestions For Hiring Processes  What criteria are you using?  How much experience is really necessary?  Is other experience relevant?  Is a PhD necessary?  Are you looking for specific qualifications beyond the minimum?

9 Best Practices and Suggestions For Hiring Processes  What are the interview questions?  “Staying on script”?  How can you make the “diversity question” meaningful?  Can you have multiple questions that address diversity? Can you reshape existing questions?

10 Best Practices and Suggestions For Hiring Processes Original: How would you deal with a disruptive student in your class? Original: How would you deal with a disruptive student in your class? Change to: How have you or would you address disruptive behavior by a student in your class, and would your approach differ depending on an individual student’s background or situation? Change to: How have you or would you address disruptive behavior by a student in your class, and would your approach differ depending on an individual student’s background or situation? Original: How do you structure a class lesson plan for a 90-minute Communication Studies class? Original: How do you structure a class lesson plan for a 90-minute Communication Studies class? Change to: How do you or would you structure a 90-minute lesson plan for an extremely diverse Communication Studies class including students from different backgrounds in terms of culture, religion, socio-economical situation, and sexual orientation? Change to: How do you or would you structure a 90-minute lesson plan for an extremely diverse Communication Studies class including students from different backgrounds in terms of culture, religion, socio-economical situation, and sexual orientation? Some Sample Questions

11 Best Practices and Suggestions For Hiring Processes Original: Demonstrate a lesson related to organization and coherence in a persuasive essay assignment. Assume the audience is either transfer-level composition or one level below. Original: Demonstrate a lesson related to organization and coherence in a persuasive essay assignment. Assume the audience is either transfer-level composition or one level below. Change to: Demonstrate a lesson related to organization and coherence in a persuasive essay assignment. Assume the audience is either transfer-level composition or one level below and includes students from a variety of backgrounds and situations regarding culture, ethnicity, family economic stability, and sexual orientation. Change to: Demonstrate a lesson related to organization and coherence in a persuasive essay assignment. Assume the audience is either transfer-level composition or one level below and includes students from a variety of backgrounds and situations regarding culture, ethnicity, family economic stability, and sexual orientation. A Sample Teaching Demo

12 State-level EFFORT: The AA to MA Faculty Diversity Pathway Initiative

13 Joint effort of CCCCO, ASCCC, CCLC, CIOs, CHROs, and FACCCJoint effort of CCCCO, ASCCC, CCLC, CIOs, CHROs, and FACCC Encourage our students to consider community college teachingEncourage our students to consider community college teaching Would make use of California Education Code, Section 69618,“Graduate Assumption Program of Loans for Education”Would make use of California Education Code, Section 69618,“Graduate Assumption Program of Loans for Education” Propose activities at CCs to prepare students for teaching careerPropose activities at CCs to prepare students for teaching career Initial discussions to secure funding are underwayInitial discussions to secure funding are underway

14 The AA to MA Faculty Diversity Pathway Details Community college students would receive mentorship and employment as campus-wide tutors, “embedded peer tutors” within their classes, instructional aides, and teaching assistants.Community college students would receive mentorship and employment as campus-wide tutors, “embedded peer tutors” within their classes, instructional aides, and teaching assistants. Faculty members would serve as mentors. Faculty members would serve as mentors. Students who meet certain G.P.A. requirements and successfully transfer to a 4-year university, the students would be provisionally guaranteed admission into graduate schools participating in the program.Students who meet certain G.P.A. requirements and successfully transfer to a 4-year university, the students would be provisionally guaranteed admission into graduate schools participating in the program.

15 The AA to MA Faculty Diversity Pathway Details Graduate and upper division students would receive mentorship and training to better prepare them for working with community college students, perhaps through faculty internship programs at various college districts with a degree of state-level coordination.Graduate and upper division students would receive mentorship and training to better prepare them for working with community college students, perhaps through faculty internship programs at various college districts with a degree of state-level coordination. Students would also receive loan forgiveness under the Graduate Assumption Program of Loans for Education and be required to teach at a California community college for at least 3 years.Students would also receive loan forgiveness under the Graduate Assumption Program of Loans for Education and be required to teach at a California community college for at least 3 years.

16 The AA to MA Faculty Diversity Pathway Details Parallel and connected to recruit CTE students into teaching careers.Parallel and connected to recruit CTE students into teaching careers. While a master’s degree may not be required, the same mentorship and employment possibilities could be offered to CTE students in order to inspire and develop their interest in community college teaching careers.While a master’s degree may not be required, the same mentorship and employment possibilities could be offered to CTE students in order to inspire and develop their interest in community college teaching careers. Leverage faculty internship programs at the community colleges.Leverage faculty internship programs at the community colleges.

17 Local recruiting efforts Set up partnerships with local university graduate programsSet up partnerships with local university graduate programs Do not rely on the college to do the work. CC and university departments can talk to each other.Do not rely on the college to do the work. CC and university departments can talk to each other. Consider other relevant venues in which to advertise Consider other relevant venues in which to advertise Review equivalency policies to broaden opportunities. What sort of training may be relevant and equivalent?Review equivalency policies to broaden opportunities. What sort of training may be relevant and equivalent? If we improve and diversify our part-time workforce, we will create better pools for full-time hiring.If we improve and diversify our part-time workforce, we will create better pools for full-time hiring.

18  Include cultural competence in evaluation processes  Cultural competence training for all employees  Consider ways to make new and diverse faculty feel included and valued.  Do not just make new hires become a part of the culture. Let them help shape it. Follow-through after Hires

19 Questions for Consideration What things do you dislike about your current hiring processes? What would you like to do differently?What things do you dislike about your current hiring processes? What would you like to do differently? Note: Education Code and Title 5 dictate very little about hiring processes. The process is almost totally a matter of local decisions.Note: Education Code and Title 5 dictate very little about hiring processes. The process is almost totally a matter of local decisions. What things can you do locally to improve the diversity and quality of hiring pools?What things can you do locally to improve the diversity and quality of hiring pools? How can we establish the necessary mindset in our existing faculty that will help them develop the kinds of questions and criteria needed to identify the faculty we want?How can we establish the necessary mindset in our existing faculty that will help them develop the kinds of questions and criteria needed to identify the faculty we want? What needs to be done after the new faculty are hired to involve them, make them feel welcome, and make them want to stay?What needs to be done after the new faculty are hired to involve them, make them feel welcome, and make them want to stay?

20 Thank You for Coming David Morse: Thuy Thi Nguyen: Adrienne Foster:

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