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Université de Lyon in EUROPE Lyon Saint-Etienne.

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2 Université de Lyon in EUROPE

3 Lyon

4 Saint-Etienne

5 Université de Lyon One of the new instruments of cooperation included in the Research Programme Act (April 2006) Created by convention between founding establishments and institutions Private and public bodies, NGO eligible for partnerships The Research and Higher Education Pole (PRES)

6 D’après « Dossier Education » – Le Monde – 13 janvier 2010

7 public : public budget (members, local authorities and state) cooperation : missions empowered by the members scientific : Université de Lyon focuses on R&D and doctoral studies. a Public Body for Scientific Cooperation Université de Lyon

8 18 members 120,000 students 5,000 doctorates 17 doctoral schools 230 public research laboratories 11,500 academic and research staff

9 Université “Claude Bernard” - Lyon I Université “Lumière” - Lyon II Université “Jean Moulin” - Lyon III Université “Jean Monnet” – Saint-Etienne Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Ecole Centrale de Lyon Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne Science Po Lyon VetAgro Sup – Campus vétérinaire de Lyon Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat (ENTPE) Members

10 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques Ecole de Management de Lyon Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Saint-Etienne Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre Institut Polytechnique de Lyon Université Catholique de Lyon Members

11 Union européenne Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Région Rhône-Alpes Grand Lyon Institutional partners

12 Research & Innovation of high quality World-wide centres of excellence Lyon Biopôle: a world centre of excellence in vaccines and diagnostics Axelera: combines chemicals and environment Imaginove: digital entertainment Techtera: technical and functional textiles Lyon Urban Truck&Bus Sporaltec Viameca Plastipolis Advanced research networks Health biology therapeutics Innovations in Infectiology Social and human sciences - Collegium de Lyon

13 Research & Innovation of high quality Medical research and healthcare centres  Neurosciences & Handicap Ageing  Cancer  Transplant Research & Innovation Institutes « Instituts Carnot »  Lipids for Industry and Health  INGENIERIE@LYON  IFP : Innovation, Energy, Environment  Cemagref: agricultural and environmental engineering research  INRETS: national institute for transport and safety research  M.I.N.E.S: materials, process, environmental and health engineering  CETIM

14 The tasks of Université de Lyon Research & Doctorates Management of doctoral programs within the Doctoral College of Université de Lyon (16 doctoral schools) & follow-up of PhD students employability. Follow-up of the centres of excellence, advanced research networks and research and innovation institutes. Mutualisation of shared resources & equipment Implementation of joint projects

15 The tasks of Université de Lyon Strengthen of international influence Reinforce the international presence targeting a small number of privileged geographical areas Quality assistance to scientist mobility (in/out) thanks to the “EURAXESS service mobility centre”: Accommodating of overseas research scientists Mobility of local scientists Advertise the provision of Education and Training Support to master programs of excellence targeting the International

16 The tasks of Université de Lyon Reinforce the connections with the sectors of Economy Valorisation of research activities Technology Transfer Office (TTO)

17 Successes “Lyon Cité Campus” (managed by Université de Lyon”) is one of the best among the 12 projects that have been selected by the Ministry. “Lyon Cité Campus” is based on a very strong partnership with the local communities : “Région Rhône-Alpes ” and the Greater Lyon Urban Community In January 2008, the Ministry of HE&R launched the national project « Operation Campus » dedicated to the emergence of 12 world-level French university centres of excellence.

18 Current project The project carried by of “Université de Lyon” on behalf of its members : Université de l’Innovation As a response to the French National “BIG LOAN” (11 billion€ for Higher Education + 8 billion€ for Campus of excellence). Initiative of excellence Equipments of excellence : Research of excellence Institut de Recherche Technologique : LyonBioPole technological Park Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Technology transfer : SATT

19 Realizations The Doctoral College of Université de Lyon “Docteur-Conseil”  Follow-up of PhD students employability International-labelled masters programs  Biosciences  Material Sciences  Nanoscale Engineering  Administrator of research institutions and knowledge spreading

20 Realizations “Lyon Science Transfert” (LST): Technology transfer office (TTO)  Awareness campaign towards research performers for valorisation of research works & technology transfer: “from invention to market”  Detection, maturation, transfer Dialogue between Science & Society  European Network of the Science Cities

21 Member of EUA and EUA-CDE Member of the Coimbra Group


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