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Environmental Issues of Southern and Eastern Asia SS7G10 – The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia.

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1 Environmental Issues of Southern and Eastern Asia SS7G10 – The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia.

2 REVIEW Middle East Environment Issues Focus- Water Scarce- water wars Africa Environment Issues Desertification and deforestation Focus- Water Filtration- people getting sick by drinking unclean water- both manmade and natural pollution

3 Ganges River The Ganges River begins in the Himalayan Mountains and flows through India and Bangladesh to the Bay of Bengal. The river is very important to the people of India spiritually, however the water quality has become very poor.

4 Pollution of the Ganges River Chemicals used in fertilizer and industry are washed into the river daily. Human and animal waste also enters the river. Dead animals as well as cremated remains of humans (bodies that are burned after death and the ashes are scattered into the river) flows in the river regularly.


6 Results of Pollution Despite the pollution many Indians bathe in the Ganges. They also use it for drinking and cooking. Water born diseases – Cholera- intestinal disease – Dysentery- intestinal disease – Typhoid- bacterial disease – Hepatitis- liver disease – 80% of all illness and 1/3 of all deaths come from disease carried by dirty water

7 Ganges Action Plan 1985 Many sewage and water treatment plants were built. The growing population and run-off from industrial and farm production have made the clean-up efforts fall short.

8 The Yangtze River China’s longest river flows from the northwestern part of the country to the East China Sea. Pumping stations take water out of the river to supply the 400 million plus people who live along it.

9 Pollution in the Yangtze Millions of gallons of sewage are dumped into the river along with chemicals from farming and industries.

10 Results of Pollution Many species of plants and animals that once lived in the river are disappearing. Blue-green algae is growing due to high levels of nitrogen and phosphates which reduces the oxygen levels in the water causing fish to die. Contaminated fish eaten by Chinese people are causing health problems.

11 Solving the problem More water treatment facilities are being built. Cities along the river are encouraged to build land fields to gather their garbage. The Three Gorges Dam is being build along the river for hydroelectric purposes. This will allow people in central China to who have never had electricity to have it. Some feel the dam could cause extinction of some species of plants and animals or cause earthquakes.

12 India’s Air Pollution Air pollution is a serious problem in India. In Urban areas, with a growing population and development of industry it has some the heaviest air pollution in the world. Not only industrial smoke but automobile emission causes about 70% of the pollution. In Rural areas people cook over open fires, use wood, animal dung, or coal for fuel. This causes carbon monoxide, soot and other chemicals. Air inside the home is as bad as outside.

13 Results of Pollution India has a very high rate of respiratory diseases

14 Solving the Problem It is very hard for the Indian government to enforce laws on industry and transportation that might improve the countries air quality but to the fact they do not want to slow down economic growth.

15 China’s Air Pollution China’s air pollution was from the growth in population and industry. Their energy came from burning coal which sends soot, ash, and chemicals into the atmosphere. Automobile exhaust is another problem.

16 Result Respiratory disease (lung cancer is the #1 cause of death) and heart disease Acid rain

17 Solving the Problem Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau was established to work on air quality before the 2008 Olympics. Automobile traffic was greatly reduced Many factories temporarily closed. Many people want the government to find a way to keep pollution down but allow economic progress.

18 India’s Flooding Monsoons 2005- monsoon rains poured 37 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. Brings rain for crops, but causes heavy flooding. Flooding can lead to water-borne disease, property damage, & death.

19 China’s Flooding Monsoons have the same effect on China. Flooding on the Huang He (Yellow River) has killed more people than flooding from any other river in the world. 1887- 2 million died; 1931- 4 million died Solving the Problem Yangtze- To combat flooding loggers cut down trees and farmers drain wetlands. This actually made the problem worse. Took less water to cause a flood

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