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Adam’s Family Be present at our table Lord
Be here and everywhere adored These mercies bless and grant that we May strengthen for thy service be Amen To the tune of… Adams Family, Lone Ranger
BACK OF THE BREAD The back of the bread is the flour
And the back of the flour is the mill And the back of the mill is the sun and the rain and the Father’s will The Father’s Will Amen To the tune of… Gilligan’s Island
CHARIOTS OF FIRE All praise to the Father All praise to the Son
All praise to the Spirit Who makes us one Amen
COCA-COLA The stars will always shine The birds will always sing.
As long as there is God There’s always the real thing. Christ came to die for all of our sins. And now we thank you Jesus As this meal begins. Amen, amen, amen, XX, amen, always Jesus Christ To the tune of… Coca-cola theme song
COME AND DINE Come and dine the Master calls us Come and dine!
There is plenty at God’s table all the time! Christ who fed the multitude Turned the water into wine To the hungry now God calls us Amen To the tune of… She’ll be Commin’ ‘round the Mountain
DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Amen
EDELWEISS Bless our friends, bless our food
Come O’Lord and sit with us May our hearts grow with pease May your love surround us Friendship and love may they bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever Bless your children forever Amen
For health and strength And daily bread We give you thanks O’Lord Amen
FOR HEALTH & STRENGTH For health and strength And daily bread We give you thanks O’Lord Amen Can be sung as a round!
God is Great and Good and So we thank God for our food AMEN!
JAWS God is Great and Good and So we thank God for our food AMEN!
JOHNNY APPLESEED O’ the Lord is good to me And so I thank the Lord
For giving me, the things I need The sun, and the rain, and the apple seed The Lord is good to me Amen, XX, Amen, XX, Amen, Amen, Amen, Aaaaaa-men
ODE TO JOY Thank you, thank you Heavenly Father
For the blessings of this day Food to eat and time together For these gifts we sing your praise For the sun and sky and forest Fellowship, tranquility For all gifts you lay before us May we always thankful be Amen
THE PIZZA GRACE Gracious giver of all pizza
Thee we thank for cheese and meat-za A delicious treat that can’t be beat-za Now I will some pizza eat-za Amen
ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK God is great, God is good!
So we thank God for our food We’re gonna thank Him in the morning, noon, and night We’re gonna thank you God with all our might! We’re gonna thank you God cause you’re dynamite! Amen
STAR WARS Come Lord Jesus be our guest Let Thy gifts to us be blessed
God is your Father Amen To the tune of… Star Wars
SUPERMAN Thank you God for giving us food!
Thank you God for giving us friends! For the food that we eat! The friends that we meet! Thank you God for giving us food. Amen!
THANKS BE TO GOD Thanks be to God, the Father almighty
Who came to this earth, XX The Spirit eternal Thanks be to God forever Amen
THANK THE LORD Thank the Lord For our food God will fill our needs
God is good God is good Amen Can be sung as a round! To the tune of… Are you Sleeping
THANK YOU, THANK YOU Thank you, thank you, Lord, of love, For the food sent from above. Christ, our Savior, came to show How your love can help us grow. Thank you, thank you God above. For this food prepared with love. Amen To the tune of… Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
YANKEE DOODLE GRACE We thank you Lord for daily bread, For rain and sunny weather. We thank you Lord for this our food, And that we are together. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord, Thank you, thank you, thank you Father, Thank you Lord for this our food, And that we are together. Amen To the tune of… Yankee Doodle
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