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Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute Workshop on “Toward Developing Long-term Policy Research and Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute Workshop on “Toward Developing Long-term Policy Research and Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute Workshop on “Toward Developing Long-term Policy Research and Impact Evaluation Program in Support of the CRGE Strategy” February 23, 2016 – Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

2 Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia Toward Developing Long-term Policy Research and Impact Evaluation Program in Support of the CRGE Strategy Haileselassie Amaha Medhin Center Director, ECRC at EDRI

3 Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia Outline Progress so far Approach Workgroups Rationale & objective Evolution & establishment Capacity mobilization Program planning Programs & thematic focus areas

4 The CRGE has the potential of making Ethiopia a leader in a green and rapid exit out of poverty. An essentially an unchartered territory. The implementation of the CRGE strategy needs to be supported by a scientific, policy-oriented and multidisciplinary research and knowledge management process. A need for far-sighted and independent impact evaluation research process following up major CRGE-related interventions. ECRC was established in February 2015 as response to this critical demand, especially in relation to the economics of environment and climate change in Ethiopia in general, and the economics of CRGE implementation in particular. EDRI’s response to fulfill its mandate of supporting key policies and strategies with research. Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia Rationale for Establishment

5 Origins EDRI is Established 1999 2004 2011 EDRI & EfD start Environmental Economics policy Forum for Ethiopia (EEPFE) CRGE is launched EDRI launches ambitious in-house capacity building program 2015 Environment and Climate Research Center (ECRC) is established in EDRI Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

6 ECRC Demand driven research Sustainability Academic integrity and excellence Proactive policy interaction Capacity building Collaboration and partnership Guiding principles Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

7 ECRC Strong institutional base and local ownership International Research agenda Local policy processes Highly qualified research capacity Access to research funding Strong links to academia EDRI-EfD-GGGI strategic partnership Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

8 Core Programs 1.Policy Research & Impact Evaluation (PRIE) 2.Data Management & Knowledge Repository (DMKR) 3.Policy Interaction & Communication (PIC) 4.Capacity Building (CB) Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

9 Six thematic areas of focus Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

10 Implementation The aim is to achieve a full-fledged launch of the center’s core programs by mid-2016 Key tasks since establishment: – Capacity mobilization – Development of first-five-year PRIE Plan Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

11 Capacity mobilization (to date) Fulltime research staff: 6 PhD holders and 5 M.Sc.. holders Part-time research staff (at least 30%): 7 PhD holders (based within EDRI and local universities) Other fulltime staff: – Data Management and Knowledge Repository expert – GIS analyst – Policy Interaction and Communication expert – Project management officer Technical support from GGGI (3 international consultants) A number of international collaborators based in partner universities Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

12 PRIE plan development approach Policy Review Scientific review Research plan Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia Stakeholder consultation

13 Knowledge gaps related to policy processes & programs; Major CRGE-related Interventions poised to be implemented; Contribution to the development and measurement of CRGE/GTP indicators; Cross-cutting issues across the the targeted thematic areas; Using existing projects, data and collaboration initiatives as building blocks; Stakeholder engagement in the program planning process. Collaboration & partnership Due attention to: Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia

14 Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia Specific Research idea Proper gap analysis Data & analysis Major policy intervention Stakeholder engagement Data & Knowledge repository Part of a long- term program GTP/C RGE/S DG Real-time IE Long-term IE Documenting transformation Thematic areas What we try to do differently

15 PRIE Planning workgroups Environment and Climate Research Center at the Ethiopian Development Research Institut e In partnership with the Global Green Growth Institute Environment for Development Initiative Center in Ethiopia M. Wakeyo Energy Forestry Agriculture Water Industry Urbanization

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