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Youth Policy realization in Saint-Petersburg XII UBC General Conference, Mariehamn, 1-4.10.13.

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1 Youth Policy realization in Saint-Petersburg XII UBC General Conference, Mariehamn, 1-4.10.13

2 Saint-Petersburg is the city of Young people 1 109 533 of young people, aged between 14 and 30 (22,4% of the total population of Saint-Petersburg); 1 357 798 of young people, aged between 7 and 30 (27,4% of the total population of Saint-Petersburg);

3 Saint-Petersburg is the city of students 494 thousands of students: more than 240 thousands are educated in the City’s universities at the expenses of the federal budget (55%); 64 thousands are educated in 79 City’s specialized secondary educational institutions for free;

4 Saint-Petersburg is the city of traditions Employment in the places of living: 325 adolescents and youth clubs, united in public institutions as adolescents and youth centers, according to the territorial principle; 10 Youth Houses in the districts of the city; 3598 groups and sections (of which only 533 are paid), reaching the coverage of over 104000 people; groups and sections are visited by 1620 adolescents who are registered in the departments of Juvenile Research Affairs in 196 clubs the spaces of free communication are organized.

5 Saint-Petersburg is the city of various leisure Every year various types of events are organized for the pupils of adolescents and youth clubs: Festival of Youth and adolescents clubs; Exhibition of Arts and Crafts; Sports day and Touring; Competition for Military-sport all-around; Rally of young Sailors; Festival of Young lifeguards; Youth football tournament "Leather Ball“; About 1500 of teachers are employed in Youth clubs. Many of them have the highest qualification category.

6 Saint-Petersburg is the city of volunteers Guidance and institutional support for the creation and development of voluntary groups (seminars, courses, residential schools, forums, etc.) Volunteers are involved in the organizational process of the events of urban, national and international scale (APEC Summit, Kazan2013, UEFA European Football Championship, G20 Summit, etc. Volunteer training center for volunteers that are expected to take part in the organization of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 at the St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics;

7 Saint-Petersburg is the city of public associations The List of Youth and children’s organizations is forming annually. These organizations are benefiting state’s support from the Government of Saint-Petersburg; more than 90 social projects of NGOs every year receive financial and organizational support; Grants contest to NGOs is organizing every year together with the following events: -Forum of non-profit organizations "Social Petersburg, new solutions“ -Charity Festival "Good Petersburg"; -Competition "Effective volunteering"; - seminars, courses and trainings.

8 Saint-Petersburg is the city of initiatives The program for identifying and support of Youth Leaders is implemented via the contest “Leader of the XXI century”; education of the employees from Youth and children’s organizations; Exhibition “Young initiatives” represents projects of youth organizations; Youth Award of St. Petersburg is presented annually to young citizens of St. Petersburg for outstanding achievements in various fields; to the participation in the city program "Tolerance" socio-political youth movements, national associations are involved;

9 Saint-Petersburg is the city of patriots In Saint-Petersburg Coordination Council on citizenship and patriotic education among young people is functioning. The main directions of the patriotic education: organization and conduction of citywide and regional events (traditional festivals, competitions, cycles); support of the public associations and organizations in the field of patriotic education activities; implementation of patriotic education through adolescents and youth clubs; organization of events for the youth of pre-conscription age; military-historical reconstructions; work to perpetuate the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland.

10 Saint-Petersburg is the city of patriots in the implementation process of urban and regional programs for civil and patriotic education are actively participating cultural, education, physical and sports institutions, local authorities, public associations work is conducted in close cooperation with the units and military educational institutions of the Western Military District, Leningrad Naval Base, North West Region Russian Interior Ministry, the Head Office of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in St. Petersburg.

11 Saint-Petersburg is the city of assistance and support "Social Watch" is working to identify neglected children and adolescents; Service of youth workers provide social assistance and educational support for minors who are prone to commit crimes; There are youth movements and projects that promote healthy lifestyles among young people; Street rallies, sports events, creative projects of anti-drug focus are usually organized;

12 Saint-Petersburg is the city of opportunities Organization of the events aimed on career counseling, short-time and seasonal youth employment; Activities for youth involvement in entrepreneurial activities (seminars, conferences, forums, support infrastructure); Development of students’ labor groups (27 students’ teams, including 15 teachers, 6 construction, 1 medical, 1 groupt of conductors).

13 Saint-Petersburg is the city of youth self-government The system of Youth self-government is presented by: Youth Board of St. Petersburg; The Student Council of St. Petersburg; Associations of students’ activists; Council of the working youth of St. Petersburg; Youth Councils of the district administrations of St. Petersburg.

14 Saint-Petersburg is the city of sport St. Petersburg’s tournament of young players "Leather Ball" gather over 300 yards and school teams each season; Gatherings of teenagers and youth clubs, competitions in various types of martial arts, grappling regatta; International Water Tourist Festival "Vuoksa" attracts thousands of athletes and outdoor enthusiasts, apart from the competition at the festival are held evenings of song, tourism exhibitions.

15 Saint-Petersburg is the city of sport Urban orientation competition «Running city» allows to overcome the track on foot, jogging, rollerblading, biking or using vehicles; Urban adventure race «Saint- Petersburg Urban Race» - the largest in Europe; youth competitions in skateboarding, roller sports, parkour are organizing for Young and active people of Saint-Petersburg;

16 Saint-Petersburg is the city of talents The system of measures to find and support talented young people is established in Saint-Petersburg, among which we should highlight the following measures: Priority enrollment in higher education for the winners of school competitions; The creation of centers working with gifted children; Priority admission of the leaders of Children's and youth organizations for training within the structure of the executive power of St.Petersburg; participation of the winners of the creative competition activities, award winners in massive urban activities (Red Sails, Tatiana's Day, etc.); providing with the opportunities to participate in conferences and workshops to develop individual creativity.

17 Saint-Petersburg is the city of creativity Festival of student’s art "ART STUDIO!“: more than 300 university teams perform in different categories; Student Media Conference, the competition "Petersburg Photocross“; International festival of young classical musicians "Young – to St. Petersburg“; Series of concerts, meetings within the event - "Teen idol“; Each year a ceremony honoring the best graduates of St. Petersburg is taking place.

18 Saint-Petersburg is the city for everybody!

19 Thank You for Your time!

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