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The History of Japan Talon Forman Connor Nidds. Fun Fact!  Japan has one of the world’s lowest crime rates, and has the highest life expectancy and literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Japan Talon Forman Connor Nidds. Fun Fact!  Japan has one of the world’s lowest crime rates, and has the highest life expectancy and literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Japan Talon Forman Connor Nidds

2 Fun Fact!  Japan has one of the world’s lowest crime rates, and has the highest life expectancy and literacy rate of any country!  Downside: Over 1500 notable earthquakes each year.

3 Thesis  Throughout it’s long history, Japan has remained a strong power in the Asian region. It had a relatively isolated existence for many years, but eventually prospered into a powerful nation with a strong economy, the principles that formed its government and society, formed it into a high efficiency machine, that will make it stronger in coming years.

4 Overview  Paleolithic Japan [35,000-12,000 BCE]  Ancient Japan [12,000- 300 BCE]  Classical Age [300 BCE- 1200 CE]  Feudal Age [1200- 1900 CE]  Tokugawa Shogunate[1600- 1900 CE]  Japanese Empire [1900- 1945 CE]  Postwar Japan [1945- Present]

5 Paleolithic Japan 35,000-12,000 BCE

6  The first people in Japan first date to 35,000 BCE.  Hunter-Gather civilizations on the main island plains.  Stone Tools if any, only at the end of the period.

7  Number one influence of ancient societies: The Environment.  Most inhabited area on map is the plains area.  Moved when resources ran out. [Theme 1]

8 Ancient Japan 12,000-300 BCE

9 Ancient Japan  Jomon Period  14,000-300 BCE  Pottery  Hunter-gatherer  Ancient Jomon Vessel

10 Ancient Japan  Yayoi  300 BCE-250 AD  Start of weaving, rice farming, shamanism, iron and bronze making.  Introduced by Asian continent

11 Ancient Bronze Bell

12 Ancient Japan  Kofun Period  250-538 AD  Established military states  Origin of the Emperor Yamato Province

13 Classical Era 300 BCE- 1200 CE

14  Japanese began defining their government, and it became more centralized and powerful.  Buddhism is first introduced into Japan.  Began to borrow ideas from Chinese government. The Great Buddha at Nara, 752 AD.

15 [Theme 3]  Government Became more centralized in the Classical Era.  Borrowed Ideas and Principles from Chinese government and society. Miniature model of Heian-kyō Emperor Officials Nobles Peasants and Farmers Merchants Shogun Emperor Land Owners and Clans Merchants Peasants and Farmers Chinese Japanese

16  Fujiwara Clan.  Very strong and influential clan during the classical era, held positions in most of the government for many years during the 11 th and 12 th centuries.  Would eventually lead to the popularization of the Samurai, and the Shogun.

17 [Theme 4]  Japanese traded with Chinese a lot during this era.  Trips limited because of popularity.  Stopped after Mongol invasions.

18 Feudal Japan 1200- 1900 CE

19  Powerful Land Owners under a Shogun.  Very similar to the Dark Ages in Europe.  Government became rather weak, and the country was controlled by groups of Samurai, who answered to a liege lord.  Mongol Invasions, Japanese were victorious. Japanese samurai boarding Mongol ships in 1281

20 [Theme 2]  Japanese culture revolved heavily around the small estates that dotted the landscape.  Often had a governing family, with a small, private army of samurai warriors.  Leading families often held places in court and high- ranking government positions.  Led to corruption, as many of these officials tried to assist the families.  Onin War.

21  Onin wars- 10 year civil war that devastated the nation.  Placed many different ruling estates against each other. Formed larger armies by joining with other estates.  Ended the period of Japanese Feudalism. Two samurai armies face off.

22 Tokugawa Shogunate 1600- 1900 CE

23  Group of three ruling powers in Japan.  Led prosperity into the suffering region, and brought social, economic, and governmental reforms.  Would bring patterns of government that were used until almost modern day. Tokugawa himself

24 [Theme 5]  It is during the Tokugawa shogunate that many modern day traditions in Japan began.  The tea ceremony was devised during this time.  Many Gender roles were established during the period, and the decline of the ruling estates was seen.

25  The shogunate [the ruling period of a shogun] would last until the 1860’s.  Many Government principles from China.  Including the civil service exam, chain of command (for the most part), and roles in differing government positions.  Three major unifiers.  Nobunaga  Hideyyoshi  Tokugawa himself  First of the many contacts with western world, starting with the Jesuit Missionaries.  Unlike china, they opened their minds to the west, however, they were angered when they attempted to convert the Japanese into a catholic people, and demanded that all but the Dutch leave.  Allowed Japan to become more advanced then the Chinese.  The rise of the Japanese Imperial Empire would end the shogunate.

26 Imperial Japan  Meiji Period  1868-1912  Questioned Tokugawa Shogunate  Emperor Meiji came to power  Built strong military

27 Imperial Japan  Mathew C. Perry  Warships, modern weapons  Japan was out of date

28 WWI  Declared War Central Powers  Received military recognition in Versailles  Joined League of Nations  Received all Pacific Islands from Germany

29 Imperial Japan  Manchurian Incident, 1931

30 WWII  Formed Axis Pact  Invaded most Pacific Islands  Attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941  Invaded coasts of China  Conquered most of Pacific

31 “Enrich the country, strengthen the military.”

32 WWII  American defeat in Pacific  Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombing  Soviet invades Manchuria  Japanese defeat on September 2, 1945 Hiroshima bomb

33 Post War/Modern Japan  Economic growth  Electronics and cars  Alliance to America

34 Great Hanshin Earthquake  January 17, 1995  6,000 killed, 44,000 injured  10 trillion yen in damage

35 Earthquake  March 11, 2011  Strongest in Japanese history  Caused tsunami & nuclear disaster

36 Quiz 10 Questions

37 1. When did the first people arrive in Japan? 2. What are two notable differences in the Japanese and Chinese Social Pyramids? 3. What is the significance of the Fujiwara Clan? 4. What was the dominating aspect of Feudal Age Japan? 5. What eventually ended the Tokugawa Shogunate? 35,000 BCE Merchants and Emperor’s Place Powerful leading clan that held power in the government for several years. Powerful estate owners. The Japanese Imperial Empire.

38 6.What cities were bombed in WWII? Hiroshima & Nagasaki 7.Who made Japan realize they were behind in technology? Mathew C. Perry 8.When was Japan defeated in WWII? September 2, 1945 9.What year did Japan invade Manchuria? 1931 10.When did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor? December 7, 1941

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