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WELCOME TO FOURTH GRADE Ms. Groves, Teacher. M S. G ROVES BHM. K 12. AL. US 231-9500 BHM. K 12. AL. US.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO FOURTH GRADE Ms. Groves, Teacher. M S. G ROVES BHM. K 12. AL. US 231-9500 BHM. K 12. AL. US."— Presentation transcript:


2 M S. G ROVES AGROVES @ BHM. K 12. AL. US 231-9500 AGROVES @ BHM. K 12. AL. US

3 W HO IS MS. G ROVES ? I am Ms. Angelia V. Groves. I have been teaching for 17 years. I attended Princeton Alternative School, Jackson Elementary School, Southwest (Arrington) Middle School, and Ramsay High School. I attended UAB and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership, and an Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership. My teaching career began at Riley Elementary School where I taught grades 2 and 4. After a few years, I transferred to teach at Jones Valley K-8 School where I taught grades 4 and 5. A few years later, I transferred to Phillips Academy where I’ve taught grades 4 and 5.

4 A CADEMIC E XPECTATIONS. I expect every student to come to school, on time, prepared to learn, everyday. I expect all class and homework assignments to be completed AND submitted on time. There will be plenty of chances for students to let me know if they don’t understand their assignments. I know that kids can sometimes be shy and may not want to talk about having problems in class, so they may have to use special ways to tell me they are having trouble (for example, writing me a note, speaking with me privately in the hallway, etc.).

5 H OMEWORK. Students will be asked to write down their own homework assignments in their homework agenda books. After they have written down their homework assignments, they will be responsible for getting it to me to sign it before 3:00pm. Even on the few days that they may not have homework, they will have to write down, “NO HOMEWORK,” and I will sign (stamp) their assignment. That way, parents will know that I did not assign homework for that day. Students can use the computer lab before 7:45am if they have assignments requiring them to use the computer, but don’t have a computer or internet access at home. (They must get a teacher’s signed permission to visit the computer lab each day that they visit.)

6 B EHAVIORAL E XPECTATIONS. At all times, I expect students to behave well. I believe in using good manners, being respectful, and following directions. We will have a “3-Strike System” in class, where after a student commits 3 lower-level rule violations in one school day, I will contact his/her parent with an explanation of the rule violations. I will, at that time, remind parents of what they can expect if the student continues to misbehave (office referral). In cases of 5 or more rules violations in one day, I will send the student to the office for discipline due to repeated rules violations. The “3-Strike System” will restart everyday and will include all of my students.

7 A TTENDANCE. School begins at 7:45am. Students must be in the classroom by 8:00am. If a student comes to class after 8:00am, s/he will have to sign the tardy book in the classroom. If s/he comes in the building late enough to arrive to class after 8:10am, s/he will have to go to the office to get a tardy slip and give it to me when s/he arrives to class. If a student has repeated tardies, his/her name will be sent to the Attendance Department. If a student is absent from school, please write or type an excuse and send it to me within 3 days after your child returns to school, otherwise, the absence will be unexcused. Repeated unexcused absences will be turned over to the Attendance Department. Students should also remain at school until 3:00pm. If a student is checked out of school before 3:00pm, s/he will not receive credit for a full day of school.

8 U NIFORMS. Students must the Birmingham City Schools Uniform Policy. When you receive the Birmingham City Schools Code of Conduct, please read it carefully. Also, the classroom is usually cold, so I suggest that students bring a uniform sweater or jacket with them everyday. Coats, jackets, and sweaters that are not labeled as acceptable wear in the Uniform Policy can’t be worn in the classroom. Everyday, I expect that 1) Students’ shirts are neatly tucked in, 2) Students are wearing belts, 3) Students are wearing socks, and 4) Students are wearing shoes with the toe and heel covered. (See the Uniform Policy for guidelines on clothing colors and styles.)

9 T ELEPHONE U SAGE. Students will NOT be able to use the classroom telephone. Students will be allowed to use the telephone in the office if they are sick and need someone to come and pick them up from school. Please make sure that your child has his/her assignments, materials, after-school arrangements, etc. taken care of before coming to school. (Students will not be able to call home for assignments, materials, after-school arrangements, etc.)

10 P ARENT C ONTACT. Contact. I would like to keep parents’ contact information up-to-date, in case of emergencies. If your telephone numbers or addresses change during the school year, please provide me with the new information. Also, teach your child your contact information (telephone number, address, etc.).

11 D.E.A.R (D ROP E VERYTHING AND R EAD ). D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read). Students will be required to have a book to read at ALL times. While waiting to go to class, before 7:45am, students will be required to read. During carpool in the afternoon, students will be required to read.

12 S CHOOL S UPPLIES. It is important that students have their supplies in class everyday. Some of the items on the school supply list will be taken up for “community supplies.” Some other items may be kept in their see-through/mesh book bags, desks, or cubbies. I will encourage and teach the students to not be wasteful with supplies such as paper, pencils, ink pens, cap erasers, facial tissue, paper towels, etc. Please assist me in this effort.

13 I am looking forward to working with you and your child this school year. It will be a great one! Your Teacher, Ms. Groves

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