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BDI – BioEnergy International AG. 2 - Highly professional plant engineering and construction company for tailor-made, turn-key solutions -Industrial BioDiesel-

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Presentation on theme: "BDI – BioEnergy International AG. 2 - Highly professional plant engineering and construction company for tailor-made, turn-key solutions -Industrial BioDiesel-"— Presentation transcript:

1 BDI – BioEnergy International AG

2 2 - Highly professional plant engineering and construction company for tailor-made, turn-key solutions -Industrial BioDiesel- & BioGas plants converting most difficult raw materials into BioEnergy -Integrated model for turn-key solutions - Benchmark technologies developed by in-house R&D, “from Waste to Value“ -20 years of experience: more than 40 reference plants on 4 continents -Synergy benefits within BDI Group -Financial Highlights: Equity Ratio 69%, Cash/Cash Equivalents 35 million Euro BDI at a glance

3 3 BDI Group BDI – BioEnergy International AG BDI Internationale Niederlassungen 100% BDI BioEnergy Turkey BDI do Brasil BDI BioGaz France BDI Betriebs GmbH 100% Enbasys GmbH 100% BDI BioLife Science GmbH UIC GmbH 100% VTU Holding GmbH 25 % * *Vermerk: Prozentangabe gerundet

4 4 BDI Products

5 5 Global Player

6 6 35 BDI Reference Plants since 1991 worldwide

7 7 BioFuels -Validation of new raw materials for biodiesel production, -Development of new methods for biodiesel production – REPCAT -Development of new products – OMEGA 3+ BtL -Biomass-to-Liquid fuel production (bioCRACK) BioTech -BioDiesel and biomaterials from algae (e.g.:  3-fatty acids, pigments) Contract research -Process development (from waste oil recycling to animal feed production) Research focus

8 BDI BioDiesel Multi-Feedstock Technology from the market leader

9 9 BDI Multi-Feedstock BioDiesel Production Process Fresh vegetable oils Animal fats Trap grease, used frying oil Feedstock BioDiesel production BioDiesel use

10 10 TypeGeneral challengeSpecific impurities Used cooking oil, waste frying oil, yellow grease Collection (esp. from households) Fluctuating composition (different cooking styles, legal requirements for UCO disposal, …) >FFA, > H 2 O, >Polyethylen, >Polym. triglycerides, Chlorids, Oxidation products, … Waste animal fats Seasonal fluctuating composition, Hygenic risks >FFA, >S, >Polyethylen, Unsaponifiables Prions? Trap grease, brown grease Daily fluctuating composition Little fat content  waste water treatment >>FFA, >S, >P, Unsaponifiables tensides, Oxidation products, ??? Palm sludge oil Little fat content  waste water treatment >>FFA, >S, >P Waste to BioDiesel – feedstock characterisation

11 11 Used Cooking Oil - Application ECODRIVE-Project with City Government of Graz Customers:  Public buses in Graz (140 buses, B100)  Forwarding company  Trucks of McDonalds Austria  Public gas stations Used cooking oil BioDiesel Production:  BDI-plant with 14.500 t/y capacity  FFA esterification  SEEG - Agricultural Cooperative Collection:  buckets for households  containers for restaurants  McDonalds Austria (~170 restaurants) 1994

12 12 1998 / US 1 st Multi-feedstock plant world-wide for the production of BioDiesel from animal fat 12 1 st MF-plant in Europe for BioDiesel from animal fat, 1 st Prion-Testing by Saria & Frauenhofer Institute IME 2001 / D 1 st Demonstration plant of the EU Commission for production of BioDiesel from animal fat (50.000 to/y) 2005 / UK Commission Regulation (EC/92/2005): BDI BioDiesel Process as a method for safe disposal of Category 1 – Animal by-Products. Animal Fat 2005 / EU

13 13 Key-factors for a successful BioDiesel plant project  Guaranteed product quality and plant capacity proven BioDiesel technology high number of international reference plants  Feedstock flexibility vegetable oils, used cooking oil, animal fats, trap grease, PFAD, ….  Maximum yield – no loss of free fatty acids  Most efficient use of operating materials due to closed process loops  High operation safety, high environmental standard Summary

14 14 BDI-OMV BioCRAK -Compliance of current quality standards in final fuel product -Useable side-products, no waste streams -Integrable in conventional process of mineral oil refining -Conversion of biogenic waste & residues from „non-food“ areas into high-quality Biofuel -Liquid phase pyrolysis (liquefaction of solid biomass) -Co-processing of intermediate product in refinery (heavy end) and solid Biomass

15 BDI BioGas

16 16 From waste to value…. BDI BioGas – The solution for industrial and municipal waste! BDI develops technologies for producing energy from waste and by- products while ensuring maximum preservation of resources at the same time. compact in size the system uses a reliable, stable biotechnology process outstanding for its high level of profitability …Your requirement is our challenge because BDI is a leading spezialized plant manufacturer with more than 15 years of experience!

17 17 BioGas-process

18 18 Substrates Expired food products Slaughterhouse waste Industrial waste and by-products Food industry waste

19 19 Scheme Waste Treatment BDI Technology Mechanical Treatment (sorting) Wet pretreatment (Pulper) Anaerobic digestion (BioGas process) Gas cleaning Gas storage Composting Dewatering CHPs Compost conditioning (e.g. drying, nutrient addition, pelleting, …) Biofilter Recycling Material Biogas Municipal Solid Waste Rain water Fresh water Clean air High quality fertilizer Thermal energy - Hot water - Steam Electricity to the grid Organic fraction (OFMSW) Liquid digestate Solid Digestate Flare Process water tank Impurities - Heavy fraction (e.g. sand, grit) - Light fraction (e.g. plastics, wood) Liquid Digestate

20 20 Advantages of the BDI technology -Optimized digester mixing by customized central paddle agitator and digester geometry -Reliable and easy to maintain digester heating system (external heat exchanger) -Prevention of sediment and scum formation inside the digester -Highest quality requirements for mechanical and electrical equipment -High grade of plant automation -Sophisticated security measures -Gas warning devices in critical areas (CH 4 and H 2 S) -Security devices for Vessels (overpressure protection, busting disks, level indicators, overfill protection sensors -Automatic shut off measures

21 21 NEW Biogas in Breweries -Which breweries should think about AD for their residues?  Breweries with strong influence by energy prices;  Breweries with strong influence by energy supply;  Breweries in countries and regions where spent grain is not used for animal feed;  Breweries in countries and regions with high amount on agricultural land and low amount on livestock;  Breweries with a focus on green energy

22 22 Brewery Residues -Spent Grain ~ 20 kg per hl brewed beer  TS ~ 20,6%, VS ~ 19,8%  TKN ~ 8,3 kg/t  Methane Yield ~ 435 Nm³ CH 4 per t VS, ~ 50 days to > 99% -Surplus Yeast ~ 1,5 kg per hl brewed beer  TS ~ 15,2%, VS ~ 14,1%  TKN ~ 11,6 kg/t  Methane Yield ~ 444 Nm³ CH 4 per t VS, ~ 30 days to > 99% -Filtration Sludge (Diatomite Sludge) ~ 0,9 kg per hl brewed beer  TS ~ 30,6%, VS ~ 1,2%  TKN ~ 2,4 kg/t  Methane Yield ~ 335Nm³ CH 4 per t VS, ~ 30 days to > 99%

23 23 Potential -Example 1.000.000 hl produced beer  specific energy demand of ~ 15 kWh per hectoliter  energy production out of by-products ~ 15 Mio kWh  Biogas out of by-products can substitute up to 100% of the energy demand of a brewery -Digestate  high quality digestate due to high quality raw materials  high rate on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium  fertilizer value up to 10 € per ton compared with mineral fertilizer

24 24 BioGas | Göss Austria Capacity: : 0,71 MW BioGas; 0,45 MWel.; 0,47MWth Substrate: 20.650 tons/year Scope of delivery: construction, planning of overall plant Scope of services: engineering, project management, plant construction, commissioning, operation Substrates: Brewery residues: spent grain, surplus yeast, filtration sludge Construction start: spring 2015 Planned Handover: opening ceremony October 2015

25 25 BioGas | Pamukova Turkey Capacity: 1,4 MW el / Substrate: 56.000 tons/year Scope of delivery: construction, planning of overall plant Scope of services: planning, plant engineering, biological performance commissioning Substrates: cleaned household organics, kitchen waste, manure, straw Project start: March 2010 Construction start: September 2010 Handover: February 2012

26 26 Substrates

27 27 BioGas | Podlasie Poland Capacity: 60.000 t/a; 1 MWel Scope of delivery: construction, planning of overall plant Scope of services: engineering, project management, plant construction, commissioning, after-sales service Substrates: chicken manure, feathers, flotation fats, slurry Construction start: mid 2014 Handover: End of October 2015

28 28 »Global >90 Mio tons poultry meat (USA, China, Brasilien,…) »20% of the consumed meat within the EU, growing trend »Number of chicken farms and slaughter houses is increasing »200 Gramm chicken manure per hen per day »~ 25% waste material per hen when slaughtered (blood, feathers etc.) »Breeding & slaughtering are energyintensive Procedures  ideal combination with BioGas plant (eg. Podlasie) »But: technological sophisticated Biogas production! »BioGas reference plant Podlasie does not only awake interest in Polands poultry industry BioGas-Potential

29 29 BioGas | Marl Germany Capacity: 3,1 MW el / Substrate: 60.000 tons/year Scope of delivery: planning, delivery, installation commissioning and assembly Scope of services: design & construction Substrates: expired food waste, catering waste Project start: May 2011 Construction start: September 2011 Handover: December 2011

30 30 BioGas | Etampes North France Capacity: 2,1 MW el / Substrate: 65.000 tons/year Scope of delivery: sanitation, fermentation, power generation, distribution of heat Scope of services: planning, plant engineering, biological commissioning, assembling Substrates: Food waste from households and restaurants, expired food products from super markets Project start: December 2011 Construction start: February 2012 Handover: September 2013

31 31

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