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2014 YEARBOOK THEME IDEA By: Brenna Brown, Erin Liston, and Andie Veeder.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 YEARBOOK THEME IDEA By: Brenna Brown, Erin Liston, and Andie Veeder."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 YEARBOOK THEME IDEA By: Brenna Brown, Erin Liston, and Andie Veeder

2 Our theme/ concept for this year is: 20/20 Vision

3 Cover Idea We want the 20/ 20 Vision title inside of the rims of the glasses, and curved around the rims will be “Southwest Middle School 2014- 2015” The eye chart in the back will be blurred, but still visible enough to make out the lettering. 20/20 Vision

4 We feel like this idea will really work because: It’s the 20 th anniversary for Southwest Middle School Seeing a successful year(s) ahead of us Everyone has different perspectives on everything, including school. Focusing on important priorities 20 (years) as in the present and 20 (years) as in the future (what it will be)

5 Photo/ copy ideas for the Opening and Closing Copy Ideas for Opening/ Closing: ◦ It’s the 20 th anniversary for Southwest Yearbook ◦ Seeing a successful year(s) ahead of us ◦ Photo Ideas for Opening/ Closing: ◦ Picture of a Crowd or Gathering, with our title and spirals ◦ Title in black and white ◦ Spirals colored in Blue, Green, and Purple.

6 Coverage of the Book Sections ◦ The dividers would include glasses, inside the lens would be pictures from the grade ◦ The glasses would vary in type, from modern to old Coverage Strategies/ Concept Coverage ◦ The folios would be glasses with the number of the page in the lens ◦ We could make creative titles that had to do with Visions ◦ We would want to use the font Courier New

7 Section Titles ◦ Student Life: At a Glance ◦ Academics: Envisioning Our Goals ◦ Sports: Field Vision ◦ Clubs & Organization: Perception ◦ People: Put Your Vision To Reality ◦ Ads & Index: Reflection

8 Visuals of the Book Colors (Palette): Black and White and a pops of Blue, Purple and Green, cold colors Fonts: Use Courier New Patterns/ Textures: Use a main line or shape, spirals in blue, purple and green, Sixth grade main color: Green, Seventh: Blue, Eighth: Purple Shapes: Different sizes of Spirals Other: The title will be black and white and so will the glasses, the other parts of design will be colored cool colors

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