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. The mission of Celebrate Woodinville is to bring Woodinville residents together for family-oriented events, encourage a sense of community, and promote.

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2 The mission of Celebrate Woodinville is to bring Woodinville residents together for family-oriented events, encourage a sense of community, and promote Woodinville’s wineries, local businesses, agriculture, and unique character to visitors from the Puget Sound Region.

3 Celebrate Woodinville is a collaborative effort:  City of Woodinville  Woodinville Wine Country  Northshore YMCA  Woodinville Chamber of Commerce

4 The City of Woodinville provided funding, planning assistance, security, traffic control and permitting. Woodinville Wine Country managed the wine and beer garden. The Northshore YMCA took responsibility for the children’s activities. The Woodinville Chamber provided marketing & promotion, project management, event operations & logistics, organized the food vendors, exhibitors and secured sponsorships.

5 Other organizations provided support:  Woodinville Weekly  Fairwinds Brittany Park  Woodinville Bicycle  Woodinville Alliance Church  Woodinville Community Methodist Church

6 The key elements of this year’s Celebrate Woodinville events included:  Concerts in the Park  Community Parade  Community Festival

7 Dates July 4 th July 17 th July 24 th July 31 st August 10 th Seven Bands  The Fabulous Party Boys  Tubaluba  Ayron Jones and the Way  Down North  Emily McIntosh  Crème Tangerine  Shelley and The Curves

8 (27) Wineries  Auclair  Forgeron  Isenhower  Patterson Cellars  Vortex Cellars  Ancestry Cellars  Brian Carter Cellars  Lauren Ashton Cellars  Page Cellars  Smasne Cellars  Woodinville Wine Cellars  Davenport Cellars  DeLille Cellars  William Church Winery  The Woodhouse Wine Estates  Eye of the Needle Winery  Gård  J. Bookwalter  Sparkman Cellars  Convergence Zone Cellars  Dusted Valley  Efeste  Pondera Winery  Ancestry Cellars  Castillo de Feliciana  Di Stefano  Elevation Cellars  Silverlake (4) Local Breweries  Twelve Bar Brews  Dirty Bucket Brewing Company  Triplehorn Brewing Co.  Brickyard Brewing

9 Local Food Vendors  At the Vineyard French Bakery  Barking Frog Mobile Food Truck  Crafted  Dogfather Catering  Gobble  The Milkman’s Daughter  Pasta Nova  The Twisted Café  Wellington Chocolates  T N T Treats & More Attendance  Crowds ranged between 300 - 850

10  (55) entries  Bassett Brigade  New staging area and route

11 Highlights  (40) exhibitors on 131 st Street, including Nonprofits, Arts & Crafts and Corporate  Children’s activities on Woodinville Fields  Woodinville Farmers Market  Wine & Beer Garden  Local food vendors  Bassett Bash  Two live band performances on stage by the river  The Precor Challenge benefitting two local food banks and Backpacks for kids Attendance  Estimated at 5,000+

12 Demographics of Celebrate Woodinville Two demographic surveys were conducted for the 2013 Celebrate Woodinville summer events, including one at a July concert and one at the Community Festival. Total sample size = 391 115 participants from concert 276 participants from festival

13 Demographics of Celebrate Woodinville Woodinville50% Bothell/Kenmore/Mill Creek17% Kirkland/Redmond/Bellevue12% Snohomish/Monroe/Edmonds/Lynnwood7% Seattle4% South King County2% Other/Out of Area8% Highlights  Nearly 50% of attendees were from Woodinville (49.6%)  Majority of attendees were female (66.4%)

14 Demographics of Celebrate Woodinville Highlights  Approximately 10% of attendees learned about Celebrate Woodinville by driving, biking or walking by. Woodinville Weekly, Woodinville Patch, Seattle Times, King 538.6% Friend/Family21.9% Drove/walked/biked by9.9% Facebook8.2% Flyer/Poster6.8% Businesses/Groups6.8% Took Part In the Event3.5% Internet/Websites2.6% Other1.6%

15 Demographics of Celebrate Woodinville Highlights  83% attended only 1-2 of concerts of the five concerts held in July.  Approximately 43% of attendees had children in attendance with them and 59% were under ten. Age-AdultAge-Children

16 Demographics of Celebrate Woodinville Highlights  54% reported annual household income of $100,000 or more. Household Income  72% of attendees held a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Education

17 Highlights  (5) Ads in the Woodinville Weekly  (13) News Releases distributed regionally  (7) Ads in the Woodinville Influence  Appearance on King5’s New Day Northwest program  Included in regional listings of Festivals  100+ Facebook posts / 766 “likes” on the Facebook page Marketing Team  Bob and Jeanie Rash, Sound Business Development: Website and social media  Susan Straub-Martin, Strauberry Studios: Graphic Design  Laurie Cook, Wordsmith Diva: Content

18  The City of Woodinville provided funding of $40,300. o Actual was under budget by $1,900.  The Woodinville Chamber of Commerce net income from sponsorships and exhibitors totaled $6,300. o This surplus will be reinvested to support 2014 events.

19 Modifications for 2014  One additional concert.  (1) band on July 4 th, in lieu of two as in 2013.  (4) Wednesday evening concerts.  Festival on August 16 th.  Free of regional competition.  New graphics are being considered for ease of viewing in a variety of media.  New staging area for parade.  Marketing plan will include blogging to Bicycle and Wine communities.  More food vendors for Festival/ fewer wineries.  Event timing will be fine-tuned.  Improvements to Wilmot Gateway Park!

20  The Woodinville Chamber of Commerce is grateful for the opportunity to play a role in this project and appreciates the support of the Woodinville City Council and Staff.

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