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OpenStreetMap and open maps in Estonia. MTÜ Avatud maakaardi selts Registered NGO “Open Map Society” Established 2009 August Why? To do projects Estonian.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenStreetMap and open maps in Estonia. MTÜ Avatud maakaardi selts Registered NGO “Open Map Society” Established 2009 August Why? To do projects Estonian."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenStreetMap and open maps in Estonia

2 MTÜ Avatud maakaardi selts Registered NGO “Open Map Society” Established 2009 August Why? To do projects Estonian language world map, own styling Specific services To do something together

3 Plans for the AMS What Own technical platform World map in Estonian language and projection Soft side. Events, information, trainings Projects KÜSK 2010-2011

4 Activities of AMS Technical - localized OSM info portal – localized OSM map server World in Estonian language Supports Estonian coordinate system via WMS Own map layout Translations: JOSM, OSM Web, Wiki guides Other OSM mapping parties: Pärnu, Paide, Võrumaa. OSM Seminars to other NGOs, schools, universities Free GIS seminars in universities Promo in GIS and mapping conferences.

5 Tartu, August 2013 40 participants from 10 countries

6 Data imports Tallinn city buildings Unofficial, 2008 Tartu city government All city data, 2009 Eesti Maaamet, National Land Survey Permission to use online maps and WMS, 2009 Corine Land Cover Mixed result Addressess and buildings, 2013




10 Open Data in Estonia Tech-savvy (self-)image Tweeting President EE-country ID-Card for everyone, Mobile ID E-voting E-citizenship Some realistic notes Quite empty open data portal Laws requires “machine-readable open data” Open Geodata - NLB “Symbolic” price: 0.01 EUR / thousand objects License discussions: CC 4.0 proposal Work in progress

11 Open Geo Datasets for Estonia OpenStreetMap Corine Land Cover – not very good Keskkonnateenistus – rivers, waters Forest register - shapefiles NLB open datasets – Administrative borders – shapefiles Address database – ftp per request WMS for most data layers, including address GetFeatureInfo Geo Web portals Maa-ameti geoportaal - Eesti Geoportaal –

12 ESTGIS Established 2010 Over 100 members Estonian NLB Companies: ESRI, Regio etc Universities: Tartu etc GIS experts Activities Yearly conference – November Yearly summer school - August GIS day Policy participation - tricky

13 Open Source GIS General approach Preferred in state level Not mandatory GIS usage Quite a lot in server level – Geoserver, PostGIS, Leaflet Desktop – more limited Contribution, development Very little

14 Nutiteq Offline Maps app

15 Nutiteq Maps SDK 1.Nutiteq Maps SDK for Enterprise Mobile Maps SDK for advanced requirements iOS, Android, Xamarin, Windows Phone – common API Vector map rendering GIS extension: vector (Shape etc), raster (WMS, GeoTIFF etc) 3D tools: 3D models, 3D city Custom additions and pro services 2.Nutiteq Maps as a Service OSM vector base map – online and offline Nutiteq Maps SDK for public apps monthly subscription packages

16 OSM Eurovision Source: 11.05.2015: 3421 editors, about 0.5 per M capita

17 Contacts and thank you! General info - has English page List: Jaak Laineste @jaakl

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