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Today’s Applications Web API Browser Native app Web API Web API

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Applications Web API Browser Native app Web API Web API"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building native client and mobile apps using Azure Active Directory for sign in

2 Today’s Applications Web API Browser Native app Web API Web API
Web application Web API Browser Native app Web API Web API Server app Clients using wide variety of devices/languages/platforms Server applications using wide variety of platforms/languages

3 Standard based, HTTP based authentication protocols
WS-Fed, SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect Web application Web API Browser OAuth Native app OAuth Web API OAuth Web API Server app OAuth

4 What is Azure Active Directory?
Cloud-based identity service Authentication Directory Identity management Designed for organizations Manage access to cloud apps Can extend on-premises AD Designed for cloud and mobile HTTP/REST & industry standard protocols

5 Active Directory - Then vs. now

6 So what’s cooking How AAD represents resources Implementing OAuth2 ADAL Protecting your own API

7 Azure Active Directory Application Model
WebApp 1 NativeApp 1 Permission 1 Permission 2 Exposes: WebApp 1 Permission 1 Requires:

8 Azure Active Directory

9 Azure Active Directory - Users

10 Azure Active Directory – Applications - Web

11 Azure Active Directory – Applications - Native

12 Azure Active Directory – Applications - Permissions

13 OAuth for native apps A T <HTML> --code-- --code--
Exchange Online Exposes: Full access to user’s mailbox Read user’s contacts Read user’s mail A <HTML> --code-- T --code-- My cool App Office 365 Read user’s mail Requires:

14 Auth Code Request/Response
GET ?response_type=code &resource= &client_id=fb715b0e-3ca9-45b a776b42d &redirect_uri= &prompt=login << Stuff happens here to sign the user in... >> 302 Found ?code=AwABAAAAvPM1KaPlrEqdFSBzjqfTGCXIY6dQcQ-_cqhsBff… I’d like a code please To access this service This is me Send the code here Here’s your code!

15 Token Request/Response
I have a code POST grant_type=authorization_code &code=AwABAAAAvPM1KaPlrEqdFSBzjqfTGCXIY6dQcQ_cqhsBffHFnGbeQHcm… &client_id=fb715b0e-3ca9-45b a776b42d &redirect_uri= &resource= 200 OK {"access_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik5…", "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":"3599", "expires_on":" ", "resource":" "refresh_token":"AwABAAAAvPM1KaPlrEqdFSBzjqfTGAMqzyrQrqeeZzKzwN…", "scope":"user_impersonation", "id_token":eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJmY…n0."} This is me I asked you to send the code here I need to use this service Here is your bearer token When it expires It’s for this service The refresh token Your permissions Info about the user

16 Server-Based Sign-In User Experience
Native client sign-in UI is web-based Same sign-in UI as web app sign-in Web UI allows arbitrary interaction Consent to use application Multi-factor authentication Account compromise detection … and more stuff we haven’t dreamed up yet Plan to offer non-interactive methods Name/password Kerberos These will return error if user interaction required

17 Active Directory Authentication Libraries (ADAL)
Abstracts away most protocol considerations Handles tokens persistence & refresh automatically var ctx = new AuthenticationContext( " AuthenticationResult rez = await ctx.AcquireTokenAsync( " "5fc4a5a2-78d5-4d94-b890-a6e6b ");

18 Active Directory Authentication Libraries (ADAL)
Available on multiple platforms .NET, Windows Store, iOS, Android, Node.JS, Java Open source (or in the process to be) Same primitives, native programming models Sophisticated features Works across Windows Server and Azure Active Directory Cache and automatic refresh Multi user support

19 Protecting Your Own API with AAD
Big OAuth2 providers issue tokens for their own resources Facebook for the Facebook Graph, AAD for the Graph, Azure management, Office… Azure AD allows you to secure your own API Easy as 1-2-3 Add an entry for your API in your AAD tenant Define which permissions your app recognizes Add middleware in front of your API to validate AAD access tokens

20 Adding an entry for your WebAPI in AAD
AAD needs to know how to identify your API You can add an entry via the portal… …or you can use VS2013

21 The application’s manifest
AAD needs to know which permissions your API exposes You provide that info by uploading a manifest for your app JSON file holding a description of your app Download the default one, edit the AppPermissions node, upload it back Still VERY MUCH in preview Fun fact: an API can also be a client of some other API! The RequiredResourceAccess node lists the resources & permissions the API requires

22 TheIdentityHub Sensor Apps Facebook Android Twitter Apple iOS Google
Apple iOS Google Windows Phone Microsoft Windows 8 Active Directory Web Legacy Legacy Apps Office 365

23 A big thank you to our sponsors
Platinum Partners Gold Partners Silver & Track Partners

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