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University of Texas Medical Branch Print Management Working Together to Work Wonders.

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1 University of Texas Medical Branch Print Management Working Together to Work Wonders

2 UTMB Print Management Current State 2 –FY15 UTMB baseline print spend: Approx. 62M pages of paper- $350K spent to include paper for Konica Minolta (KM) $1.07M spent on toner for personal desktops (workflow and convenience printers). Health System- $346K Academic Enterprise- $320K Institutional Support- $119K CMC- $286K Total $1.42M a year –*62 million pages stacked on top of each other would be approx. 20,666 ft high… that would be a total of 14 Empire State Buildings!!!!

3 UTMB Print Management Current State Cont. –FY 15 UTMB baseline equipment footprint: 527 Konica Minolta (KM) multifunction printers (MFP) 6,311 printer devices outside of KM (to include personal convenience desktops, workflow desktops i.e. EPIC and label printers, and CMC counts) 33 Manufacturers 857 unique Models 479 Fax-enabled Devices CMC: 1,197 total; 275 are Xerox, leaving approx. 922 workflow/convenience printers 3

4 PRINT MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES  Before printing ask yourself: Do I really need to print this?  Add a short message to the end of your emails that reminds recipients not to print the email unless absolutely necessary.  Make double-sided (duplex) and black/white (greyscale) the printing default on office computers and printers.  Select one-sided printing only when really needed.  Use the revision features in word processing software to edit documents on screen instead of printing drafts and making hand-written comments.  Select Print to PDF under printer options, instead of printing a document to paper and then scanning to PDF  Use overhead projectors, white boards and presentation software instead of paper handouts/presentations. *If must be printed, use b/w (greyscale) rather than color.  All color printing to be done on KM MFPs.  Instead of printing a Web page, bookmark it or save the page to favorites on your hard drive and pull it up when needed.  Preview documents before printing. Use the print preview to spot formatting errors and blank pages before you print.  Utilize Secure Print feature on Konica Minolta MFP  UTMB is standardizing paper and toner across institution. Only refurbished toner and approved paper standard will be available to purchase as of FY 17.

5 Standard Default Settings PC: Start, Devices and Printers Right click on desired printer, and select “Printer Preferences” On “My Tab”: Under Print Type, select (2-sided), Under “Select Color”, select (Greyscale) Click “Apply” and “OK” *Please choose these selections for all printers used (networked or locally) Konica Minolta: Menu Utility User Settings Printer Settings Paper Settings 2 Sided Print: ON

6 Secure Print The Secure Print function saves print jobs in the Secure Print User Box of the machine. Because the job is output only by entering the ID and password from the control panel, it is helpful for outputting highly confidential documents. 1 Click to display the "Basic" tab. 2 Select "Output Method", down arrow, then "Secure Print". 3 Enter the ID and password. (Note: the Print Driver will remember these settings.) Note: If you want to change your original ID or password, select the “User Setting” button just below the “Output Method” and the original pop-up will appear so that you can change either one.. At the copier to print out your document on-demand Select the “Menu” button, then “User Box”, System Tab on the left, then “Secure Print”. Enter your Document ID and your Password that you created when you sent the document to the unit. Highlight your single document or press “Select All”. Then select “Print” and “Start”. Once printed the documents are printed they are deleted from the unit. Also, if, you do not retrieve the document(s) ; they will be deleted after one day. Number of Documents and Pages That Can Be Stored in the Boxes Secure print is a feature of the System Box. The number of documents and pages that can be stored in the boxes is as follows. For User Boxes and System Boxes, one box can store up to 200 documents. However, the Memory RX User Box can store up to 500 documents. The User Boxes and System Boxes can store up to a total of 3000 documents. The User Boxes and System Boxes can store up to a total of 10000 pages.

7 Who to contact? For any questions regarding Print Management or Konica Minolta machines, please contact: Amanda Toal Process Systems Coordinator Institutional Value Analysis 409-772-5330

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