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Welcome to 6 th Grade. Mrs. Chiong Graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 10th year at Wunderlich Social Studies, Lang. Arts, Reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade. Mrs. Chiong Graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 10th year at Wunderlich Social Studies, Lang. Arts, Reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade

2 Mrs. Chiong Graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 10th year at Wunderlich Social Studies, Lang. Arts, Reading

3 Classroom Rules: Be Polite Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Respectful of people and property

4 We will study ………. World Cultures World Geography

5 This week we are learning: Geography History Economy Government Culture

6 Every day they need: A binder Paper Pen (blue or black) Pencil Map Pencils/Colored Pencils Spiral

7 Students need to turn work in on time!

8 Student’s Responsibility: Check make up red pocket hanging file for what work they have missed

9 Test Days Tuesday and Friday

10 Grading Daily grades: Quizzes, warmups, and classwork

11 Major Grades: Projects and Tests

12 Daily Routine: Seated with supplies Copy learning goal and warm up into their spirals Warm Up Lesson for the day

13 Successful students are prepared for class

14 To access online textbook: Username: kisd+ID (ex: kisd123456) Password: kisd+ID (ex. kisd123456)

15 Periods 1 and Period 8



18 Ways to stay informed Choose Wunderlich Choose teachers

19 Choose Teacher Website….. Type the Teacher Name of your child's teacher

20 My email address: Website: linked to school website Phone: 832-249-3570


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