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What is a Wiki? By: Marisela Alvarado. Fill out all the information and click on Create Account.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Wiki? By: Marisela Alvarado. Fill out all the information and click on Create Account."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Wiki? By: Marisela Alvarado




5 Fill out all the information and click on Create Account.



8 Preferences Click on the drop-down arrow and select a desired preference.

9 Profile Tab Click on the Profile tab to set profile preferences. When done, click save.

10 Profile Picture You may upload your own picture if you wish. When done, click save.

11 Email Tab This option allows you to add an alternative email address and/or change your password.

12 Create a workspace

13 Click here

14 Click on Select below FREE

15 Give your wiki a name Then, please c lick on the radio button next to “For education.” Click on the checkbox next to “I agree….”

16 Wiki Security Settings Click on desired security settings. Shown below are recommended. Please ensure you select the checkbox next to “I agree….”

17 Go to your wiki! Click on “Take me to my workspace” to go to your wiki!

18 Wiki

19 Edit FrontPage Click on Edit to begin working on your wiki. Type a “Welcome” message. Click save when you are done.

20 Example

21 Add an avatar to your FrontPage Open up a tab and go to Click on Create Your Own Voki.

22 Customize Your Character Click on the head to begin. Then, click on the side arrows to search different types of avatars. Click on all tabs for more options.

23 Give It A Voice Click on “T” key to type in your text. Click on the drop down-down arrow to select an accent/language. Click on the next drop-down arrow to select a voice.

24 Give It A Voice through Audacity Open the Audacity software. Click on the red button to begin recording. Click stop when done. If you don’t like it click on the small black “X” and re-record. *Note: Audacity is a software you need to install on your computer.

25 Still in Audacity. Click on File, export as a wav, and save it in a folder you can later find it. Please go back to your voki website. Click on the yellow folder with the green arrow. Click on browse to search for your saved sound file and upload it. Export your recording

26 Uploaded Sound File You will see your sound file when uploaded. Click “Done” when done.

27 Change the Background Click on the side arrows to select a desired background. Click “Done” when done.

28 Change the Player Select the player of your choice. When done, click “Done.”

29 Publish Your Voki Click Publish to get the html code to embed it on your wiki!

30 Save It Name Your Scene for future reference. Click “Save” when done.

31 Click “Sign Me Up!” to permanently save your voki.

32 Create a Voki Account Please fill in all information. Select the checkbox next to “I agree….” and click Finish.

33 Confirmation Message

34 HTML Code Please copy the code. To do so, right-click. Then click on copy.

35 Add your avatar to your wiki Now you are ready to add your avatar to your wiki. Please click on the “Edit” tab next to “View” on the FrontPage.

36 Insert Plugin Click on Insert Plugin. Then, hover your mouse on “Interactive Media.” Select “Voki Speaking Avatar.”

37 Paste the code Paste the html code. To do so, right-click and paste. Please click “Next.” Click “Insert Plugin,” and “Save.”

38 Create a page On the right-hand side, please click on “Create a Page.”

39 Name your page *Note: Once you become more familiar with your wiki, click on “more options” to use a template, and/or add pages to your created folders.* Please type calendar. Click create page.

40 Add the FrontPage Link Click on FrontPage to add this link to your calendar page for better navigation on your wiki.

41 Insert a calendar Click on Insert Plugin, hover mouse over Office Applications, and select calendar.

42 Calendar Click on “Insert Plugin.” Click “Next,” and “Save.” Click on FrontPage to go back to the main page on your wiki.

43 Organize Your Wiki Click on the Pages & Files tab. Click on New. Select “Create a folder.” Name your folder and press “Enter” from your keyboard.

44 Create a page inside your folder Click on “New.” Click “Create a page.” Name your page. Click “Create page.” Click on “Edit” to edit your page.

45 Edit your page Type all your typing websites. Click “save” when done.

46 Add users to your wiki One way to add users are your colleagues via email. Another way to add users are your students.

47 Colleagues/Students who have an Email Account Click on “Add more users.” Type the email address. Select Permission level. Click Add users.

48 Students Click on “create accounts for your students.”

49 Classroom Accounts

50 Enter their information Click “Continue” to continue.

51 Confirm account details Next, please create accounts.

52 Classroom Accounts Created

53 Printable account list

54 Wiki Settings Click on Colors

55 Add a logo If you would like to add a logo to your wiki.


57 Personalize Your Wiki

58 Access Levels-Administrator As an Administrator, you can rename or delete anything on the workspace. Administrators can add users, change their permission levels or remove them. Admins alone have access to the workspace's Settings page and are also the only ones who can change page and folder level security settings. Admins are the only ones who can see Hidden pages or edit Locked pages.

59 Access Levels-Editors Editors are trusted helpers who are highly privileged Writers. They can rename or delete pages, files and folders. Editors should be highly trusted, since they can delete your data irrevocably.

60 Access Levels-Writers The recommended default for invited users. Writers can edit pages and revert pages to previous versions. They can also upload new files and create new pages. Writers cannot perform any action that cannot be undone.

61 Access Levels-Readers Readers cannot make any modifications at all to a workspace. They can view pages, RSS feeds, and files. They can also see the history of changes that have been made to a page. By default, readers can make comments on a workspace, without being able to edit the workspace itself. This setting can be modified by going to "Settings" and then "Workspace Security."

62 Access Levels-Page Level Only Page-Level-Only users have no special access to any part of the workspace until they are explicitly given access to a page or a folder with the Custom Security setting. This feature allows you to give individual users up to Editor level permissions on a single page (or group of pages in a folder) without giving them access to any other part of the workspace.

63 Create a Page

64 Name your Page

65 Edit Your Page

66 Save Your Page

67 Insert Links

68 Create a Folder

69 Create a new folder

70 Name your folder

71 You are done!

72 Manage Your Folder(s)

73 And So Much More! We will add a calendar, an avatar, wordle, tools, etc.

74 Conclusion A wiki can serve as your classroom website. Your folders can contain websites and/or files that your students can use. Happy Wikiing!

75 References Wikis in Plain English. (n.d.) Retrieved, May 1, from dnL00TdmLY dnL00TdmLY

76 Created By: Marisela Alvarado Computer Teacher and Campus Technology Contact Clint ISD Montana Vista Elementary

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