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Evoked potential B9402040 許瑜真. Definition 生物體在接受特定刺激後,所產生的 electrical potential 強度很低,所以為了過濾掉背景的雜訊, 通常會重複許多次並取平均值 可以用在 : cerebral cortex, brain stem, spinal.

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Presentation on theme: "Evoked potential B9402040 許瑜真. Definition 生物體在接受特定刺激後,所產生的 electrical potential 強度很低,所以為了過濾掉背景的雜訊, 通常會重複許多次並取平均值 可以用在 : cerebral cortex, brain stem, spinal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evoked potential B9402040 許瑜真

2 Definition 生物體在接受特定刺激後,所產生的 electrical potential 強度很低,所以為了過濾掉背景的雜訊, 通常會重複許多次並取平均值 可以用在 : cerebral cortex, brain stem, spinal cord, peripheral nerves 通常用來偵測特定傳導路徑的傳導速度 – Ex. multiple sclerosis 的病人 EP 會 delayed

3 Somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) asses the function of a patient's spinal cord recorded by electricaly stimulating peripheral nerves – posterior tibial nerve, peroneal nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve – recorded from a site on the contralateral parietal area


5 Motor evoked potentials (MEP) direct stimulation of exposed motor cortex, or transcranial stimulation of motor cortex – magnetic or electrical – recorded from muscles is the most practical way to ensure pure motor responses

6 Visual evoked potential (VEP) detecting blindness in patients that cannot communicate; diagnosis of optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis caused by sensory stimulation of a subject's visual field – flashing lights or checkerboards on a video screen – observed using electroencephalography


8 Auditory evoked potential (AEP) assess "brain stem death“ stimulation with brief clicks – observed using electroencephalography auditory stimulation produces very complex waveforms


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