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National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) Presented at.THET CONFERENCE.............................. ANTHONY MASAMBA.

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Presentation on theme: "National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) Presented at.THET CONFERENCE.............................. ANTHONY MASAMBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) Presented at.THET CONFERENCE.............................. ANTHONY MASAMBA

2 Outline of Presentation Country indicators History / Back ground to NONM Role of NONM in the HRH Coalition Successes and Achievements Challenges Next steps for HRH and NONM Conclusion

3 Established in 1979 as a nurses association 2005-06 secretariat & programs established 2006 review of constitution 2007 unionised History

4 COUNTRY INDICATORS Population – 14.3 Million – Annual 2.8% population growth rate (NSO, 2008). Proportion of women and men – Women 51% – Men 49% Maternal mortality rate - 510/100,000 live births HIV rate - 12 % Orphans - 1. 4 Million

5 Vision & mission Vision The vision of the organization is to have a strong, vibrant, and visionary organization that will result in a motivated and empowered nurse/midwife. Mission Our mission is to promote and maintain members’ professional interests and socioeconomic welfare to effectively contribute to quality health care services rendered to the nation.

6 BENEFITS ACCRUED TO CHANGE OF NONM FROM AN ASSOCIATION TO UNION  Recognized and organized voice for nurses and midwives  Affiliation to other unions locally and internationally  Empowerment on membership at all levels.  Establishment of partnerships with government and other stakeholders  Increased revenue generation through membership.

7 CHALLENGES  Perception that Union is equal to strike  Resistance by Government to take on board some NONM concerns and suggestions  Minimal recognition i.e. Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and some hospital management teams  High expectations from other health professionals to benefit from NONM programmes  Shortage of nurses and midwives against population, disease burden and public expectations

8 Successes  NONM & HRH Coalition are a member to several Health Technical Working Groups i.e. Human Resources; Public-Public Partnership (PPP);  Empowering stakeholders and members on labour laws and trade union;  Building capacity to members at all levels through training;  Continuous engagement with Government, donor community and other stakeholders through consultative meetings.

9 Current Status HRH Coalition project implementation New members, active members Evidence-based advocacy to HRH current issues i.e. meetings, site-visits Lobbying & advocacy to decision makers Emerging issues that require lobbying and advocacy by the HRH Coalition i.e. Ebola, Capacity building for nurses and midwives

10 Pillar 5: Promote Amicable Relationship & Partnership with Key Stakeholders

11 Pillar 6: Lobbying and Advocacy

12 5. CORDAID FUNDED PROJECT ON ICT BASED CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) LEARNING FOR NURSE/ MIDWIVES Project Goal Increased productivity and better trained nurses and midwives through easy access to CPD learning. Specific Objectives – Provide e-learning that enables nurses/midwives in remote health centres to access CPD information; – Facilitate e-learning and ICT network through the provision of relevant ICT equipment to health facilities

13 7. CORDAID FUNDED PROJECT ON HRH COALITION – Project Goal: To influence government to increase the health sector budget allocation to at least 15% of total government spending in line with the Abuja Declaration by 2015 Specific objectives: Improving living and working conditions; Promote conducive learning environment; Advocate for incentives for retention; Coordination and capacity of CSO.


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