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Product Investment & Destination Development Tourism as an Engine of Regional Economic Growth. Brussels 27 March 2012 (P2Pstudtours 48006) Aidan Pender.

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Presentation on theme: "Product Investment & Destination Development Tourism as an Engine of Regional Economic Growth. Brussels 27 March 2012 (P2Pstudtours 48006) Aidan Pender."— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Investment & Destination Development Tourism as an Engine of Regional Economic Growth. Brussels 27 March 2012 (P2Pstudtours 48006) Aidan Pender Director, Strategic Development Fáilte Ireland – The National Tourism Development Authority of Ireland © F á ilte Ireland

2 Fáilte Ireland 1. Note on Tourism 2. Comparative Advantage 3. Destination Development 4. Product Development AGENDA

3 1.Destination Development 2. Market Development 3. Enterprise Development 4. Advocacy (Research & Policy) 5. Innovation Corporate Strategy 2010 - 2012

4 1985-2010 Growth in International Tourism Arrivals and Receipts Source: World Tourism Organisation

5 1985-2010 Overseas Visitors to Ireland (000s) Source: Central Statistics Office

6 1985-2009 Length of Stay Central Statistics Office

7 Ethnic Links-US Holiday 19852010 Fáilte Ireland Survey of Overseas Travellers

8 Ethnic Links-British Holiday 19852010 Fáilte Ireland Survey of Overseas Travellers

9 The two dominant drivers of tourism in Europe are Mediterranean Beaches and Alpine Ski Slopes. Despite having neither of these facilities, Irish Tourism punches above its weight in European terms. WHY?

10 Wild Atlantic Way 1. Natural Heritage

11 2. Built Heritage

12 3. Cultural Heritage

13 2006 % 2007 % 2008 % 2009 % 2010 % Products and Other Destination Features Plenty of things to see and don/a8082 85 Safe and secure destination8882858385 Interesting history/culture77 78 80 A new destination to discovern/a7273 75 Good range of historical/cultural attractions7371 73 Suitable for touring7572716872 Easy to travel around the country/ good transport infrastructure n/a 70 72 Range of good quality accommodation6867 68 Opportunity to meet/mix with local peoplen/a596465 Easy to get to6462636765 A variety of high quality foodn/a 6157 Good evening entertainment/nightlife42n/a 4440 Opportunities for outdoor activities4739403638 Festivals and cultural eventsn/a 3330 Importance of Factors in Considering Ireland for a Holiday – Very Important

14 David RicardoMichael Porter It’s Still about Comparative Advantage !!

15 Cultural tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing global tourism markets. Culture and creative industries are increasingly being used to promote destinations and enhance their competitiveness and attractiveness. Many locations are now actively developing their tangible and intangible cultural assets as a means of developing comparative advantages in an increasingly competitive tourism marketplace, and to create local distinctiveness in the face of globalisation.

16 Hotspot Analysis – Tourism Densities

17 Consumer Patterns Mobile Phone Tracking

18 Destination Development – Process Steps Map It. Inventorise It. Structure It. Service It. Measure It. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


20 Access & Infrastructure Public Art Public Realm Product Investment Insight & Innovation Enterprise Supports Food & Accommodation Litter Customer Service Quality & Standards Culture Traffic Management Web e-business Social Media Marketing Business Advice Sports GAA Public Order Festivals & Events Landscapes & Streetscapes (Business) Chamber of Commerce Water & Air Quality Sense of Place Civil Society Local Government A Distinctive Destination Tourism Development The Destination “Mosaic”

21 Fáilte Ireland Primary Demand Things to See Things to Do Cultural Tourism Derived Demand Hotels Bars Restaurants Carts & Horses !

22 Fáilte Ireland Heritage Assets may be …. Tangible Explicit Intangible Implicit How to explicate the Implicit?


24 Mayo Greenway - Before

25 Mayo Greenway - After

26 Castletown House

27 Product Investment


29 FESTIVAL SUPPORT Macnas Festival Parade – The Wild Hunt

30 Fáilte Ireland Pageantry & Animation

31 Fáilte Ireland Physical Access Intellectual Access X X A Tourism Double “Lock Out” ?

32 A Metaphor for Irish Tourism?


34 Fáilte Ireland Some Questions for Discussion. 1.Is there consensus on Iceland’s comparative advantage in Tourism? 2.Is it a single source of comparative advantage, or is it multi-dimensional? 3.If the latter, what is the single strongest source of comparative advantage? 4.Has this source of comparative advantage been fully exploited – or is there more to be done? 5.If the latter, what remains to be done? 6.Does the state have a role to play in exploiting this comparative advantage? 7.Is there a balance to be maintained between “market development” and “product development”? 8.Is it easier to call for more “market development” … (i.e.) more advertising spend? Might “product development” require some harder thinking and more careful project management”? 9.Is there any chance that calls for more marketing might be just a first impulse … and a way of avoiding the harder thinking involved in “tourism product development”? 10.In many countries & regions, tourism can descend into an Industry of “advertising junkies” – could this happen in Iceland?!

35 Thank You For Your Time.

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